Thursday, 30 May 2019

The Iron fist and Velvet Glove!

Hello blog readers.

Thursday evening, it's not raining, it's not brilliant sunshine but it is perfect for a time in the rec.  IllustriousLeader is in charge of this evenings session today, she always describes her sessions as ruled by the lady with the iron fist in a velvet glove!  You know it's going to be tough, but she does it with a smile!

These sessions are really the only time I do try and engage my core.  Each year I keep saying to my self that I will continue with the core exercises.  I should really be doing core exercises.  I start of all well and good, after the last session in the rec, I last all of a day, thinking about it, and then the though has gone!  Much like my core, waistline, fitness and as for upper body strength, mind you, I have never had any upper body strength!  I wish I could, but even opening a water bottle is hard these days!

So back to today.  As usual we had the two lap run around the green, I only did one, I was a tad late.  This was followed by the drills and then came our first running section.  It was a relay around the cricket square.  There were three groups, the slower group, the middle group and then the faster group.  IllustriousLeader marked at three lanes going around the cricket square, of course that meant the the faster runners had to run around the outside lane, so it was a long run.  We in the slower group were hugging the roped off square like our lives depending on it.  There is such a lot of competition, although it's not a still don't stop us for trying to beat them!

Then it was that core training I told you about.  We had 6 disciplines to do, Squats, star jumps, planks lunges, push-ups and burpees!  It's been 4 mores since I did anything like this!  Four months!  I did exercises during January, when I was trying to exercise everyday, but since then....nothing!  Boy did it show!  But I kept at it, did it all, thirty seconds each discipline!  I was glad I did the burpees last, I am sure I only managed about 3 half decent burpees!

Afterwards it was the par lufs, or relays.  I thought to myself that I must try harder, so when it was my turn to run with the baton I chose a 'lane' around the green, made by the lawn mower, and tried to stick to it.  I didn't want to take the inside lane, I stuck to one of the outside 'lanes' keeping my eye of the cut grass, not drifting into the other lane.  Get a proper work out, after all that is what I come for!

A brisk walk to cool down, the others did a slow jog around the green. Their slow jog is my usual pace, but a nice brisk walk helped me to start to cool down.  We then made a big circle and did some stretches!  All done, a great fun session. 

Here's my geeky stats.  I forgot to turn off my Garmin afterwards, but still you get the picture!

Wednesday, 29 May 2019

Oops I did It Again!

Hello blog readers.

Oops indeed, not a bad oops, a good oops.  Naggy and I went out for a short breather through the woods.  Oh and Benji of course,  how could I forget that four legged little love. He came with us too, Naggys furbaby. 

The weather wasn't looking too inviting, it had been on and off raining all day.  You all know me, I hate going out when it's raining, it's ok once I have started, but that initial raindrop on my running cap just makes me want to go back.  We had two routes in mind, obviously, we could go around Normans park, even though one of the angels was missing, SnappyH was celebrating her anniversary of giving birth to gorgeous little fella six years ago!  I always think that us mums should celebrate just as much as the kids we have.  After all, it's bloody hard work growing, nurturing, carry a tiny human around for 9 months, it's an awesome achievement! Worthy of a few Aperel Spritz I'd say!  Anyway, our choice of routes was in the woods, at least in there we have the protection of the trees from the rain if it falls!

We drove to the entrance, Dog Poo Ally, and walked through, I was going to take her the same route that I led Group 1 yesterday, except with a slightly different finish at the end.  Of course we didn't start in the park, we just parked along the road and then walked to the ally way.  Once in we were straight into running.  Now, the thing about running in the woods is that Naggy hasn't a clue where she is.  It does mean that she will be doing a slightly slower run than what she would have done in Normans, or, of course, I will be trying to catch up to her and Agent K9Benji!  (Benji has a nickname too!)  The first bit of the route I was really trying to chat and run, trying to keep up with Naggy and K9Benji, of course I failed miserably.  Both with the chatting and the running!  I had a bit of a walk to catch my breath. 

Once I was warmed up, I could run a little bit extra distance before I almost died!  Even Naggy's slow run is a fast run, but what I liked about it, she started nagging the dog!  "Come on then"  Or at least, I think she was nagging the dog!  We ran the left hand path, the one that goes to the three bridges, but we didn't do the bridges today.  We continued along the path by the rail lines until we got to the stream.  K9Benji just wanted to jump in and enjoy the cool water, but being as he is on this running lead thing Naggy had other ideas, keep on running Agent K9!!

