Thursday, 23 April 2020

Wednesday and Thursday!

Hello Blog readers

Two days to write about!  Such an exciting life we have! But at least we are safe guys!  We are safe at home, for those of us who don't have to go out, we are the lucky ones!  It may not feel like it, it may feel like 'they' are keeping you from you loved ones.  But we need to stay at home!  We need to not going mingling with our own loved ones let alone all those strangers!  Covid-19 is real, just as some of m friends!  The some Americans are thinking it's all a hoax and a conspiracy!  What the heck are they having with their wine!?  Who would lockdown an entire planet if we don't need it!  Really, sometimes the news makes me so annoyed that sometimes I just want to not look at it and then be totally surprised when we can go out again!

Anyway, to help with m headspace, and fitness regime, my youtube video of chose was from Joanne Soh, a very skinny fit looking young lady!  The video says on the credits that it burns up to 300 calories, at the end of the video.....the workout.......Joanna says 'you hae burnt 200 calories"!  Now which one is it, I think I prefer what it says in the credits!

Oh my goodness, it was a totally hard one!  But it makes you sweat, it raises your heart level and I am sure it must be doing something to my fitness level.....!  Those knell to squats were a killer!  Anyway, I did that, whiles going live on Facebook, I really do feel like I am working out with my mates, I know they all just drop in and out, there are a couple of my pals that are doing it with me which is really nice to know! And some still, do it later on in the day!  I am so glad that I chose to keep and share the videos!

Today, hmmm, today I did a workout that was recommend to me from ZippySherry.  It's the fit family, there's mum and two kids, a boy and a girl.. The mum went on to explain that the kids will be doing the 'harder' version and she would be doing the easier, modified version, scaled back a bit, low impact!  You just know kids all over will be looking smugly at this one!  Now this mum had this one particular move in her routine, it is a  plank, twisting slowly upwards, raising one hand up, into a side plank then going right over into a bridge type thing! And then going back they other way!  Wow!  I don't know who thought of that move but it was pretty blimmin hard!  I don't think I made it look very elegant or indeed possible!

But I got through it, got a bit of a sweat on and then more or less went on to do two more shorter classes with my Peloton app.  The arms and another class my daughter suggested, the Crush your Core!  Oh my goodness!  I think I crushed something, ego maybe, sanity even, but my core.....well I can't even feel it under all the wobbly bits!  Still, I tried to keep up on both of those, the cans of beans came back out for the arm workout!  I am going to try and see if I can 'fashion' a stretching band next, I saw some exercises on there using those!

So, until next time blog readers, toodle pips

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