Hello bloggees.
How I am writing a blog today is any ones guess. Had a fantastic night out last night with the girls, had a few too many sherbets, plus food, plus more food at kicking out time at 3 o'clock in the morning!
But Hitchy and Naggy were willing to go, so I must show willing really, even though Hitchy wanted to ditch it and go straight to the pub. But I said "No, lets do the interval running, like I did on Thursday with the running club".......yeah right! Totally different from what I did on Thursday. Thursday I could get away with murder, because there were more bodies to watch, and as I got lapped by everyone, I'm sure Coach couldn't tell strong>exactly what position I was in anyway! but being as there was only me, Naggy and Hitchy there was no hiding place, even though I was behind her most of the time!
I was really suffering from the hangover, but I thought a run would do me good! Oh my goodness was I wrong! Especially as I was thinking interval running would be fairly easy as I said to Hitchy. We did a warm up lap of Nor mas. I couldn't even keep up with that! My head thumped with every footstep that landed on the tarmac, so I ran on the grass. That didn't work either! This is going to be one long, painful session today. But there is a very good light at the end of the tunnel, we were going to the pub after, for just one drink! Hair of the dog, as they say.
So after the lap for the warm up, I caught Naggy and Hitchy up, ......well they stopped running and waited for me..... and then naggy unleash her fiendish plan. No only was the first lap a warm up, it was also Naggy's reconnaissance lap, so that she could find points to do our interval training. She says "Its better to have something to visualise on rather than the timer!
So from one carpark to the other, her plan began! "Jog to the bench" she says, divulging her plan, and was that an evil glint in her eye, "then from there a fast sprint to the bin" But not only does she want us to do a fast sprint, its a fast sprint as fast as we can go sprint! "So that there is nothing left in you legs"
Well, the first sprint came up, and Naggy and Hitchy took off like there was a grizzly old bear behind them! I was eating double dust!, Then the jogging bit. No walking, oh know. this is a jogging running interval running. We only ran for about a minute, maybe even less, I don't know. But I have never ran fast before in my life! I don't do fast, never have done! Nothing I ever do is done in haste! So this was truly a shock to the system! We did about 3 fast runs (?) I am not sure now, before we got to the other carpark. Then it was turn around, and go back the same way to the other carpark, doing exactly the same! And of course, by then we still have to jog out to Naggys car, which is in the carpack that we just left to do the second leg of intervals.
On the way back, the second lot of intervals, I felt as if I was about to throw up. Naggy is very caring in situations like that "No, throwing up, come on move it!" I tried very hard to focus, even Hitchy was walking along side me when we should have been doing the slow jogging!, "Lets just power walk" she says, as if Naggy is not going to no the difference!
I was so pleased to get the second lot of intervals out of the way and we only had to jog for hal a mile more to get back to the car! Then its down the pub for a well earned pint!
Interval running is not easy, not when Naggy is training! But in some perverse way, I enjoyed it! I felt like I had done something that I haven't done before! Run fast! I think next time we do that, I shall push myself even harder!....... There is just no hope for me now bloggers, I have been brainwashed. I truly believe that I enjoy all the tortuous exercise that I am doing!
Geeky stats. Well, I wish I could, I wish I could say that I didn't have another blond moment, but I can't. I had my Garmin on, got it already, switched on, but then it bleeped because we were still in my house!, and I took it off! Don't know why! I blame the alcohol lol. Oooo, talking about alcohol, it was straging down the pub from here for a couple of pints, where we met up with the Old Boy!
So till next time blogees!
I am loving running. I can say that with almost true conviction. After all, if I didn't love it, then I wouldn't still be writing this blog, right? So dive in, enjoy the ramblings of my open diary.
Sunday, 22 May 2011
Friday, 20 May 2011
Yeah, Vic. 2 Is Back!
Hello blogges,
Guess what.....ok so I'm guessing the title may give it a way a bit. But Yes, Victim 2 is back. In fact she reminded me, of one thing. She said "Wasn't it Nagging Sister, that started all this jogging malarky" And I said "yes, she heaped tons of guilt stuff on me when she said we should all run the Race For Life 5K" "Mmmm" Said Vic.2 "And she said we would all wear tee shirts with pics of mum on us" Its true. Its all Nagging Sisters fault that I am where I am now, obsessed with jogging and cycling! "And where is Nagging Sister?" says Vic.2 Well she certainly isn't with us! and she wasn't with me yesterday when she said she would be. And she wonders why she is getting......how shall I say this, wanting to borrow my clothes (I know know she wouldn't want to, but you get the gist) Any way, here is a pic of us all when we did the race for life in 2008

But anyway, I am trying to slim down me blogs, so lets have another go. Vic.2 was determined to do 2 miles. I had plotted out a nice route that took us through Jubilee park, because she does like to run on grass out Vic.2. But as we were heading on up to the entrance, she changed her mind. "I don't think I can do 2 miles" she said. So a quick change of plan and its going to be the route where we go down Parkfield and through the park home. It's a tad shorter than what I had in mind. But I think Vic.2 Thinks its only about a mile. I shall tell her its a mile and three quarters when we are head on the homeward stretch!
We had to have a walking bit, Vic.2 is really feeling the lack of jogging. Apparently she has only been out once this year, and that was with Nagging Sister, yes Nagging Sis did go out jogging. But the pair of them only did once around Normans Park!
I just said, take your time, go at your own pace (Is that how it goes Naggy Neighbour?) After a short walk we started jogging again. And that's the way it went pretty much from here till the end. We jogged and walked, and jogged and walked. Vic.2 was very apologetic. I just said no problems. It seems strange that this girl here beat me on the 5K in 2010! And now it seems like I'm jogging with a different girl. See, people, the saying 'Use it or lose it' really is true!
Here, this is a pic of Vic.2 with her well earned beer after the 2010 R.F.L. and a pic of me as well, so as not to be too mean to Vic.2 and of course I was last on that day!

At one point Vic.2 even thought she felt nauseous. I can relate to that. I have had that feeling only twice, and it's not nice. But it does show that you are pushing yourself. "Go at your pace" I said to her, "Head up, shoulders back, get your breathing under control" Naggy Neighbour would be proud of me!
We got through the park and was running down Whitebeam. "Right, no stopping now" I said in my best nagging voice, although I'm sure I sounded a little too apologetic. "Yes boss" said Vic.2. By now she was bright red, even I had a bit of a sweat on, it was a lovely morning, sun shining brightly, just a slight breeze. I'm sure she can make it all the home from here.
Down my road now, "nearly there" I said to her "Keep it going, don't stop" She managed another "Yes boss"
We made it to my house, Vic.2 was puffing out her backside, but I'm sure she is pleased with her effort, at least she will be a bit later on when she realises what she has achieved. I did some stretching exercises with her, the static stretches that we were showed last night at club night. She even complained about those! Tut, I should have made her do them while still moving her feet like we did!
Well done Vic.2 and welcome back to the madness,......haaaa hhaaaaa oohh oooh (that's supposed to be an evil laugh by the way, reminiscent of Dr. Evil in Austine Powers movies)
Geeky stats.
Guess what.....ok so I'm guessing the title may give it a way a bit. But Yes, Victim 2 is back. In fact she reminded me, of one thing. She said "Wasn't it Nagging Sister, that started all this jogging malarky" And I said "yes, she heaped tons of guilt stuff on me when she said we should all run the Race For Life 5K" "Mmmm" Said Vic.2 "And she said we would all wear tee shirts with pics of mum on us" Its true. Its all Nagging Sisters fault that I am where I am now, obsessed with jogging and cycling! "And where is Nagging Sister?" says Vic.2 Well she certainly isn't with us! and she wasn't with me yesterday when she said she would be. And she wonders why she is getting......how shall I say this, wanting to borrow my clothes (I know know she wouldn't want to, but you get the gist) Any way, here is a pic of us all when we did the race for life in 2008

But anyway, I am trying to slim down me blogs, so lets have another go. Vic.2 was determined to do 2 miles. I had plotted out a nice route that took us through Jubilee park, because she does like to run on grass out Vic.2. But as we were heading on up to the entrance, she changed her mind. "I don't think I can do 2 miles" she said. So a quick change of plan and its going to be the route where we go down Parkfield and through the park home. It's a tad shorter than what I had in mind. But I think Vic.2 Thinks its only about a mile. I shall tell her its a mile and three quarters when we are head on the homeward stretch!