Goss hill next!  I just said to Naggy, "see you at the top!" I knew that she was not going to stop!  All the way up to the bench!  I started the dreaded hill, try as I might I couldn't run the whole way,  I ran some, I walked some, I ran some more I walked some more. Naggy had turned the corner and I couldn't see her, I kept up my walk some/run some method of getting up the hill.  Then I saw Naggy and K9Ben, stood still, not running, not at the top of the hill!  "Awww, they waited for me" I thought, and I ran some more.  Then I saw Naggy put her hand in a bag and pick up the poop!  Blimey, I was so slow, those two managed to run out of sight, K9Ben gets a 'dump' in before I even got to them!  They both run to the top where they waited for me to get to them!  I got this picture of the three of us though.
Same Hill different view!

I lead Naggy, from the back of course I can't get in the front of here!, along the undulating, roller coaster style path, the one with the barbed wire protecting the field.  You really have to keep your eyes on the path, I have nightmares sometimes of falling on the barbed wire!  I always point this out to whoever I am running with. We didn't take too long to get this bit done and then we turned left and ran up the the next path. 

We were chatting and running the whole way round, just putting the world to rights.  Sometimes you really just need to run and talk, even it's utter shite, just getting out there in the fresh air is enough of a pick me up you need to face the next day.

The smaller undulations done and we ran along to the sundial, but unlike yesterday we didn't go that way, we carried on the end of the woods, by the main road and ran down there.  Just before the Woodmans Cottage Naggy noticed the pink flowers of the Rhododendron bushes.  "Is this rhododendron walk?" she asked.  I said it wasn't, but the next path going right is.  We just had to go down there, the flowers looked beautiful, it was worth losing out on the longer run just to go down there. it took us to the middle path where we ran all the down to Dog Poo Ally!

A lovely run, just what was needed!

Here's a geeky stats.

Tuesday, 28 May 2019

Back To The Roots! - Club Run

Hello blog readers.

My ankle is healing nicely, I am in lead of group 1 and we were in the woods, my fist run through there for such a long while!  What can I say!  I felt good and apparently it seemed 'I was on one' or I had been eating magic mushrooms, according to the ranks! But I really was just so excited to be back running in the woods.  You really don't notice the miles or the undulations!  Well, maybe that one little undulation in particular was a tad noticeable!

I arrived at the rec to meet up with all my running buddies, J.J., CarolWithAnE, Auriol, RefMichael. It was good to see LittleJ too, she was going in the walking group with IllustriousLeader.  It felt good to be wearing the yellow bib of the leaders!  I missed out on my last lead due to that injury I had, did I tell you that I had an injury?  It does mean that I am heading for the woods!  Some of the 10 runners that were with me hadn't been running in there for a while, some hadn't been in there at all as a PWR, so it was excitement all round!

We set off after all the other groups went on their merry way, we do try and leave the rec in an orderly manner, it saves a big bottle neck of runners leaving at once.  I lead the all to Dog Poo Ally! Yes I know it's not a pleasant name, but unfortunately that is its given name.  But on the other side of that ally then it's the woods, beautiful, leafy, quite.  It just seems to be like a different world in there.  You can really just leave all your problems inside Dog Poo ally and then run, walk, talk, run and even run!  You can even run in there too!  I had to remind everyone of woods running, i.e. if we run over roots then I call it out, and the message gets passed back, and back, and back until everyone knows that there will be roots to run over.  Always keep a space between you and the person in front of you, so that you can see the roots that they are telling you about, and above all......keep an eye out for the wood man!  I can believe I haven't seen that chap I saw a good few years ago now.  I know he wasn't a figment of my imagination before because Michelle saw him too!  One day I will see him again!

I took them on to the left path, the one that down by the rail way line and the little stream.  The floor of the woods was nice and dry, so we could get some good running done.  I think that is way J.J. said I was on one!  But if really did feel good.  We were not spread out at all and was staying nicely grouped together.  Amazing really, J.J. and CarolWithAnE had done the Vitality 10k only yesterday!

I did mention to our group 1'ers that there is a little hill to negotiate, it's the one that is my nemesis!  Goss Hill!  Only once have I done that hill in one go, it was when I was at my fittest, with the Old Boy pushing me up the most of the way!   I think most of us walked some of this hill this evening!  I did try and get a picture of all of us, but with the sun shining in a faces and us all with bright coloured tops, reflective gear, well, this is the result!
So this is it!  All aglow at the top of Goss Hill!

From here its all down hill, is what they thought they would here, but I only told them of the hills once we got to them.  Obviously they were not as steep as Goss Hill, so there really was no need to mention them, was there?  As this was a group 1 run I needed to keep it to just about three miles, 5k, not much more than that.  I knew that taking up to the other end of the woods would take us too much over the distance,  taking down the middle path would not be long enough, but, taking them to the sundial in the woods would totally work. A quick history lesson on why there is a sun dial in the woods and we were back to running, oh of course we had another photo shoot!

