Hello blog readers.
Thursday evening, it's not raining, it's not brilliant sunshine but it is perfect for a time in the rec. IllustriousLeader is in charge of this evenings session today, she always describes her sessions as ruled by the lady with the iron fist in a velvet glove! You know it's going to be tough, but she does it with a smile!
These sessions are really the only time I do try and engage my core. Each year I keep saying to my self that I will continue with the core exercises. I should really be doing core exercises. I start of all well and good, after the last session in the rec, I last all of a day, thinking about it, and then the though has gone! Much like my core, waistline, fitness and as for upper body strength, mind you, I have never had any upper body strength! I wish I could, but even opening a water bottle is hard these days!
So back to today. As usual we had the two lap run around the green, I only did one, I was a tad late. This was followed by the drills and then came our first running section. It was a relay around the cricket square. There were three groups, the slower group, the middle group and then the faster group. IllustriousLeader marked at three lanes going around the cricket square, of course that meant the the faster runners had to run around the outside lane, so it was a long run. We in the slower group were hugging the roped off square like our lives depending on it. There is such a lot of competition, although it's not a race.......it still don't stop us for trying to beat them!
Then it was that core training I told you about. We had 6 disciplines to do, Squats, star jumps, planks lunges, push-ups and burpees! It's been 4 mores since I did anything like this! Four months! I did exercises during January, when I was trying to exercise everyday, but since then....nothing! Boy did it show! But I kept at it, did it all, thirty seconds each discipline! I was glad I did the burpees last, I am sure I only managed about 3 half decent burpees!
Afterwards it was the par lufs, or relays. I thought to myself that I must try harder, so when it was my turn to run with the baton I chose a 'lane' around the green, made by the lawn mower, and tried to stick to it. I didn't want to take the inside lane, I stuck to one of the outside 'lanes' keeping my eye of the cut grass, not drifting into the other lane. Get a proper work out, after all that is what I come for!
A brisk walk to cool down, the others did a slow jog around the green. Their slow jog is my usual pace, but a nice brisk walk helped me to start to cool down. We then made a big circle and did some stretches! All done, a great fun session.
Here's my geeky stats. I forgot to turn off my Garmin afterwards, but still you get the picture!
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