We had to have a walking bit, Vic.2 is really feeling the lack of jogging. Apparently she has only been out once this year, and that was with Nagging Sister, yes Nagging Sis did go out jogging. But the pair of them only did once around Normans Park!
I just said, take your time, go at your own pace (Is that how it goes Naggy Neighbour?) After a short walk we started jogging again. And that's the way it went pretty much from here till the end. We jogged and walked, and jogged and walked. Vic.2 was very apologetic. I just said no problems. It seems strange that this girl here beat me on the 5K in 2010! And now it seems like I'm jogging with a different girl. See, people, the saying 'Use it or lose it' really is true!
Here, this is a pic of Vic.2 with her well earned beer after the 2010 R.F.L. and a pic of me as well, so as not to be too mean to Vic.2 and of course I was last on that day!

At one point Vic.2 even thought she felt nauseous. I can relate to that. I have had that feeling only twice, and it's not nice. But it does show that you are pushing yourself. "Go at your pace" I said to her, "Head up, shoulders back, get your breathing under control" Naggy Neighbour would be proud of me!
We got through the park and was running down Whitebeam. "Right, no stopping now" I said in my best nagging voice, although I'm sure I sounded a little too apologetic. "Yes boss" said Vic.2. By now she was bright red, even I had a bit of a sweat on, it was a lovely morning, sun shining brightly, just a slight breeze. I'm sure she can make it all the home from here.
Down my road now, "nearly there" I said to her "Keep it going, don't stop" She managed another "Yes boss"
We made it to my house, Vic.2 was puffing out her backside, but I'm sure she is pleased with her effort, at least she will be a bit later on when she realises what she has achieved. I did some stretching exercises with her, the static stretches that we were showed last night at club night. She even complained about those! Tut, I should have made her do them while still moving her feet like we did!
Well done Vic.2 and welcome back to the madness,......haaaa hhaaaaa oohh oooh (that's supposed to be an evil laugh by the way, reminiscent of Dr. Evil in Austine Powers movies)
Geeky stats.
Thursday, 19 May 2011
Whistle Down The Wind.
Hello bloggers.
Well, today I remembered that my running club were doing these extra work out days on a Thursday, until the August. I was quite pleased with my self for remembering!
It had been a lovely day all day, I was supposed to have met Nagging Sister earlier for a 1 mile jog, but, after today's workout I was pretty glad I didn't! The weather had turned slightly, a little chilly and a little windy. So long sleeves but, being clever I still put a vest top on underneath.
There wasn't many people there, and I'm sure I didn't recognise any from my group one, but I wouldn't let that affect me, this is a club training night, and we all stick together, at the rec. The coach said that he noticed that I right this 'ere blog, "I see you got a running blog Old Girl" he said, I knew what was coming next, it's what everyone says when they first see my blogs, (and its usually the last time they see my blogs) "They go on a bit!" he says! I think I should work on that. After all, my inches from my body are going down, I should try and trim my blogs!
So Coach says "We will run around the pitch twice as a warm up, off we go" and so we did. I was in the middle of the group, there must be at least 15 people here, but even before we started to take the first left they were all passing me. Their warm up was my fast running. Needless to say I was last back to the start point.
"Now for some dynamic stretching exercises" said The coach, he said that we were to run to the 'Crease' (which was roped off, before all you cricket fans take umbrage) We ran fast, I think, I cant remember now, oh yes, butt kicks! that was it, and then we did side steps to the 'crease' and back and then the other leg. And then he had us running backwards! I have trouble running forwards, yet here I was running backwards!
Then, after that, it was some lunches....no, nom no, I'm thinking food again, it was lunges, and squats to get our muscles ready for the torture. I think coach called it......'Interval Running!' Which consisted of, 1 min of fast running, 1 min of slow jogging, 1 min fast 1 min slow, 1 min fast then 3 min of slow jogging. I could have that all wrong by now. All I could remember was coach and his whistle! When we hear the whistle then we run fast, them slow then fast. etc.I heard it, I heard the whistle go. The first few times I knew what I was doing, but after that I had to watch what the others did, whether they slowed down or ran fast, and if in doubt, I breathlessly said "Fast?" and them given the answer. I am sure Coach was blowing his whistle half way through the slow paced minutes.
The pitch that we run around is about 800 metres, I'm sure that's right, but the runners all lapped me, AT LEAST TWICE the fitter runners must have lapped me at least six times, at least, I think, I stopped counting after that. Its a good job we were staying in the ground, because I would be totally lost if we were running through the streets or woods.
One young lady did give me false information, towards the end. She told me that "this is the last fast minute, them its done" But we still had one more rep to do! I was exhausted. And it just shows me how ..... mmmmm, not as fit as as the others I am. I was going to say unfit. But compared to this time last year, and this time two years ago, I am a lot fitter. So no putting myself down. Positive thinking!
Afterward the torture...sorry the interval running another chap was going to show us some stretches to do so that we don't hurt after or tomorrow even! He had us with our hands stretched out, 'pushing' side to side. I looked around and thought "The only thing missing was a Stone Henge type of structure in the middle of our cicle! It looked quite amusing really. What the general public thought would be interesting to know!
Wow what a workout, can't wait till next time! Yup, so hooked on this running cycling, keep fit malarky!
So all done. Now, lets check that I 'slimmed' down my blog......
Well, that deffo looks less inches to me!! Miracles can happen! I think I better stop now before it gets long again.
Well, today I remembered that my running club were doing these extra work out days on a Thursday, until the August. I was quite pleased with my self for remembering!
It had been a lovely day all day, I was supposed to have met Nagging Sister earlier for a 1 mile jog, but, after today's workout I was pretty glad I didn't! The weather had turned slightly, a little chilly and a little windy. So long sleeves but, being clever I still put a vest top on underneath.
There wasn't many people there, and I'm sure I didn't recognise any from my group one, but I wouldn't let that affect me, this is a club training night, and we all stick together, at the rec. The coach said that he noticed that I right this 'ere blog, "I see you got a running blog Old Girl" he said, I knew what was coming next, it's what everyone says when they first see my blogs, (and its usually the last time they see my blogs) "They go on a bit!" he says! I think I should work on that. After all, my inches from my body are going down, I should try and trim my blogs!
So Coach says "We will run around the pitch twice as a warm up, off we go" and so we did. I was in the middle of the group, there must be at least 15 people here, but even before we started to take the first left they were all passing me. Their warm up was my fast running. Needless to say I was last back to the start point.
"Now for some dynamic stretching exercises" said The coach, he said that we were to run to the 'Crease' (which was roped off, before all you cricket fans take umbrage) We ran fast, I think, I cant remember now, oh yes, butt kicks! that was it, and then we did side steps to the 'crease' and back and then the other leg. And then he had us running backwards! I have trouble running forwards, yet here I was running backwards!
Then, after that, it was some lunches....no, nom no, I'm thinking food again, it was lunges, and squats to get our muscles ready for the torture. I think coach called it......'Interval Running!' Which consisted of, 1 min of fast running, 1 min of slow jogging, 1 min fast 1 min slow, 1 min fast then 3 min of slow jogging. I could have that all wrong by now. All I could remember was coach and his whistle! When we hear the whistle then we run fast, them slow then fast. etc.I heard it, I heard the whistle go. The first few times I knew what I was doing, but after that I had to watch what the others did, whether they slowed down or ran fast, and if in doubt, I breathlessly said "Fast?" and them given the answer. I am sure Coach was blowing his whistle half way through the slow paced minutes.
The pitch that we run around is about 800 metres, I'm sure that's right, but the runners all lapped me, AT LEAST TWICE the fitter runners must have lapped me at least six times, at least, I think, I stopped counting after that. Its a good job we were staying in the ground, because I would be totally lost if we were running through the streets or woods.
One young lady did give me false information, towards the end. She told me that "this is the last fast minute, them its done" But we still had one more rep to do! I was exhausted. And it just shows me how ..... mmmmm, not as fit as as the others I am. I was going to say unfit. But compared to this time last year, and this time two years ago, I am a lot fitter. So no putting myself down. Positive thinking!
Afterward the torture...sorry the interval running another chap was going to show us some stretches to do so that we don't hurt after or tomorrow even! He had us with our hands stretched out, 'pushing' side to side. I looked around and thought "The only thing missing was a Stone Henge type of structure in the middle of our cicle! It looked quite amusing really. What the general public thought would be interesting to know!