The sun Dial (which is on the other side of
the memorial!)

The last bit of running in the woods, the path that took us back to the middle of the middle path, plus another quick history lesson about the National Trust memorial and then straight down to Dog Poo Ally!  Oh what a fabulous run, it was just what I needed, dumping all problems at the ally running, chatting, laughing and taking pictures.  But of course, going back through the ally we have to pick it all up, only now we are totally refreshed and ready to to deal with anything! Bring it on!

Geeky stats for you all.

<iframe src='' title='Club run (leading)' width='465' height='500' frameborder='0'></iframe>

Geeky stats, a tad slower than average pace but we did have those his

Thursday, 23 May 2019

Hitting The Deck In the Rec!

Hello blog readers.

Look at me, running twice this week and blogging about it!  Shhh, don't tell mojo for goodness sake,  we don't that going back into hiding, it's bad enough as it is!  I reckon it was mojo that made me fall down the hole in the first place!

Anyway, it's a spring and summer time sessions in the rec!  Every year for the past 12 years these sessions have been happening.  It's great fun.  Today DiscoRich took to the whistle as he lead the first of our summer session consisting of around 25 - 30 people!  It's a popular sessions!

We do a warm up couple of laps around the cricket field and then we have some drills......minding those holes!!  I was very wary of the ground underfoot, I tried really not to focus on it too much but just enjoy being out!  Then it was down to business with our running activities and what not!

First of DiscoRich had laid out four cones for each team of four, so around about 6-7 columns of four cones each.  We were doing the pyramid  running.  All the group 1's kind of grouped together going along the start line, each group of 4 getting more and more faster!  Well, I don't think this is going to be a race, but we will try our hardest down here in the slower column to finish as quick as we can!  We had to take it in turn to run to the first come and then back, hand our baton to our team member who then runs to the first cone until we all have done that.  Then we do the second cone, the third cone, the fourth cone, the third cone, the second cone until we all do the last cone.  It's all about little sprints.  Great fun, my team was second.......second to last but we didn't give up.......well it wasn't a race, was it?

After it was all about the core work.  #Ihavenocore, is the hash tag that SnappyH has decided to use!  I think I will use that too!  My core is definitely hiding under a nice warm layer of winter wobbles!  I say to myself every year "Core exercises should be a daily thing"  Every year I keep saying to myself that I will do some sort of core work at home during the week, but every year I do about 1 weeks worth!  Lets see if I can keep the core work going this year, after all I have Jabbra to nag me now!

After our core session it was down to some more running.  Our Par luffs are always a big hit and we finish the session with at least a 10-12 minutes of running these relay loops of the green.

Then it's some lovely cool down stretches to make sure we won't be getting cramps and knots and goodness what ever in our legs after such rigorous running!  It was a great session, CarolWithAnE and RefMichael was there, J.J. and LouLou was there, Auriol and Nigel, DiscoRich and IllustriousLeader! And loads of others, too many to name, some names escape me and some I am not sure of!  It was a fabulous first summer Core and Running session today!  I shall look forward to next Thursdays, lead by IllustriousLeader!

Miles on the door for #milesformind is also a bonus too!  Here's my geeky stats!  I started it up doing the warm ups (I know, but it all goes to help!) and kept it going through the core sessions as you can see by the weird route!!

Tuesday, 21 May 2019

Club Run!

Hello Blog Readers

Well, the ankle held out for my first group 1 run in quite a while!  I have had a couple of practise runs with doing parkrun.......'where's my blogs?' I hear you ask.  Well, I am afraid that my blogging mojo left me for a while!  Can you believe that!  Sitting down, writing about how brilliant I have been, doing my exercises......ok, brilliant is probably a tad over the top, of course I mean how ok-ish I have been with my exercises.  My blog is really my on line, open diary.  It's all about my running or cycling or exercising.  Also it's all about how I was during all of those activities.  Lately I have been in such a 'Can't be arsed' type of place.  I just couldn't be arse to write, things down.  Now if I try and remember what I did it will all just be totally wrong anyway.   

Let me tell you though, I have been exercising, I have been enjoying my exercising, my running that is.  Recently we had our beginners graduating at Normans Park parkrun.  Almost 30 of them graduated, it was just so brilliant!  I loved it!  I walked around the park with them for the first bit, and then I just stood and cheered them.

