Hello blog lovers.
Today, as you all should know by now, is my running with the club. And also today the sports injury chap was there to give us some good advice, about our spines, and how we should look after them and stuff like that. Mmmm, I was wondering then if my posture when I run was causing that weird pain in my back, the stitch like feeling, but in my back! I know Naggy is always telling me, "Head up, shoulders back, don't slouch" I can hear her now as I write that.
Anyway, there was a lot to get through before we were all ready for our run, congrats to the new team leaders, and forms to fill in for the clubs Grand Prix...... I know, sounds a bit posh, don't it. But the first race is a 10K this Sunday, I don't think I am ready for that just yet. We set off, setting my Garmin, hearing its little beep as we ran towards gate, and the road to begin our run.
We were doing a route that we had done previously, so I shall be able to compare the times and splits when I get back home and upload my geeky stats. Surely there has to be some improvement. It was quite chilly out this evening, but I am getting quite the professional runner, I put two tops on today, a vest top and my long sleeved top because I know I am going to get warm as I jog through the woods. And, the run leader did say we were going to go straight up and then turn right. I know exactly where she is taking us, and its up to Botony Bay Road, up that steep hill. I am determined that I am going to run the whole thing this time, At least to the first stop, no walking on the hill.
I did it, I was so pleased, I checked my Garmin to see what time we had done that bit in.......Darn it. I didn't press start!! What the beep was I don't know, it may have been someone elses Garmin that I heard! Duh, another blond moment for me today, one of quite a few today, I might add! Lease of all getting up, getting ready and waiting for a little child to turn up to my house, only to be reminded that I didn't actually have him today, I had the day off! Duh! Big Duh, still at lease I was up and used that time to do my tax returns.
I know, I am waffling, but it's better than sitting there telling myself what a total ditz I am. So my Geeky stats will start at Botony Bay Road. I did, walk some of the hill getting up to the pub, The Tigers Head, mmmmmm, lager!!!!! corrrrrahhhggh... I am sorry, too many Homer moments recently! I am going to have to get back on the programme! It was tough going. I could hear some of the other ladies today saying that they really were 'feeling it' today. Maybe it's the weather that is getting us a bit down, bring on the sunshine please!
I was at the back of the pack now, but not completely! I was quite pleased with that. But I knew if I didn't keep the pace then I could quite easily be there. At the top of the road there was another stop, an official stop, just so that we could all regroup, and get the directions for the next bit. It's getting a little darker, what with the threat of rain as well, so it will be good to know at least which direction to run for.
We were going through the woods. These woods are down hill, and it feels great to be running down hill. I was still at the back, I could hear voices, but I think they were the back markers! I have to at least keep in front of them! We were running quite fast through this bit of the woods, and maybe the dog that jumped up at one of the runners just wanted to join in. It was a big dog! just as well the owner had a lead on the thing. But I looked at my Garmin, I looked at the pace we were running this particular mile in, I was gobsmacked! No wonder I was feeling particularly puffed out, and that darn pain across my back was niggling me again!
I started to walk for a bit, and the two back markers told me to go at my own pace. They carried on chatting as we walked for just a little be more. I started to run again, determined to catch up to the pack. But they had another short stop to gather in the stragglers......oh, yes, that will be me!
A change of back markers again, and its the group leader who will be 'sweeping up the rest'. From here till we got back to Willet Way rec, there were two ladies, one lady, and me taking it in turns to be at the back, we stopped, they passed we all jogged they stopped, I passed. It was like that all the way to Petts Wood Road. When there was a particularly steep down hill part, the two ladies were behind me, the one lady was in front of me along with the group leader. They were not going as fast as I would like! Can you believe I just wrote that?! They were not running as fast as i would like! The hill was just too good not to take advantage of. Lovely long strides that takes you miles down hill, eating up the pavement. I passed the group leader, and I am sure the one lady did as well! She is doing really well, she has only been 3 times, only just put in for membership, but it looks as if she will do really well. Of course she is young, so her fitness will come on leaps and bounds. Oh yes, also when we were at the top of this road we saw another group of PWR running the opposite way, They had obviously just ran up this road as part of the last mile or so of their run! Running Up hill, at the end of their run!! Are they crazy!!
Just the last road now, and not only do I have to worry about that niggling pain in my back, but now I have developed a stitch! I squeeze the stitch and try and run through it. I can see all the group one runners turning left into the rec. Not far now, I could feel my self getting slower as I try and beat the stitch in submission, and try to run as far into the park as I can. Switch off my Garmin, at least I remembered to do that. And then a quick word with the sports injury guy about my glutes!! I was hoping it was to help with my gluttony, and he can tell me how many choccie bars I could eat to how many miles I have to run to counter act it!
So geeky stats. And remember there is a missing mile. A mile that included me running up the hill! It would have showed that, no sop!! Oh well, I shall put this blond day away.
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