Wow what a workout, can't wait till next time! Yup, so hooked on this running cycling, keep fit malarky!
So all done. Now, lets check that I 'slimmed' down my blog......
Well, that deffo looks less inches to me!! Miracles can happen! I think I better stop now before it gets long again.
Tuesday, 17 May 2011
The Missing Mile!
Hello blog lovers.
Today, as you all should know by now, is my running with the club. And also today the sports injury chap was there to give us some good advice, about our spines, and how we should look after them and stuff like that. Mmmm, I was wondering then if my posture when I run was causing that weird pain in my back, the stitch like feeling, but in my back! I know Naggy is always telling me, "Head up, shoulders back, don't slouch" I can hear her now as I write that.
Anyway, there was a lot to get through before we were all ready for our run, congrats to the new team leaders, and forms to fill in for the clubs Grand Prix...... I know, sounds a bit posh, don't it. But the first race is a 10K this Sunday, I don't think I am ready for that just yet. We set off, setting my Garmin, hearing its little beep as we ran towards gate, and the road to begin our run.
We were doing a route that we had done previously, so I shall be able to compare the times and splits when I get back home and upload my geeky stats. Surely there has to be some improvement. It was quite chilly out this evening, but I am getting quite the professional runner, I put two tops on today, a vest top and my long sleeved top because I know I am going to get warm as I jog through the woods. And, the run leader did say we were going to go straight up and then turn right. I know exactly where she is taking us, and its up to Botony Bay Road, up that steep hill. I am determined that I am going to run the whole thing this time, At least to the first stop, no walking on the hill.
I did it, I was so pleased, I checked my Garmin to see what time we had done that bit in.......Darn it. I didn't press start!! What the beep was I don't know, it may have been someone elses Garmin that I heard! Duh, another blond moment for me today, one of quite a few today, I might add! Lease of all getting up, getting ready and waiting for a little child to turn up to my house, only to be reminded that I didn't actually have him today, I had the day off! Duh! Big Duh, still at lease I was up and used that time to do my tax returns.
I know, I am waffling, but it's better than sitting there telling myself what a total ditz I am. So my Geeky stats will start at Botony Bay Road. I did, walk some of the hill getting up to the pub, The Tigers Head, mmmmmm, lager!!!!! corrrrrahhhggh... I am sorry, too many Homer moments recently! I am going to have to get back on the programme! It was tough going. I could hear some of the other ladies today saying that they really were 'feeling it' today. Maybe it's the weather that is getting us a bit down, bring on the sunshine please!
I was at the back of the pack now, but not completely! I was quite pleased with that. But I knew if I didn't keep the pace then I could quite easily be there. At the top of the road there was another stop, an official stop, just so that we could all regroup, and get the directions for the next bit. It's getting a little darker, what with the threat of rain as well, so it will be good to know at least which direction to run for.
We were going through the woods. These woods are down hill, and it feels great to be running down hill. I was still at the back, I could hear voices, but I think they were the back markers! I have to at least keep in front of them! We were running quite fast through this bit of the woods, and maybe the dog that jumped up at one of the runners just wanted to join in. It was a big dog! just as well the owner had a lead on the thing. But I looked at my Garmin, I looked at the pace we were running this particular mile in, I was gobsmacked! No wonder I was feeling particularly puffed out, and that darn pain across my back was niggling me again!
I started to walk for a bit, and the two back markers told me to go at my own pace. They carried on chatting as we walked for just a little be more. I started to run again, determined to catch up to the pack. But they had another short stop to gather in the stragglers......oh, yes, that will be me!
A change of back markers again, and its the group leader who will be 'sweeping up the rest'. From here till we got back to Willet Way rec, there were two ladies, one lady, and me taking it in turns to be at the back, we stopped, they passed we all jogged they stopped, I passed. It was like that all the way to Petts Wood Road. When there was a particularly steep down hill part, the two ladies were behind me, the one lady was in front of me along with the group leader. They were not going as fast as I would like! Can you believe I just wrote that?! They were not running as fast as i would like! The hill was just too good not to take advantage of. Lovely long strides that takes you miles down hill, eating up the pavement. I passed the group leader, and I am sure the one lady did as well! She is doing really well, she has only been 3 times, only just put in for membership, but it looks as if she will do really well. Of course she is young, so her fitness will come on leaps and bounds. Oh yes, also when we were at the top of this road we saw another group of PWR running the opposite way, They had obviously just ran up this road as part of the last mile or so of their run! Running Up hill, at the end of their run!! Are they crazy!!
Just the last road now, and not only do I have to worry about that niggling pain in my back, but now I have developed a stitch! I squeeze the stitch and try and run through it. I can see all the group one runners turning left into the rec. Not far now, I could feel my self getting slower as I try and beat the stitch in submission, and try to run as far into the park as I can. Switch off my Garmin, at least I remembered to do that. And then a quick word with the sports injury guy about my glutes!! I was hoping it was to help with my gluttony, and he can tell me how many choccie bars I could eat to how many miles I have to run to counter act it!
So geeky stats. And remember there is a missing mile. A mile that included me running up the hill! It would have showed that, no sop!! Oh well, I shall put this blond day away.
Today, as you all should know by now, is my running with the club. And also today the sports injury chap was there to give us some good advice, about our spines, and how we should look after them and stuff like that. Mmmm, I was wondering then if my posture when I run was causing that weird pain in my back, the stitch like feeling, but in my back! I know Naggy is always telling me, "Head up, shoulders back, don't slouch" I can hear her now as I write that.
Anyway, there was a lot to get through before we were all ready for our run, congrats to the new team leaders, and forms to fill in for the clubs Grand Prix...... I know, sounds a bit posh, don't it. But the first race is a 10K this Sunday, I don't think I am ready for that just yet. We set off, setting my Garmin, hearing its little beep as we ran towards gate, and the road to begin our run.
We were doing a route that we had done previously, so I shall be able to compare the times and splits when I get back home and upload my geeky stats. Surely there has to be some improvement. It was quite chilly out this evening, but I am getting quite the professional runner, I put two tops on today, a vest top and my long sleeved top because I know I am going to get warm as I jog through the woods. And, the run leader did say we were going to go straight up and then turn right. I know exactly where she is taking us, and its up to Botony Bay Road, up that steep hill. I am determined that I am going to run the whole thing this time, At least to the first stop, no walking on the hill.
I did it, I was so pleased, I checked my Garmin to see what time we had done that bit in.......Darn it. I didn't press start!! What the beep was I don't know, it may have been someone elses Garmin that I heard! Duh, another blond moment for me today, one of quite a few today, I might add! Lease of all getting up, getting ready and waiting for a little child to turn up to my house, only to be reminded that I didn't actually have him today, I had the day off! Duh! Big Duh, still at lease I was up and used that time to do my tax returns.
I know, I am waffling, but it's better than sitting there telling myself what a total ditz I am. So my Geeky stats will start at Botony Bay Road. I did, walk some of the hill getting up to the pub, The Tigers Head, mmmmmm, lager!!!!! corrrrrahhhggh... I am sorry, too many Homer moments recently! I am going to have to get back on the programme! It was tough going. I could hear some of the other ladies today saying that they really were 'feeling it' today. Maybe it's the weather that is getting us a bit down, bring on the sunshine please!
I was at the back of the pack now, but not completely! I was quite pleased with that. But I knew if I didn't keep the pace then I could quite easily be there. At the top of the road there was another stop, an official stop, just so that we could all regroup, and get the directions for the next bit. It's getting a little darker, what with the threat of rain as well, so it will be good to know at least which direction to run for.
We were going through the woods. These woods are down hill, and it feels great to be running down hill. I was still at the back, I could hear voices, but I think they were the back markers! I have to at least keep in front of them! We were running quite fast through this bit of the woods, and maybe the dog that jumped up at one of the runners just wanted to join in. It was a big dog! just as well the owner had a lead on the thing. But I looked at my Garmin, I looked at the pace we were running this particular mile in, I was gobsmacked! No wonder I was feeling particularly puffed out, and that darn pain across my back was niggling me again!
I started to walk for a bit, and the two back markers told me to go at my own pace. They carried on chatting as we walked for just a little be more. I started to run again, determined to catch up to the pack. But they had another short stop to gather in the stragglers......oh, yes, that will be me!
