Sunday, 15 May 2011

Eating Weekend = Sluggish Run!

Hello bloggees.

Yup, this weekend was all about food! Its nice to have a blow out sometimes! I think I have had a few lately though!

Yesterday (Saturday) I was stuck in a training room for most of the day practice my C.P.R on some mannikin's, so the Old Boy said he would treat me to a nice dinner for the evening. And Oh boy was it tasty! We had the works, 3 courses! How I managed to eat it I don't know, but it had to be done.

Today I had my daugter and the little dude for dinner,....... no, I didn't eat them! Such an old joke!!!...... and my mother in law as well. So I thought I would do the veggies and get out for a run. I shall let Naggy and Hitchy go later on their own, (although Hitchy said she was a bit scared) So she should be! Naggy doesn't take any prisoners.

Veggies more or less done I got changed into my jogging gear and as I was about to go out the little dude was at the door! But I had to go out, I needed a good run before I put more food in side of me! So a quick kiss, then off I went. I got to the corner of my road and then realised what I was going to do before I opened the door to my daughter...... use the loo! I knew I wouldn't make it all the way round so I turned back and ran home again.

Things sorted again and I was out the door, with another kiss from the little dude, and timer started again! As I said, its only going to be a short run, and I decided on running my old usual route.

I had my Ipod in, and my grandsons wet kiss still on my check and I was heading for Southborough lane, smiling! Just love that little boy! And now I have a smile on face as I run! Brilliant. I was running quite fast, it must be the happiness I am feeling, so I slow down at bit, I don't want to burn myself out. Running down Oxhawth now, and towards the end I see someone I knew, she stopped me and chatted for a few seconds. "Your doing well with your running" she says, "And you've lost loads of weight too" Well, my face was an even bigger smile now. It does you good to hear stuff like that.

so I ran on towards Southborough, and headed on up to Turpinington lane, thinking of my little grandson at home with his mum. And the lovely roast dinner we will all be sharing, and another delicious pudding for after! Running along Greenway and thinking of Magpiehall Lane now, I need to get up there in one go, that has become a must in my head as I was running along I know I had a couple of stops already, but not on Magpie,that is going to be all in one go.

I managed it, well almost. I got to just before the corner of Holbrook when I developed this pain at the back of me, stretching across my back! I stopped running and it eased off. I walked for a few paces and it went away, so I started to run again and then felt it again! What is that pain? It's nothing that I have felt before. I don't think I have overstretched anything, or been to energetic, but flippin nora, its don't feel good. So I started to walk for a bit, I walked up Holbrook, and I was thinking that maybe I should go through the park, even more of a short run than anticipated. But I decided to hell with it! I shall run through it, see if it disperses like it does when I walk. So I started running, the pain in my back threatening to stop me again, but I carried on!

Do you know, it worked! I know I have told other people not to run if they develop a pain, but this pain that I had felt like it needed to be run through, strange as that seemes. So I ran back down Southborough, and down Oxhawth. I even run up the small incline just before I turn right down Farringdon.

It wasn't a brilliant time, but it was still under 40 mins, which I was quite pleased about, even after the pain issue I had.

geeky stats

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