My ankle is healing nicely, I am in lead of group 1 and we were in the woods, my fist run through there for such a long while! What can I say! I felt good and apparently it seemed 'I was on one' or I had been eating magic mushrooms, according to the ranks! But I really was just so excited to be back running in the woods. You really don't notice the miles or the undulations! Well, maybe that one little undulation in particular was a tad noticeable!
I arrived at the rec to meet up with all my running buddies, J.J., CarolWithAnE, Auriol, RefMichael. It was good to see LittleJ too, she was going in the walking group with IllustriousLeader. It felt good to be wearing the yellow bib of the leaders! I missed out on my last lead due to that injury I had, did I tell you that I had an injury? It does mean that I am heading for the woods! Some of the 10 runners that were with me hadn't been running in there for a while, some hadn't been in there at all as a PWR, so it was excitement all round!
We set off after all the other groups went on their merry way, we do try and leave the rec in an orderly manner, it saves a big bottle neck of runners leaving at once. I lead the all to Dog Poo Ally! Yes I know it's not a pleasant name, but unfortunately that is its given name. But on the other side of that ally then it's the woods, beautiful, leafy, quite. It just seems to be like a different world in there. You can really just leave all your problems inside Dog Poo ally and then run, walk, talk, run and even run! You can even run in there too! I had to remind everyone of woods running, i.e. if we run over roots then I call it out, and the message gets passed back, and back, and back until everyone knows that there will be roots to run over. Always keep a space between you and the person in front of you, so that you can see the roots that they are telling you about, and above all......keep an eye out for the wood man! I can believe I haven't seen that chap I saw a good few years ago now. I know he wasn't a figment of my imagination before because Michelle saw him too! One day I will see him again!
I took them on to the left path, the one that down by the rail way line and the little stream. The floor of the woods was nice and dry, so we could get some good running done. I think that is way J.J. said I was on one! But if really did feel good. We were not spread out at all and was staying nicely grouped together. Amazing really, J.J. and CarolWithAnE had done the Vitality 10k only yesterday!
I did mention to our group 1'ers that there is a little hill to negotiate, it's the one that is my nemesis! Goss Hill! Only once have I done that hill in one go, it was when I was at my fittest, with the Old Boy pushing me up the most of the way! I think most of us walked some of this hill this evening! I did try and get a picture of all of us, but with the sun shining in a faces and us all with bright coloured tops, reflective gear, well, this is the result!
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So this is it! All aglow at the top of Goss Hill! |
From here its all down hill, is what they thought they would here, but I only told them of the hills once we got to them. Obviously they were not as steep as Goss Hill, so there really was no need to mention them, was there? As this was a group 1 run I needed to keep it to just about three miles, 5k, not much more than that. I knew that taking up to the other end of the woods would take us too much over the distance, taking down the middle path would not be long enough, but, taking them to the sundial in the woods would totally work. A quick history lesson on why there is a sun dial in the woods and we were back to running, oh of course we had another photo shoot!
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The sun Dial (which is on the other side of the memorial!) |
The last bit of running in the woods, the path that took us back to the middle of the middle path, plus another quick history lesson about the National Trust memorial and then straight down to Dog Poo Ally! Oh what a fabulous run, it was just what I needed, dumping all problems at the ally running, chatting, laughing and taking pictures. But of course, going back through the ally we have to pick it all up, only now we are totally refreshed and ready to to deal with anything! Bring it on!
Geeky stats for you all.
<iframe src='' title='Club run (leading)' width='465' height='500' frameborder='0'></iframe>
Geeky stats, a tad slower than average pace but we did have those his
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