A change of back markers again, and its the group leader who will be 'sweeping up the rest'. From here till we got back to Willet Way rec, there were two ladies, one lady, and me taking it in turns to be at the back, we stopped, they passed we all jogged they stopped, I passed. It was like that all the way to Petts Wood Road. When there was a particularly steep down hill part, the two ladies were behind me, the one lady was in front of me along with the group leader. They were not going as fast as I would like! Can you believe I just wrote that?! They were not running as fast as i would like! The hill was just too good not to take advantage of. Lovely long strides that takes you miles down hill, eating up the pavement. I passed the group leader, and I am sure the one lady did as well! She is doing really well, she has only been 3 times, only just put in for membership, but it looks as if she will do really well. Of course she is young, so her fitness will come on leaps and bounds. Oh yes, also when we were at the top of this road we saw another group of PWR running the opposite way, They had obviously just ran up this road as part of the last mile or so of their run! Running Up hill, at the end of their run!! Are they crazy!!
Just the last road now, and not only do I have to worry about that niggling pain in my back, but now I have developed a stitch! I squeeze the stitch and try and run through it. I can see all the group one runners turning left into the rec. Not far now, I could feel my self getting slower as I try and beat the stitch in submission, and try to run as far into the park as I can. Switch off my Garmin, at least I remembered to do that. And then a quick word with the sports injury guy about my glutes!! I was hoping it was to help with my gluttony, and he can tell me how many choccie bars I could eat to how many miles I have to run to counter act it!
So geeky stats. And remember there is a missing mile. A mile that included me running up the hill! It would have showed that, no sop!! Oh well, I shall put this blond day away.
Sunday, 15 May 2011
Eating Weekend = Sluggish Run!
Hello bloggees.
Yup, this weekend was all about food! Its nice to have a blow out sometimes! I think I have had a few lately though!
Yesterday (Saturday) I was stuck in a training room for most of the day practice my C.P.R on some mannikin's, so the Old Boy said he would treat me to a nice dinner for the evening. And Oh boy was it tasty! We had the works, 3 courses! How I managed to eat it I don't know, but it had to be done.
Today I had my daugter and the little dude for dinner,....... no, I didn't eat them! Such an old joke!!!...... and my mother in law as well. So I thought I would do the veggies and get out for a run. I shall let Naggy and Hitchy go later on their own, (although Hitchy said she was a bit scared) So she should be! Naggy doesn't take any prisoners.
Veggies more or less done I got changed into my jogging gear and as I was about to go out the little dude was at the door! But I had to go out, I needed a good run before I put more food in side of me! So a quick kiss, then off I went. I got to the corner of my road and then realised what I was going to do before I opened the door to my daughter...... use the loo! I knew I wouldn't make it all the way round so I turned back and ran home again.
Things sorted again and I was out the door, with another kiss from the little dude, and timer started again! As I said, its only going to be a short run, and I decided on running my old usual route.
I had my Ipod in, and my grandsons wet kiss still on my check and I was heading for Southborough lane, smiling! Just love that little boy! And now I have a smile on face as I run! Brilliant. I was running quite fast, it must be the happiness I am feeling, so I slow down at bit, I don't want to burn myself out. Running down Oxhawth now, and towards the end I see someone I knew, she stopped me and chatted for a few seconds. "Your doing well with your running" she says, "And you've lost loads of weight too" Well, my face was an even bigger smile now. It does you good to hear stuff like that.
so I ran on towards Southborough, and headed on up to Turpinington lane, thinking of my little grandson at home with his mum. And the lovely roast dinner we will all be sharing, and another delicious pudding for after! Running along Greenway and thinking of Magpiehall Lane now, I need to get up there in one go, that has become a must in my head as I was running along I know I had a couple of stops already, but not on Magpie,that is going to be all in one go.
I managed it, well almost. I got to just before the corner of Holbrook when I developed this pain at the back of me, stretching across my back! I stopped running and it eased off. I walked for a few paces and it went away, so I started to run again and then felt it again! What is that pain? It's nothing that I have felt before. I don't think I have overstretched anything, or been to energetic, but flippin nora, its don't feel good. So I started to walk for a bit, I walked up Holbrook, and I was thinking that maybe I should go through the park, even more of a short run than anticipated. But I decided to hell with it! I shall run through it, see if it disperses like it does when I walk. So I started running, the pain in my back threatening to stop me again, but I carried on!
Do you know, it worked! I know I have told other people not to run if they develop a pain, but this pain that I had felt like it needed to be run through, strange as that seemes. So I ran back down Southborough, and down Oxhawth. I even run up the small incline just before I turn right down Farringdon.
It wasn't a brilliant time, but it was still under 40 mins, which I was quite pleased about, even after the pain issue I had.
geeky stats
Yup, this weekend was all about food! Its nice to have a blow out sometimes! I think I have had a few lately though!
Yesterday (Saturday) I was stuck in a training room for most of the day practice my C.P.R on some mannikin's, so the Old Boy said he would treat me to a nice dinner for the evening. And Oh boy was it tasty! We had the works, 3 courses! How I managed to eat it I don't know, but it had to be done.
Today I had my daugter and the little dude for dinner,....... no, I didn't eat them! Such an old joke!!!...... and my mother in law as well. So I thought I would do the veggies and get out for a run. I shall let Naggy and Hitchy go later on their own, (although Hitchy said she was a bit scared) So she should be! Naggy doesn't take any prisoners.
Veggies more or less done I got changed into my jogging gear and as I was about to go out the little dude was at the door! But I had to go out, I needed a good run before I put more food in side of me! So a quick kiss, then off I went. I got to the corner of my road and then realised what I was going to do before I opened the door to my daughter...... use the loo! I knew I wouldn't make it all the way round so I turned back and ran home again.
Things sorted again and I was out the door, with another kiss from the little dude, and timer started again! As I said, its only going to be a short run, and I decided on running my old usual route.
I had my Ipod in, and my grandsons wet kiss still on my check and I was heading for Southborough lane, smiling! Just love that little boy! And now I have a smile on face as I run! Brilliant. I was running quite fast, it must be the happiness I am feeling, so I slow down at bit, I don't want to burn myself out. Running down Oxhawth now, and towards the end I see someone I knew, she stopped me and chatted for a few seconds. "Your doing well with your running" she says, "And you've lost loads of weight too" Well, my face was an even bigger smile now. It does you good to hear stuff like that.
so I ran on towards Southborough, and headed on up to Turpinington lane, thinking of my little grandson at home with his mum. And the lovely roast dinner we will all be sharing, and another delicious pudding for after! Running along Greenway and thinking of Magpiehall Lane now, I need to get up there in one go, that has become a must in my head as I was running along I know I had a couple of stops already, but not on Magpie,that is going to be all in one go.
I managed it, well almost. I got to just before the corner of Holbrook when I developed this pain at the back of me, stretching across my back! I stopped running and it eased off. I walked for a few paces and it went away, so I started to run again and then felt it again! What is that pain? It's nothing that I have felt before. I don't think I have overstretched anything, or been to energetic, but flippin nora, its don't feel good. So I started to walk for a bit, I walked up Holbrook, and I was thinking that maybe I should go through the park, even more of a short run than anticipated. But I decided to hell with it! I shall run through it, see if it disperses like it does when I walk. So I started running, the pain in my back threatening to stop me again, but I carried on!
Do you know, it worked! I know I have told other people not to run if they develop a pain, but this pain that I had felt like it needed to be run through, strange as that seemes. So I ran back down Southborough, and down Oxhawth. I even run up the small incline just before I turn right down Farringdon.
It wasn't a brilliant time, but it was still under 40 mins, which I was quite pleased about, even after the pain issue I had.
geeky stats
Thursday, 12 May 2011
Here I Am!
Hello bloggers,
I bet you all thought "Oh thank goodness, she's giving up jogging, riding and blogging" Well as you can see I haven't, I'm still here and still jogging and blogging!
Sunday was the last time I blogged, but I did do a club run on Tuesday, we ran for 3.48 miles in 44 minutes. I just never got around to blogging it. There was an ATM after the run, and that didn't finish till gone 10, so by the time I got home I was pretty tired and aching from sitting in those chairs! I just had shower and up to my room.
Wednesday was a quiet day, exercises wise that is, having two toddlers around is hardly a quiet day!
