Thursday, 12 May 2011

Here I Am!

Hello bloggers,

I bet you all thought "Oh thank goodness, she's giving up jogging, riding and blogging" Well as you can see I haven't, I'm still here and still jogging and blogging!

Sunday was the last time I blogged, but I did do a club run on Tuesday, we ran for 3.48 miles in 44 minutes. I just never got around to blogging it. There was an ATM after the run, and that didn't finish till gone 10, so by the time I got home I was pretty tired and aching from sitting in those chairs! I just had shower and up to my room.

Wednesday was a quiet day, exercises wise that is, having two toddlers around is hardly a quiet day!

But today it was back into the swing of things. I decided to choose somewhere to head for, then choose a different way of getting there from previous ways, and then come back. I didn't 'map out' the route, I would just check out the Garmin when I got home. But I was guessing it wasn't going to be much over 4 miles or so, I am getting ok'ish guessing distances, but, please don't quote me on that!

I had a sleeveless top on when I opened the door, I looked up at the sky, felt the wind and immediately came back into get changed! It was a bit breezy! And a little chilly! A short sleeve top would suit better. I set off for TAL, oh, how sweet is those three letters T.A.L. My first solo out and back, when I first started way back in 2008! In those days it took me 17 mins to complete the out and back! Today, getting to Turn Around Lamppost it took me 6 mins 47 secs! I touched it as I ran passed, remembering the old days when I used to cling on to it for dear life, wishing there was an oxygen pump attached to it! And now here I was breezing passed it, still not even breathless! That's progress there. Just that little distance was enough of a confidence boost to keep me going and smiling! Yes, I am definitely improving!

On towards the A21 and then I shall turn right and head for Normans Park. Once around the park and then back down Southborough, is what I was thinking. There wasn't that many joggers out there today, just me and one other. I suppose running at noon is probably not the most sensible thing to do, but the weather was cooling down. I looked up at the sky and I could see small black clouds just blocking the sun. I was wondering if I would get home before they dropped the 'cargo' they were carrying!

Plenty of dog walkers in the park today, huge dogs! I was quite pleased they were all well behaved. I know some dogs see a person running and want to run along and jump up at them! Still, can't think of that, I'm sure they wouldn't bring mis-behaved dogs into the park, would they?

Out of the park now. I had a couple of options I was thinking about. Nothing to strenuous, but as I was running along the A21 towards Crown Lane spur and Southborough, I was thinking "Shall I go down Greenway and then passed the Astley centre, or shall I go straight up and then down passed the Billet" Decisions, decisions. I decided to go passed the Billet

Running down Southborough Lane and I passed the pub. I could see the bouncy castle in the garden, a nice place to have a drink with friends and let the kids play in the garden while you watch. I got a little bit upset as I was running passed as I thought about how much I have missed my grandson and his mum. The tears poured down my face as I ran and ran, blurring my vision. I was hoping no-body noticed the sadness I felt was etched on my face. I was glad I remembered my hankie today, very useful for noses sweat and tears! Eww, I know how that sounds, but when your out running you don't worry about that, and you cant carry a hankie for noses, one for your brown and another for tears! So long as you can see, and the nose is clear, is all your think about when out running!

If I was feeling really brave I thought I could carry on straight down the road and go to Oxhawth! Needless to say, couch potato head read her ugly head again and said "Ah, surely you done enough, lets get back for a cuppa" So instead of 1 mile left to go I did the .75 of a mile. I should have been braver I know. I think there will always be a little bit of residue couch potato where ever I go!

A good run today, I quite like thinking of a place to go and then get there in a different way. Just keeps things a little bit interesting, and of course there is always scope to change things, add extra bits to run or even to take bits off the run! I am quite looking forward to my next run! Lets see where I end up!

Geeky stats.

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