Guess what.....ok so I'm guessing the title may give it a way a bit. But Yes, Victim 2 is back. In fact she reminded me, of one thing. She said "Wasn't it Nagging Sister, that started all this jogging malarky" And I said "yes, she heaped tons of guilt stuff on me when she said we should all run the Race For Life 5K" "Mmmm" Said Vic.2 "And she said we would all wear tee shirts with pics of mum on us" Its true. Its all Nagging Sisters fault that I am where I am now, obsessed with jogging and cycling! "And where is Nagging Sister?" says Vic.2 Well she certainly isn't with us! and she wasn't with me yesterday when she said she would be. And she wonders why she is shall I say this, wanting to borrow my clothes (I know know she wouldn't want to, but you get the gist) Any way, here is a pic of us all when we did the race for life in 2008

But anyway, I am trying to slim down me blogs, so lets have another go. Vic.2 was determined to do 2 miles. I had plotted out a nice route that took us through Jubilee park, because she does like to run on grass out Vic.2. But as we were heading on up to the entrance, she changed her mind. "I don't think I can do 2 miles" she said. So a quick change of plan and its going to be the route where we go down Parkfield and through the park home. It's a tad shorter than what I had in mind. But I think Vic.2 Thinks its only about a mile. I shall tell her its a mile and three quarters when we are head on the homeward stretch!
We had to have a walking bit, Vic.2 is really feeling the lack of jogging. Apparently she has only been out once this year, and that was with Nagging Sister, yes Nagging Sis did go out jogging. But the pair of them only did once around Normans Park!
I just said, take your time, go at your own pace (Is that how it goes Naggy Neighbour?) After a short walk we started jogging again. And that's the way it went pretty much from here till the end. We jogged and walked, and jogged and walked. Vic.2 was very apologetic. I just said no problems. It seems strange that this girl here beat me on the 5K in 2010! And now it seems like I'm jogging with a different girl. See, people, the saying 'Use it or lose it' really is true!
Here, this is a pic of Vic.2 with her well earned beer after the 2010 R.F.L. and a pic of me as well, so as not to be too mean to Vic.2 and of course I was last on that day!

At one point Vic.2 even thought she felt nauseous. I can relate to that. I have had that feeling only twice, and it's not nice. But it does show that you are pushing yourself. "Go at your pace" I said to her, "Head up, shoulders back, get your breathing under control" Naggy Neighbour would be proud of me!
We got through the park and was running down Whitebeam. "Right, no stopping now" I said in my best nagging voice, although I'm sure I sounded a little too apologetic. "Yes boss" said Vic.2. By now she was bright red, even I had a bit of a sweat on, it was a lovely morning, sun shining brightly, just a slight breeze. I'm sure she can make it all the home from here.
Down my road now, "nearly there" I said to her "Keep it going, don't stop" She managed another "Yes boss"
We made it to my house, Vic.2 was puffing out her backside, but I'm sure she is pleased with her effort, at least she will be a bit later on when she realises what she has achieved. I did some stretching exercises with her, the static stretches that we were showed last night at club night. She even complained about those! Tut, I should have made her do them while still moving her feet like we did!
Well done Vic.2 and welcome back to the madness,......haaaa hhaaaaa oohh oooh (that's supposed to be an evil laugh by the way, reminiscent of Dr. Evil in Austine Powers movies)
Geeky stats.
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