But today it was back into the swing of things. I decided to choose somewhere to head for, then choose a different way of getting there from previous ways, and then come back. I didn't 'map out' the route, I would just check out the Garmin when I got home. But I was guessing it wasn't going to be much over 4 miles or so, I am getting ok'ish guessing distances, but, please don't quote me on that!
I had a sleeveless top on when I opened the door, I looked up at the sky, felt the wind and immediately came back into get changed! It was a bit breezy! And a little chilly! A short sleeve top would suit better. I set off for TAL, oh, how sweet is those three letters T.A.L. My first solo out and back, when I first started way back in 2008! In those days it took me 17 mins to complete the out and back! Today, getting to Turn Around Lamppost it took me 6 mins 47 secs! I touched it as I ran passed, remembering the old days when I used to cling on to it for dear life, wishing there was an oxygen pump attached to it! And now here I was breezing passed it, still not even breathless! That's progress there. Just that little distance was enough of a confidence boost to keep me going and smiling! Yes, I am definitely improving!
On towards the A21 and then I shall turn right and head for Normans Park. Once around the park and then back down Southborough, is what I was thinking. There wasn't that many joggers out there today, just me and one other. I suppose running at noon is probably not the most sensible thing to do, but the weather was cooling down. I looked up at the sky and I could see small black clouds just blocking the sun. I was wondering if I would get home before they dropped the 'cargo' they were carrying!
Plenty of dog walkers in the park today, huge dogs! I was quite pleased they were all well behaved. I know some dogs see a person running and want to run along and jump up at them! Still, can't think of that, I'm sure they wouldn't bring mis-behaved dogs into the park, would they?
Out of the park now. I had a couple of options I was thinking about. Nothing to strenuous, but as I was running along the A21 towards Crown Lane spur and Southborough, I was thinking "Shall I go down Greenway and then passed the Astley centre, or shall I go straight up and then down passed the Billet" Decisions, decisions. I decided to go passed the Billet
Running down Southborough Lane and I passed the pub. I could see the bouncy castle in the garden, a nice place to have a drink with friends and let the kids play in the garden while you watch. I got a little bit upset as I was running passed as I thought about how much I have missed my grandson and his mum. The tears poured down my face as I ran and ran, blurring my vision. I was hoping no-body noticed the sadness I felt was etched on my face. I was glad I remembered my hankie today, very useful for noses sweat and tears! Eww, I know how that sounds, but when your out running you don't worry about that, and you cant carry a hankie for noses, one for your brown and another for tears! So long as you can see, and the nose is clear, is all your think about when out running!
If I was feeling really brave I thought I could carry on straight down the road and go to Oxhawth! Needless to say, couch potato head read her ugly head again and said "Ah, surely you done enough, lets get back for a cuppa" So instead of 1 mile left to go I did the .75 of a mile. I should have been braver I know. I think there will always be a little bit of residue couch potato where ever I go!
A good run today, I quite like thinking of a place to go and then get there in a different way. Just keeps things a little bit interesting, and of course there is always scope to change things, add extra bits to run or even to take bits off the run! I am quite looking forward to my next run! Lets see where I end up!
Geeky stats.
I bet you all thought "Oh thank goodness, she's giving up jogging, riding and blogging" Well as you can see I haven't, I'm still here and still jogging and blogging!
Sunday was the last time I blogged, but I did do a club run on Tuesday, we ran for 3.48 miles in 44 minutes. I just never got around to blogging it. There was an ATM after the run, and that didn't finish till gone 10, so by the time I got home I was pretty tired and aching from sitting in those chairs! I just had shower and up to my room.
Wednesday was a quiet day, exercises wise that is, having two toddlers around is hardly a quiet day!
But today it was back into the swing of things. I decided to choose somewhere to head for, then choose a different way of getting there from previous ways, and then come back. I didn't 'map out' the route, I would just check out the Garmin when I got home. But I was guessing it wasn't going to be much over 4 miles or so, I am getting ok'ish guessing distances, but, please don't quote me on that!
I had a sleeveless top on when I opened the door, I looked up at the sky, felt the wind and immediately came back into get changed! It was a bit breezy! And a little chilly! A short sleeve top would suit better. I set off for TAL, oh, how sweet is those three letters T.A.L. My first solo out and back, when I first started way back in 2008! In those days it took me 17 mins to complete the out and back! Today, getting to Turn Around Lamppost it took me 6 mins 47 secs! I touched it as I ran passed, remembering the old days when I used to cling on to it for dear life, wishing there was an oxygen pump attached to it! And now here I was breezing passed it, still not even breathless! That's progress there. Just that little distance was enough of a confidence boost to keep me going and smiling! Yes, I am definitely improving!
On towards the A21 and then I shall turn right and head for Normans Park. Once around the park and then back down Southborough, is what I was thinking. There wasn't that many joggers out there today, just me and one other. I suppose running at noon is probably not the most sensible thing to do, but the weather was cooling down. I looked up at the sky and I could see small black clouds just blocking the sun. I was wondering if I would get home before they dropped the 'cargo' they were carrying!
Plenty of dog walkers in the park today, huge dogs! I was quite pleased they were all well behaved. I know some dogs see a person running and want to run along and jump up at them! Still, can't think of that, I'm sure they wouldn't bring mis-behaved dogs into the park, would they?
Out of the park now. I had a couple of options I was thinking about. Nothing to strenuous, but as I was running along the A21 towards Crown Lane spur and Southborough, I was thinking "Shall I go down Greenway and then passed the Astley centre, or shall I go straight up and then down passed the Billet" Decisions, decisions. I decided to go passed the Billet
Running down Southborough Lane and I passed the pub. I could see the bouncy castle in the garden, a nice place to have a drink with friends and let the kids play in the garden while you watch. I got a little bit upset as I was running passed as I thought about how much I have missed my grandson and his mum. The tears poured down my face as I ran and ran, blurring my vision. I was hoping no-body noticed the sadness I felt was etched on my face. I was glad I remembered my hankie today, very useful for noses sweat and tears! Eww, I know how that sounds, but when your out running you don't worry about that, and you cant carry a hankie for noses, one for your brown and another for tears! So long as you can see, and the nose is clear, is all your think about when out running!
If I was feeling really brave I thought I could carry on straight down the road and go to Oxhawth! Needless to say, couch potato head read her ugly head again and said "Ah, surely you done enough, lets get back for a cuppa" So instead of 1 mile left to go I did the .75 of a mile. I should have been braver I know. I think there will always be a little bit of residue couch potato where ever I go!
A good run today, I quite like thinking of a place to go and then get there in a different way. Just keeps things a little bit interesting, and of course there is always scope to change things, add extra bits to run or even to take bits off the run! I am quite looking forward to my next run! Lets see where I end up!
Geeky stats.
Sunday, 8 May 2011
Running Girls!
Hello bloggees,
I went jogging this evening not with one but with two fellow joggers. Naggy neighbour and Hitchhiker, (I must think of a new name for her. Hitchhiker text me earlier in the day to say that she need to go out jogging, she had been missing out on the last couple of weeks due child care issues! Then later on Naggy said could go out for a jog, and can you believe it they both said the same time, 5:30. So I had to do it. Too spooky not to go out.
And now I know why I had to go out with the two of them at the same time, they had found an Alie in each other! They both can nag me at the same time. I'm sure Hitchhiker now knows that she can nag me silly, and that she should let me get away with walking, whenever we go out running together.
It was a warm muggy day out, and all three of us have different length sleeves on, Naggy with long sleeves, and long joggers, Hitchhiker with her tee shirt and shorts, and me in sleeveless top and my long joggers. I'm sure it won't make any difference to our running. It will still be me at the back, moaning like anything!
"Where shall we go" says Naggy, neither me or Hitchhiker had any plans. "Well, I'm sure we can run for 3 or 4 miles" I said to her. She thought about it and the said "Nah, you can do up to five miles" and with that she was off, Hitchhiker saying things like "Did I tell you I have not been out for a couple of weeks" and "Did I tell you that I had a broken toe as well" I just looked at her sympathetically and Naggy said "That don't wash with me, you ask the Old Girl" And we all headed off towards the path that leads to T.A.L. but then turned left through the park.
"I know where your heading for, it has hills, doesn't it?" I said, "Have to have a little hill" she says, "Come on this is fun" she says enthusiastically. The man and young girl waiting to go through gate said "I don't see much laughing going on" Me and Hitchhiker must have looked a bit scared at the thought of hills!
