Hello blog readers.
Getting back to running, building up stamina and motivation, repairing ankles and broken spirits! It's blimmin hard work. Since I injured myself at the beginners those few weeks ago I have been a bit naughty in the whole eating crap, and few extra pints. It does mean that I have a hell of a lot of work to do to get this body back in shape......well, some sort of less round shape would be good! I have also signed up for this #milesformind. It's to raise money and awareness for mental health, and May 13th - 19th is mental health awareness week, did you know that?
Mental health can affect anyone, from any walk of life. From the high powered business people to people who stay at home to raise families. It can affect the young and old, the rich and famous. Only this week the Jeremy Kyle show has been axed because of one of the guests took his own life. Not that I can stand JK, quite frankly I don't think JK's therapy techniques are quite what people who suffer from mental health need, but that's my own opinion. Mental health is a killer!
Some of the royalty have suffered from mental health, actors, comedians, nurses doctors mums and dads and kids. It can be a totally lonely time for people even when they are surrounded by people who love them. A "Just get over it" doesn't work, people need professional help, professionals that can really help the sufferer to understand themselves and to realise that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Mates can only do so much, take you out for a pint, for a run, for a walk, but to help you out of depression is just that little bit to much to ask from mates. That's why we need to raise money, fund more professionals to help all those that suffer. I am doing what I can, just running or walking, I paid my money, I was too late to launch a just giving page, so I am blogging about mental health issues, raising awareness, trying to say in my own way, that there is always help out there, you just need to ask! But for us that probably have never really experienced depression, or any other mental health issues, we can talk about it, we can share with our mates, you never know, what we say could help one of our mates to ask for help from the right people! Let's make sure that there is always the right people to be there waiting. If you see a box this week with 'Mental Health Awareness Week' written on it, pop in a quid or two!
So, my run.......my Jeffing I should say, was totally enjoyable. I was tired still, when I got home from work, but I had planned with the other Angels to be at Normans Park for a short run. Poor SnappyH wasn't very well, so she couldn't make it, NaggyNeighbough, she was knocking on my door ready to run with Benji, the new canine recruit to the angels! Both of us will be doing one less lap than we have been doing, I am building up my stamina and strength again after sitting around for a few weeks.
The first lap was slow, I had my music playing.....oh boy have I missed Jabra nagging me, telling me that my TE is only maintaining my fitness not improving. Well it was to be expected, I took it easy of course, I am not totally dumb, I know I have to take it easy, mind you, my body and legs couldn't do anymore that a few minutes at a time anyway.
I was pleased with the first lap,my ankle let me know that it was really up for the running malarkey so I just walked at bit and then ran again. It seemed to work well. Every little twinge I stopped running, and as soon as it stopped twinging I ran again! Perfect!
Before I finished my second lap, coming down the second long straight I saw SingStarJo running towards me. She said she really had to kick herself out of the door to come running and she was really pleased to have done so. I mean the weather was just lovely, the sky was blue and clear, there was a little chill in the air, but once I had warmed up I didn't even notice. SingStarJo decided to turnaround and run my second lap with me. I think I totally messed up her average pace for her but she was pleased to keep on chatting away. She also totally understands about the ankle situation. She was out of action for ages, on crutches for a few weeks too. I am just glad mine was not as bad as that! Can you imagine what size I would be if I didn't get out and do something!?
So we chatted and ran and walked around my second lap, I think I ran more that I would have done if I didn't have her next to me, with only two laps of running I thought it would be just fine. Slowly, slowly, that's the secret, I can't run before I can walk.........so to speak! I am sure you know what I mean. My lap was finishing and Naggy Neighbour hadn't caught up with me, well, I think Benji probably had a lot to sniff out on his way round, that would have slowed her down anyway. SingStarJo went on to do another lap and I waited for Naggy to reach me.
A lovely run, great company and then we rounded it off with a chat and a pint, a J20 and some H20 for the the K-9!
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