Hello bloggees,
I went jogging this evening not with one but with two fellow joggers. Naggy neighbour and Hitchhiker, (I must think of a new name for her. Hitchhiker text me earlier in the day to say that she need to go out jogging, she had been missing out on the last couple of weeks due child care issues! Then later on Naggy said could go out for a jog, and can you believe it they both said the same time, 5:30. So I had to do it. Too spooky not to go out.
And now I know why I had to go out with the two of them at the same time, they had found an Alie in each other! They both can nag me at the same time. I'm sure Hitchhiker now knows that she can nag me silly, and that she should let me get away with walking, whenever we go out running together.
It was a warm muggy day out, and all three of us have different length sleeves on, Naggy with long sleeves, and long joggers, Hitchhiker with her tee shirt and shorts, and me in sleeveless top and my long joggers. I'm sure it won't make any difference to our running. It will still be me at the back, moaning like anything!
"Where shall we go" says Naggy, neither me or Hitchhiker had any plans. "Well, I'm sure we can run for 3 or 4 miles" I said to her. She thought about it and the said "Nah, you can do up to five miles" and with that she was off, Hitchhiker saying things like "Did I tell you I have not been out for a couple of weeks" and "Did I tell you that I had a broken toe as well" I just looked at her sympathetically and Naggy said "That don't wash with me, you ask the Old Girl" And we all headed off towards the path that leads to T.A.L. but then turned left through the park.
"I know where your heading for, it has hills, doesn't it?" I said, "Have to have a little hill" she says, "Come on this is fun" she says enthusiastically. The man and young girl waiting to go through gate said "I don't see much laughing going on" Me and Hitchhiker must have looked a bit scared at the thought of hills!
But as it happened, we wasn't going up the hill that I first thought of. We did go up the A21 but then turned right as we got to the round about. I had horrible thoughts that we were going to head up to the end of this road, right up into Petts Wood. Its a daunting thought. Its a long road, a long straight up hill road! But that wasn't was Naggy had in mind.
"We're going to cross over in a bit and turn left, ok girls?" Hitchhiker gave a full sentence, I just said yes. Then I was asked if I was ok, and I said "Yes" "If you're still talking, then you're just fine" Said...... wait for it, Hitchhiker! That's right, "Well said" naggy says to her! There, Naggy now has her Alie!!!
We turned left and went up the road that we normally run down! I was struggling, as usual. I am beginning to think that the last run with Petts Wood runners must have been a fluke! Or that just everything was perfect for that run. The weather, the time, the fact that I didn't have 3 pints of lager the day before! But today I was struggling again, my usual 'I can't run the whole thing' moan coming from my rather red sweaty face now.
But Naggy was kind to me, we only went to the first round about and then turned right. But I didn't realise this, I was still thinking we were heading towards Bickely Manor round about. I was quite surprised to see us further down the road we were going to run down. A nice surprise I might add. "But no more stopping now, I have been nice to you remember" says Naggy. I just let the two of the keep in front of me, chatting, ......chatting, I can barely make an audible grunt now, and those two were chatting! "I'm used to daggers in my back" I heard Naggy say to Hitchhiker, without so much of a resemblance of breathlessness, and Hitchhiker replied almost exactly the same! Well, they are both so much younger than me, and Hitchhiker has those legs!!
We were going to through the local park, and not up Southborough lane. I was so pleased with that. Soon be home, soon be able to rest my legs, which has developed a slight pain just under my knee. Hopefully, nothing serious, just general legs complaining!
We got back home, and I even had a tiny, tiny bit left for a small, sprint. A walk around the block, say cheerio to Hitchhiker and then some stretches. And then the smile.
It really does sound as if I don't enjoy my running, but I really do! And I appreciate all the help that my Naggy gives me as well! And she does give me tons of it. She could run rings around me, yet she sticks by me and encourages me to do well. I we really do have fun while out jogging, all of us do. I always look forward to my next jog, and always try and push through the 'I can't do it' feelings.
Anyway Geeky stats
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