After that I have done a couple of parkruns with me doing more walking than I usually do and last week I was a tad faster than then week before.  So I felt ready to come along to Club Run this evening.  CarolWithAnE was leading and she had a lovely route planned.  It was one of her first routes that she did when she first became a LiRF!  In fact Auriol decided to join us instead of doing group 2, because she loved this route too!

I said I would sweep, I wasn't quite sure if I would be able to stay in the front of the group, besides, I am still having a slight twinge in my ankle which if I did I would walk!  If it hurts then I walk!  Simples, to me if I feel it twinge then I take that as a sign that it needs a little less pavement pounding and so therefore walk a bit.  Being a sweeper is great for taking a few extra sneaky walks!  I wasn't feeling too anxious about todays run, well maybe a little bit, I didn't really want to be holding everyone up, waiting for me.  But our group 1 don't worry about things like that!  Me and the rest of group 1 leaders know that if there are faster runners in among us then we just sent them on loop backs, just to keep them warm! 

CarolWithAnE's route is a 'Lets get this show on the road' style of route, she had us running up Wood Ride, you know, the one that the beginners do when we first take them out on to the road!  Karma, right!  I make them do it, so it's only right that on the odd occasion I have to run the hill.  It brought back memories for me of when I walked up there, right after twisting my ankle!  How I did it I don't know!  I just didn't want to think about it, after all I had a wedding that day!  Any hoo, there I was now running up this hill, feeling quite pleased with myself, but of course I was a tad knackered, I couldn't quite get up the hill in one go!  It's amazing how just a few short weeks can affect my fitness level..........what do you mean, 'I have never run up the hill in one go before!?'  Well, actually I think that is probably right!  Maybe I should use that hill as a 'beat the challenge' hill.....maybe!

I was warming up quite nicely with every step we ran, and running along the main road to the roundabout I kept us with everyone pretty well, my sweeping duties not required to much exercising at this stage. I was looking forward to going through the park, away from the fumes an noise of the cars.  At least then you can really just immerse yourself into your running, an not think about anything else. 

We were running down the road, towards the gate that we use to enter then park and I was thinking 'Have we missed the gate?' It seemed an awful long way down the road, and we passed what looked like an entrance to the park.  It's amazing how your memory can plan tricks on you, which is why really, I am not going to write up blogs about my last couple of runs!  It could quite easily turn into a fictional blog!! But CarolWithAnE hadn't missed it, she knew exactly where she going!  She stopped just by the entrance to a blog, waiting for a young lad, bouncing his football along the path.  This is where we go in, once in there I totally remembered it. 

We came out on Cardiac Hill!  I know, the name still sends shivers down my spine, but we came out at the top of it, with just a smidging of it to run.  We then ran down Willet Way, with all the little closes, IllustriousLeader usually sends us down these to add miles to her runs.  But CarolWtihAnE didn't.   I tried to remember where she went, I knew she had to find another half mile at least, just to make it to 3 miles, a perfect group 1 distance.  I kept thinking that she would go along another road to the left but she kept going straight along the road, towards Crossways and the rec. Hmm?  Ok, we all kept on following our leader, right to the end, crossed over and then ran all the way to the rec.  When we got there I turned off my Jabra, (my earphones, I didn't have music playing, I just wanted her to record everything)  and it showed exactly 3 miles!  Bang on group 1 distance!  So I stopped my Garmin too.........then I looked at my Garmin stats when I synced up my mobile and it said.......2.97 miles!   Ooo, so annoying, I should have checked it, then I could have just ran on it through the gate with my Garmin running still!

Geeky stats, I'll show you both of the them!

Wednesday, 15 May 2019

Normans Angels - Back to It!

Hello blog readers.

Getting back to running, building up stamina and motivation, repairing ankles and broken spirits!  It's blimmin hard work.  Since I injured myself at the beginners those few weeks ago I have been a bit naughty in the whole eating crap, and few extra pints.  It does mean that I have a hell of a lot of work to do to get this body back in shape......well, some sort of less round shape would be good!  I have also signed up for this #milesformind. It's to raise money and awareness for mental health, and May 13th - 19th is mental health awareness week, did you know that? 

Mental health can affect anyone, from any walk of life.  From the high powered business people to people who stay at home to raise families.  It can affect the young and old, the rich and famous.  Only this week the Jeremy Kyle show has been axed because of one of the guests took his own life.  Not that I can stand JK, quite frankly I don't think JK's therapy techniques are quite what people who suffer from mental health need, but that's my own opinion. Mental health is a killer! 