But as it happened, we wasn't going up the hill that I first thought of. We did go up the A21 but then turned right as we got to the round about. I had horrible thoughts that we were going to head up to the end of this road, right up into Petts Wood. Its a daunting thought. Its a long road, a long straight up hill road! But that wasn't was Naggy had in mind.
"We're going to cross over in a bit and turn left, ok girls?" Hitchhiker gave a full sentence, I just said yes. Then I was asked if I was ok, and I said "Yes" "If you're still talking, then you're just fine" Said...... wait for it, Hitchhiker! That's right, "Well said" naggy says to her! There, Naggy now has her Alie!!!
We turned left and went up the road that we normally run down! I was struggling, as usual. I am beginning to think that the last run with Petts Wood runners must have been a fluke! Or that just everything was perfect for that run. The weather, the time, the fact that I didn't have 3 pints of lager the day before! But today I was struggling again, my usual 'I can't run the whole thing' moan coming from my rather red sweaty face now.
But Naggy was kind to me, we only went to the first round about and then turned right. But I didn't realise this, I was still thinking we were heading towards Bickely Manor round about. I was quite surprised to see us further down the road we were going to run down. A nice surprise I might add. "But no more stopping now, I have been nice to you remember" says Naggy. I just let the two of the keep in front of me, chatting, ......chatting, I can barely make an audible grunt now, and those two were chatting! "I'm used to daggers in my back" I heard Naggy say to Hitchhiker, without so much of a resemblance of breathlessness, and Hitchhiker replied almost exactly the same! Well, they are both so much younger than me, and Hitchhiker has those legs!!
We were going to through the local park, and not up Southborough lane. I was so pleased with that. Soon be home, soon be able to rest my legs, which has developed a slight pain just under my knee. Hopefully, nothing serious, just general legs complaining!
We got back home, and I even had a tiny, tiny bit left for a small, sprint. A walk around the block, say cheerio to Hitchhiker and then some stretches. And then the smile.
It really does sound as if I don't enjoy my running, but I really do! And I appreciate all the help that my Naggy gives me as well! And she does give me tons of it. She could run rings around me, yet she sticks by me and encourages me to do well. I we really do have fun while out jogging, all of us do. I always look forward to my next jog, and always try and push through the 'I can't do it' feelings.
Anyway Geeky stats
I went jogging this evening not with one but with two fellow joggers. Naggy neighbour and Hitchhiker, (I must think of a new name for her. Hitchhiker text me earlier in the day to say that she need to go out jogging, she had been missing out on the last couple of weeks due child care issues! Then later on Naggy said could go out for a jog, and can you believe it they both said the same time, 5:30. So I had to do it. Too spooky not to go out.
And now I know why I had to go out with the two of them at the same time, they had found an Alie in each other! They both can nag me at the same time. I'm sure Hitchhiker now knows that she can nag me silly, and that she should let me get away with walking, whenever we go out running together.
It was a warm muggy day out, and all three of us have different length sleeves on, Naggy with long sleeves, and long joggers, Hitchhiker with her tee shirt and shorts, and me in sleeveless top and my long joggers. I'm sure it won't make any difference to our running. It will still be me at the back, moaning like anything!
"Where shall we go" says Naggy, neither me or Hitchhiker had any plans. "Well, I'm sure we can run for 3 or 4 miles" I said to her. She thought about it and the said "Nah, you can do up to five miles" and with that she was off, Hitchhiker saying things like "Did I tell you I have not been out for a couple of weeks" and "Did I tell you that I had a broken toe as well" I just looked at her sympathetically and Naggy said "That don't wash with me, you ask the Old Girl" And we all headed off towards the path that leads to T.A.L. but then turned left through the park.
"I know where your heading for, it has hills, doesn't it?" I said, "Have to have a little hill" she says, "Come on this is fun" she says enthusiastically. The man and young girl waiting to go through gate said "I don't see much laughing going on" Me and Hitchhiker must have looked a bit scared at the thought of hills!
But as it happened, we wasn't going up the hill that I first thought of. We did go up the A21 but then turned right as we got to the round about. I had horrible thoughts that we were going to head up to the end of this road, right up into Petts Wood. Its a daunting thought. Its a long road, a long straight up hill road! But that wasn't was Naggy had in mind.
"We're going to cross over in a bit and turn left, ok girls?" Hitchhiker gave a full sentence, I just said yes. Then I was asked if I was ok, and I said "Yes" "If you're still talking, then you're just fine" Said...... wait for it, Hitchhiker! That's right, "Well said" naggy says to her! There, Naggy now has her Alie!!!
We turned left and went up the road that we normally run down! I was struggling, as usual. I am beginning to think that the last run with Petts Wood runners must have been a fluke! Or that just everything was perfect for that run. The weather, the time, the fact that I didn't have 3 pints of lager the day before! But today I was struggling again, my usual 'I can't run the whole thing' moan coming from my rather red sweaty face now.
But Naggy was kind to me, we only went to the first round about and then turned right. But I didn't realise this, I was still thinking we were heading towards Bickely Manor round about. I was quite surprised to see us further down the road we were going to run down. A nice surprise I might add. "But no more stopping now, I have been nice to you remember" says Naggy. I just let the two of the keep in front of me, chatting, ......chatting, I can barely make an audible grunt now, and those two were chatting! "I'm used to daggers in my back" I heard Naggy say to Hitchhiker, without so much of a resemblance of breathlessness, and Hitchhiker replied almost exactly the same! Well, they are both so much younger than me, and Hitchhiker has those legs!!
We were going to through the local park, and not up Southborough lane. I was so pleased with that. Soon be home, soon be able to rest my legs, which has developed a slight pain just under my knee. Hopefully, nothing serious, just general legs complaining!
We got back home, and I even had a tiny, tiny bit left for a small, sprint. A walk around the block, say cheerio to Hitchhiker and then some stretches. And then the smile.
It really does sound as if I don't enjoy my running, but I really do! And I appreciate all the help that my Naggy gives me as well! And she does give me tons of it. She could run rings around me, yet she sticks by me and encourages me to do well. I we really do have fun while out jogging, all of us do. I always look forward to my next jog, and always try and push through the 'I can't do it' feelings.
Anyway Geeky stats
Friday, 6 May 2011
Lets Do Something Different!
Hello bloggers,
That's what I decided to do! Something different, or at least the same but in a different way. I have run through my local park before, and I have run around Normans Park before, and I have run on Greenway before, but never all in the same run.
I had always said that I would run to Normans Park do one loop and then run home, and today was the day. Of course I had a lazy morning, I got up late, so by the time I was ready it was 12:30 in the afternoon! The sun was blazing in the sky, so, doing the sensible thing, I took some water with me today. (And it's a small reason for to have a quick stop while I glug water!)
Normans Park always seemed a long way away, but when I got there I checked my watch and saw that it was only just about one and a half miles away! I was running up the little bit of road to get into the park when a white van man leaned out of his window and paid me a compliment! Ok, I know, its white van man, but there I was looking very pink in the face and no doubt sweating profusely, with jogging gear on, and my bum bag around my waist. I know I wasn't looking my best, but it still does a old girl a little bit of good!
Once I was in the park I looked around thinking, "Right, this is one mile around, and then its back home" By now I was very warm indeed. There were not that many mad joggers out at this time of the day, there seemed to be only three of us running at this hour. They were running in the opposite direction to me. I was going to try and keep my pace going and see if the next time I passed them I would be directly on the opposite side of the park. But I wasn't going to hold my breath. I got to the top of the park and the first guy had already started to run towards me, and then as I was on the long stretch down the second man had started to run towards me, with a third person behind him, and closely followed by the first guy unless I was having a mirage due to the heat!
Out through the park now, and my legs are feeling heavy, and I am very hot, but if I go back the same way I know that its only about 1 and half miles to go. Not far at all, back in about another 15 to 18 minutes! If I stick to my pace!
Crossing the roads I do need to stop though, they are busy this time of day. Heading on down Southborough I did contemplate going straight down and doing the rest of my usual run, but I thought, that I would stick to my original plan, and then maybe next time add on extra bits!
So through the local park I go, but I run around the other side this time, and down to the end of the park.
Home, with a sprint finish, just as Nagging Sisters voice in my head tells me to do!
Geeky stats
That's what I decided to do! Something different, or at least the same but in a different way. I have run through my local park before, and I have run around Normans Park before, and I have run on Greenway before, but never all in the same run.
