Tuesday, 21 May 2019

Club Run!

Hello Blog Readers

Well, the ankle held out for my first group 1 run in quite a while!  I have had a couple of practise runs with doing parkrun.......'where's my blogs?' I hear you ask.  Well, I am afraid that my blogging mojo left me for a while!  Can you believe that!  Sitting down, writing about how brilliant I have been, doing my exercises......ok, brilliant is probably a tad over the top, of course I mean how ok-ish I have been with my exercises.  My blog is really my on line, open diary.  It's all about my running or cycling or exercising.  Also it's all about how I was during all of those activities.  Lately I have been in such a 'Can't be arsed' type of place.  I just couldn't be arse to write, things down.  Now if I try and remember what I did it will all just be totally wrong anyway.   

Let me tell you though, I have been exercising, I have been enjoying my exercising, my running that is.  Recently we had our beginners graduating at Normans Park parkrun.  Almost 30 of them graduated, it was just so brilliant!  I loved it!  I walked around the park with them for the first bit, and then I just stood and cheered them.

After that I have done a couple of parkruns with me doing more walking than I usually do and last week I was a tad faster than then week before.  So I felt ready to come along to Club Run this evening.  CarolWithAnE was leading and she had a lovely route planned.  It was one of her first routes that she did when she first became a LiRF!  In fact Auriol decided to join us instead of doing group 2, because she loved this route too!

I said I would sweep, I wasn't quite sure if I would be able to stay in the front of the group, besides, I am still having a slight twinge in my ankle which if I did I would walk!  If it hurts then I walk!  Simples, to me if I feel it twinge then I take that as a sign that it needs a little less pavement pounding and so therefore walk a bit.  Being a sweeper is great for taking a few extra sneaky walks!  I wasn't feeling too anxious about todays run, well maybe a little bit, I didn't really want to be holding everyone up, waiting for me.  But our group 1 don't worry about things like that!  Me and the rest of group 1 leaders know that if there are faster runners in among us then we just sent them on loop backs, just to keep them warm! 

CarolWithAnE's route is a 'Lets get this show on the road' style of route, she had us running up Wood Ride, you know, the one that the beginners do when we first take them out on to the road!  Karma, right!  I make them do it, so it's only right that on the odd occasion I have to run the hill.  It brought back memories for me of when I walked up there, right after twisting my ankle!  How I did it I don't know!  I just didn't want to think about it, after all I had a wedding that day!  Any hoo, there I was now running up this hill, feeling quite pleased with myself, but of course I was a tad knackered, I couldn't quite get up the hill in one go!  It's amazing how just a few short weeks can affect my fitness level..........what do you mean, 'I have never run up the hill in one go before!?'  Well, actually I think that is probably right!  Maybe I should use that hill as a 'beat the challenge' hill.....maybe!

I was warming up quite nicely with every step we ran, and running along the main road to the roundabout I kept us with everyone pretty well, my sweeping duties not required to much exercising at this stage. I was looking forward to going through the park, away from the fumes an noise of the cars.  At least then you can really just immerse yourself into your running, an not think about anything else. 

We were running down the road, towards the gate that we use to enter then park and I was thinking 'Have we missed the gate?' It seemed an awful long way down the road, and we passed what looked like an entrance to the park.  It's amazing how your memory can plan tricks on you, which is why really, I am not going to write up blogs about my last couple of runs!  It could quite easily turn into a fictional blog!! But CarolWithAnE hadn't missed it, she knew exactly where she going!  She stopped just by the entrance to a blog, waiting for a young lad, bouncing his football along the path.  This is where we go in, once in there I totally remembered it. 

We came out on Cardiac Hill!  I know, the name still sends shivers down my spine, but we came out at the top of it, with just a smidging of it to run.  We then ran down Willet Way, with all the little closes, IllustriousLeader usually sends us down these to add miles to her runs.  But CarolWtihAnE didn't.   I tried to remember where she went, I knew she had to find another half mile at least, just to make it to 3 miles, a perfect group 1 distance.  I kept thinking that she would go along another road to the left but she kept going straight along the road, towards Crossways and the rec. Hmm?  Ok, we all kept on following our leader, right to the end, crossed over and then ran all the way to the rec.  When we got there I turned off my Jabra, (my earphones, I didn't have music playing, I just wanted her to record everything)  and it showed exactly 3 miles!  Bang on group 1 distance!  So I stopped my Garmin too.........then I looked at my Garmin stats when I synced up my mobile and it said.......2.97 miles!   Ooo, so annoying, I should have checked it, then I could have just ran on it through the gate with my Garmin running still!

Geeky stats, I'll show you both of the them!

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