I had always said that I would run to Normans Park do one loop and then run home, and today was the day. Of course I had a lazy morning, I got up late, so by the time I was ready it was 12:30 in the afternoon! The sun was blazing in the sky, so, doing the sensible thing, I took some water with me today. (And it's a small reason for to have a quick stop while I glug water!)
Normans Park always seemed a long way away, but when I got there I checked my watch and saw that it was only just about one and a half miles away! I was running up the little bit of road to get into the park when a white van man leaned out of his window and paid me a compliment! Ok, I know, its white van man, but there I was looking very pink in the face and no doubt sweating profusely, with jogging gear on, and my bum bag around my waist. I know I wasn't looking my best, but it still does a old girl a little bit of good!
Once I was in the park I looked around thinking, "Right, this is one mile around, and then its back home" By now I was very warm indeed. There were not that many mad joggers out at this time of the day, there seemed to be only three of us running at this hour. They were running in the opposite direction to me. I was going to try and keep my pace going and see if the next time I passed them I would be directly on the opposite side of the park. But I wasn't going to hold my breath. I got to the top of the park and the first guy had already started to run towards me, and then as I was on the long stretch down the second man had started to run towards me, with a third person behind him, and closely followed by the first guy unless I was having a mirage due to the heat!
Out through the park now, and my legs are feeling heavy, and I am very hot, but if I go back the same way I know that its only about 1 and half miles to go. Not far at all, back in about another 15 to 18 minutes! If I stick to my pace!
Crossing the roads I do need to stop though, they are busy this time of day. Heading on down Southborough I did contemplate going straight down and doing the rest of my usual run, but I thought, that I would stick to my original plan, and then maybe next time add on extra bits!
So through the local park I go, but I run around the other side this time, and down to the end of the park.
Home, with a sprint finish, just as Nagging Sisters voice in my head tells me to do!
Geeky stats
Tuesday, 3 May 2011
Today Was A Good Run!
Hello bloggers.
Today was a very good day, running wise. I cant believe how well I felt while running today. Apart from the sports injury guy telling me I got a weird running style, which is not helping. I knew that really, I do run like some knock kneed duck! So he is going to give me some exercises to do to help strengthen my glutes! (I didn't know what they were, until he slapped his butt! Ah, that explains everything really!!
Apparently in there there are some muscles, that's right, its not all fat that fills out the back of jeans, there are muscles in there. Mine have obviously been hiding somewhere in there for all these years, and are still refusing to come out and play! So the exercises will help them come out and get stronger, and hopefully straighten up my running style!
But apart from that, today I felt really really good. In fact I felt as if I could have gone on and done some more running! I have never had that experience before! After all the runs I have done so far, I was always glad of the end. And then thing that is most frustrating is, I forgot to take my GARMIN! So I have no idea of what pace we were running, or how far we had run. The run leader did say that we were running about three and three quarter miles, so I shall have to go with that.
While we were all waiting for the announcements and group leaders to tell us about where we were running I was getting quite chilled, I was glad that I put on my long sleeved running top this evening. But it felt like it was going to be perfect running weather. Not too hot, not too cold, and not raining, which is good! Not done a lot of wet weather running! Announcements done, people in their groups and then we were off.
I just felt good from the start. There was no thinking about "I got to keep up with these guy, no thinking about the Garmin, because that was on my sideboard at home, I was just going to go with the flow, see how I do.
Running through the woods its even easier to 'not to think' about things, there are no cars to worry about, and the woods look just gorgeous, with the flowers and birds and the smells.....and the tree roots! You just don't realise how far you are running. We were heading for Botany Bay Lane again, which is up hill, but I am still not worrying about it, if I have to walk then so be it!
But, I didn't walk the whole lot, I ran up most of it! I was very pleased with that, but that is where I was having problems with my leg, cramping up and stuff, but I persevered!! And that's where the physio guy noticed my running style!! Well, hopefully the exercise will soon straighten me out!
We got to the top of the hill, and then had a short break for everyone to catch up, that's right, I wasn't the last one today! We carried on up to the top of the hill and then turned right, we are going to continue our run through the woods. I am still feeling pretty strong, and feel as if I can run the whole way back to the pavilion today! It was down hill from here as well, running alongside the pond, but then it was a steepish up hill just after that, which I was pleased to see that some of the front runners were walking up as well!
I couldn't believe how strong I was feeling, and tried to think about it, in case things when wrong for some reason! Before I realised it were were back to the underpass where we first entered the woods. We waited here again for the back runners, and then the leader suggested two ways to get back, those who want to do an extra mile can turn right, those who want to go the shorter route can. Guess which one I decided on?..... that's right, the extra mile. And I kept running too, well, most of it!
We arrived back at the pavilion, where the physio guy said that if I wanted to start strengthen my glutes straight away, then to do this one particular exercise, and then he dropped to the floor and showed me this exercise to do, which will help with the whole 'waddle like a duck' running style! hopefully!
So no geeky stats, and I feel this was one of my better runs!! But maybe not having the Garmin was a blessing as well today. Everything being just right for running, even the fact that we had a new runner in our group as well, making me look better than I had before by not being the last person!
Brilliant run, very pleased with today, I should have just carried on running for another mile!
Today was a very good day, running wise. I cant believe how well I felt while running today. Apart from the sports injury guy telling me I got a weird running style, which is not helping. I knew that really, I do run like some knock kneed duck! So he is going to give me some exercises to do to help strengthen my glutes! (I didn't know what they were, until he slapped his butt! Ah, that explains everything really!!
Apparently in there there are some muscles, that's right, its not all fat that fills out the back of jeans, there are muscles in there. Mine have obviously been hiding somewhere in there for all these years, and are still refusing to come out and play! So the exercises will help them come out and get stronger, and hopefully straighten up my running style!
But apart from that, today I felt really really good. In fact I felt as if I could have gone on and done some more running! I have never had that experience before! After all the runs I have done so far, I was always glad of the end. And then thing that is most frustrating is, I forgot to take my GARMIN! So I have no idea of what pace we were running, or how far we had run. The run leader did say that we were running about three and three quarter miles, so I shall have to go with that.
While we were all waiting for the announcements and group leaders to tell us about where we were running I was getting quite chilled, I was glad that I put on my long sleeved running top this evening. But it felt like it was going to be perfect running weather. Not too hot, not too cold, and not raining, which is good! Not done a lot of wet weather running! Announcements done, people in their groups and then we were off.
I just felt good from the start. There was no thinking about "I got to keep up with these guy, no thinking about the Garmin, because that was on my sideboard at home, I was just going to go with the flow, see how I do.
Running through the woods its even easier to 'not to think' about things, there are no cars to worry about, and the woods look just gorgeous, with the flowers and birds and the smells.....and the tree roots! You just don't realise how far you are running. We were heading for Botany Bay Lane again, which is up hill, but I am still not worrying about it, if I have to walk then so be it!
But, I didn't walk the whole lot, I ran up most of it! I was very pleased with that, but that is where I was having problems with my leg, cramping up and stuff, but I persevered!! And that's where the physio guy noticed my running style!! Well, hopefully the exercise will soon straighten me out!
We got to the top of the hill, and then had a short break for everyone to catch up, that's right, I wasn't the last one today! We carried on up to the top of the hill and then turned right, we are going to continue our run through the woods. I am still feeling pretty strong, and feel as if I can run the whole way back to the pavilion today! It was down hill from here as well, running alongside the pond, but then it was a steepish up hill just after that, which I was pleased to see that some of the front runners were walking up as well!
I couldn't believe how strong I was feeling, and tried to think about it, in case things when wrong for some reason! Before I realised it were were back to the underpass where we first entered the woods. We waited here again for the back runners, and then the leader suggested two ways to get back, those who want to do an extra mile can turn right, those who want to go the shorter route can. Guess which one I decided on?..... that's right, the extra mile. And I kept running too, well, most of it!
We arrived back at the pavilion, where the physio guy said that if I wanted to start strengthen my glutes straight away, then to do this one particular exercise, and then he dropped to the floor and showed me this exercise to do, which will help with the whole 'waddle like a duck' running style! hopefully!
So no geeky stats, and I feel this was one of my better runs!! But maybe not having the Garmin was a blessing as well today. Everything being just right for running, even the fact that we had a new runner in our group as well, making me look better than I had before by not being the last person!
Brilliant run, very pleased with today, I should have just carried on running for another mile!
Sunday, 1 May 2011
A Hard Run Today!
Hello blog lovers,
At first there was an exercise drought, now it seems as if there is a monsoon of exercises! I went running again this afternoon with Naggy.
I was feeling rather tired really, what with double exercise yesterday, but I do have that race coming up, and the L2B, so its a good endurance test.
We set out and I was following naggy, probably best that I don't know where we are going, no preconceptions of hills and things to worry about. Even as we were on the way up Farringdon my legs felt very heavy indeed! Naggy said, "Oh no, you're not starting that just now" but my legs really did feel heavy! I knew this wasn't going to be a faster time, but then when Naggy drags me round a course she doesn't even think of the time, its all about getting round it in one go.
Today we took a right turn at the end or Oxhawth, UP HILL! towards Petts Wood. I'm not sure if that is good for me right now, but I am going along with it, I'm sure Naggy wouldn't put me through something that I couldn't do. So up the hill we went, then crossed over the road and headed for the park. We are going to do the run that we did Thursday but in reverse, so there will be some down hills which will be nice.
It was quite breezy out and the wind in our faces wasn't helping at all, Naggy telling me to turn my head to the left or right slightly so that the wind didn't take my breath and slow me down, she is so thoughtful!
I just had to concentrate on my breathing, Naggys voice was coming through my thoughts, my legs were heavy heavy heavy! It was difficult to think about anything but stopping. We got through the park, I kept running all the way, which really did surprise me. I mean as I was running through the park I was thinking "Why on earth am I doing this, at my age, for goodness sake" I had never looked after myself when I was younger, I just drank copious amouts of beer, smoked ciggies, and ate what I wanted. A diet was something to do when people were around at breakfast, lunch or dinner time, and then I would eat chocolate in private, all by myself! And now, here I am, still at it, still running, and not only that but I have added cycling to my regime as well, and a huge challenge just to make it interesting!
When we got out of the park, we didn't go straight down Blackbrook as I hoped we would, in fact, in my heart, I knew she was going to head on over the road to go down Southborough Road! Naggy's gentle voice keeping me focused on my breathing, she is listening all the time, and she can tell when I am not concentrating on it. And she knows when she has got through to my negative thoughts as she says to me "That's it, keep it like that, keep your breathing under control, that sounds perfect"
My thoughts kept drifting to my legs though, and how heavy they are, there was a little pain creeping into my calf, I tried to ignore it! but when we were half way down Southborough Road I had to stop. Naggy told me to stretch out my leg, stretch the muscle out. I did as she said, and just gave a gentle bounce, which I got told off for. That is not good, no bouncing! Just stretching, and when you feel it loosen up a bit then stretch a little more until it doesn't hurt anymore! You learn something new all the time, don't you. I always used to bounce and stuff when stretching, but that is not the way to do it! So I did get a stop after all, but a painful one!
Of course Naggy in her usual no nonsense way said "Right no more stopping" along with "And keep you head up!" I keep doing it, I keep looking down. Naggy has said that she is going to get a neck brace for me ........ then have it that if I do look down then she will press a button and give me an electric shock! Such a caring person she is!
Running down Southborough Lane now and I was feeling bloomin beat! My legs had been filled with ten ton of lead in each leg, it feels such a long way to home. Naggy still telling me to keep my breathing under control. The I said "STUFF IT" I just stopped running. I couldn't run another step, Naggy said, "I'm not stopping, you have to catch up" I just waved her off. But she did slow down a bit, and I did eventually get going again after about 30 walking paces or more! "No more stopping, or I will add on another half mile!" she said. That thought did not go down well with me and my lead legs!
I got to keep going. I am nearly home. We were at the Havester now, and its only .75 of a mile from here, because we are going through the park and not up Southborough lane (thank goodness)
I just focused my thoughts on home, and a nice drink afterwards, on Naggy! I looked at each lamppost on the way, watching them go behind me and then looking at the next one. Thats how I got through the park today. Running down Whitebeam, on the road, I didn't want to be bothered with the ups and downs of the driveways, zapping all my precious energy! On to our road now, try as I might, I just couldn't get a sprint finish today, there was nothing left, completely empty, and I could feel another cramp coming on in my other leg!
Yes, today was a very hard run. A nice rest day tomorrow is what is needed.
Geeky stats
At first there was an exercise drought, now it seems as if there is a monsoon of exercises! I went running again this afternoon with Naggy.
I was feeling rather tired really, what with double exercise yesterday, but I do have that race coming up, and the L2B, so its a good endurance test.
We set out and I was following naggy, probably best that I don't know where we are going, no preconceptions of hills and things to worry about. Even as we were on the way up Farringdon my legs felt very heavy indeed! Naggy said, "Oh no, you're not starting that just now" but my legs really did feel heavy! I knew this wasn't going to be a faster time, but then when Naggy drags me round a course she doesn't even think of the time, its all about getting round it in one go.
Today we took a right turn at the end or Oxhawth, UP HILL! towards Petts Wood. I'm not sure if that is good for me right now, but I am going along with it, I'm sure Naggy wouldn't put me through something that I couldn't do. So up the hill we went, then crossed over the road and headed for the park. We are going to do the run that we did Thursday but in reverse, so there will be some down hills which will be nice.
It was quite breezy out and the wind in our faces wasn't helping at all, Naggy telling me to turn my head to the left or right slightly so that the wind didn't take my breath and slow me down, she is so thoughtful!
I just had to concentrate on my breathing, Naggys voice was coming through my thoughts, my legs were heavy heavy heavy! It was difficult to think about anything but stopping. We got through the park, I kept running all the way, which really did surprise me. I mean as I was running through the park I was thinking "Why on earth am I doing this, at my age, for goodness sake" I had never looked after myself when I was younger, I just drank copious amouts of beer, smoked ciggies, and ate what I wanted. A diet was something to do when people were around at breakfast, lunch or dinner time, and then I would eat chocolate in private, all by myself! And now, here I am, still at it, still running, and not only that but I have added cycling to my regime as well, and a huge challenge just to make it interesting!
When we got out of the park, we didn't go straight down Blackbrook as I hoped we would, in fact, in my heart, I knew she was going to head on over the road to go down Southborough Road! Naggy's gentle voice keeping me focused on my breathing, she is listening all the time, and she can tell when I am not concentrating on it. And she knows when she has got through to my negative thoughts as she says to me "That's it, keep it like that, keep your breathing under control, that sounds perfect"
My thoughts kept drifting to my legs though, and how heavy they are, there was a little pain creeping into my calf, I tried to ignore it! but when we were half way down Southborough Road I had to stop. Naggy told me to stretch out my leg, stretch the muscle out. I did as she said, and just gave a gentle bounce, which I got told off for. That is not good, no bouncing! Just stretching, and when you feel it loosen up a bit then stretch a little more until it doesn't hurt anymore! You learn something new all the time, don't you. I always used to bounce and stuff when stretching, but that is not the way to do it! So I did get a stop after all, but a painful one!
Of course Naggy in her usual no nonsense way said "Right no more stopping" along with "And keep you head up!" I keep doing it, I keep looking down. Naggy has said that she is going to get a neck brace for me ........ then have it that if I do look down then she will press a button and give me an electric shock! Such a caring person she is!
Running down Southborough Lane now and I was feeling bloomin beat! My legs had been filled with ten ton of lead in each leg, it feels such a long way to home. Naggy still telling me to keep my breathing under control. The I said "STUFF IT" I just stopped running. I couldn't run another step, Naggy said, "I'm not stopping, you have to catch up" I just waved her off. But she did slow down a bit, and I did eventually get going again after about 30 walking paces or more! "No more stopping, or I will add on another half mile!" she said. That thought did not go down well with me and my lead legs!
I got to keep going. I am nearly home. We were at the Havester now, and its only .75 of a mile from here, because we are going through the park and not up Southborough lane (thank goodness)
I just focused my thoughts on home, and a nice drink afterwards, on Naggy! I looked at each lamppost on the way, watching them go behind me and then looking at the next one. Thats how I got through the park today. Running down Whitebeam, on the road, I didn't want to be bothered with the ups and downs of the driveways, zapping all my precious energy! On to our road now, try as I might, I just couldn't get a sprint finish today, there was nothing left, completely empty, and I could feel another cramp coming on in my other leg!
Yes, today was a very hard run. A nice rest day tomorrow is what is needed.
Geeky stats
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