Some of the royalty have suffered from mental health, actors, comedians, nurses doctors mums and dads and kids.  It can be a totally lonely time for people even when they are surrounded by people who love them.  A "Just get over it" doesn't work, people need professional help, professionals that can really help the sufferer to understand themselves and to realise that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.  Mates can only do so much, take you out for a pint, for a run, for a walk, but to help you out of depression is just that little bit to much to ask from mates.  That's why we need to raise money, fund more professionals to help all those that suffer.  I am doing what I can, just running or walking, I paid my money, I was too late to launch a just giving page, so I am blogging about mental health issues, raising awareness, trying to say in my own way, that there is always help out there, you just need to ask!  But for us that probably have never really experienced depression, or any other mental health issues, we can talk about it, we can share with our mates, you never know, what we say could help one of our mates to ask for help from the right people!   Let's make sure that there is always the right people to be there waiting.  If you see a box this week with 'Mental Health Awareness Week' written on it, pop in a quid or two!

So, my Jeffing I should say, was totally enjoyable.  I was tired still, when I got home from work, but I had planned with the other Angels to be at Normans Park for a short run.  Poor SnappyH wasn't very well, so she couldn't make it, NaggyNeighbough,  she was knocking on my door ready to run with Benji, the new canine recruit to the angels!  Both of us will be doing one less lap than we have been doing, I am building up my stamina and strength again after sitting around for a few weeks.

The first lap was slow, I had my music playing.....oh boy have I missed Jabra nagging me, telling me that my TE is only maintaining my fitness not improving.  Well it was to be expected, I took it easy of course, I am not totally dumb, I know I have to take it easy, mind you, my body and legs couldn't do anymore that a few minutes at a time anyway.

I was pleased with the first lap,my ankle let me know that it was really up for the running malarkey so I just walked at bit and then ran again.  It seemed to work well.  Every little twinge I stopped running, and as soon as it stopped twinging I ran again!  Perfect!

Before I finished my second lap, coming down the second long straight I saw SingStarJo running towards me.  She said she really had to kick herself out of the door to come running and she was really pleased to have done so.  I mean the weather was just lovely, the sky was blue and clear, there was a little chill in the air, but once I had warmed up I didn't even notice.  SingStarJo decided to turnaround and run my second lap with me.  I think I totally messed up her average pace for her but she was pleased to keep on chatting away.  She also totally understands about the ankle situation.  She was out of action for ages, on crutches for a few weeks too.  I am just glad mine was not as bad as that!  Can you imagine what size I would be if I didn't get out and do something!?

So we chatted and ran and walked around my second lap, I think I ran more that I would have done if I didn't have her next to me, with only two laps of running I thought it would be just fine.  Slowly, slowly, that's the secret, I can't run before I can to speak! I am sure you know what I mean.  My lap was finishing and Naggy Neighbour hadn't caught up with me, well, I think Benji probably had a lot to sniff out on his way round, that would have slowed her down anyway.  SingStarJo went on to do another lap and I waited for Naggy to reach me.

A lovely run, great company and then we rounded it off with a chat and a pint, a J20 and some H20 for the the K-9! 

Tuesday, 7 May 2019

Club Run - Well Club Walk Actually!

Hello blog readers.

I am so glad to be back with my running buddies on a Tuesday!  Ok, so I wasn't running, I joined the walking group today.  It was lovely walking with IllustriousLeader, LittleJ, J.J. and Christine with her lovely dog.  So just 5 of us, I so needed to be back out there, the best bit is that we went through the woods!  It's been such a long time!

With the walking wounded all gathered, we watched as all the other groups ran passed out of the gate, maybe next week, next week I will try and see if my ankle is sufficiently healed to join in.  I really do need to get back to my running.  I am losing my waist line again!  I could stop eating, but......well, there is........actually..........?? No, there is no excuse why I can't stop eating crap, I like it!  I always eat it, but usually I have the running to help burn off those calories!

We had a nice walk through the woods, we went in through Dog Poo Ally, took the middle path to got right the way through the woods.  There is no way we can do the whole of the walk in the woods as it would soon be too dark, but doing he first half in the woods always makes me feel good.

We walked all the way up till we almost got to the information board, just not reaching it, there on the left is another path.  We took this one to the end and which brought us to a criss cross of paths.  We went straight on from there and came out on the the rather posh estate.  Houses here of in excess of one mill at least!  Beautiful houses, but my favorite want is called Walsingham Manor!  Oh my goodness, it truly is a beautiful building.  It inspired a rather romantic blog from me when I was on one of my solo runs.  Oh, I can remember that run as it it was yesterday.  It was a gorgeously warm day, the sun was dancing through the trees, lighting up the gossamer webs, strung through the trees.  Each web had tiny droplets of water on them, making them sparkle like diamonds.  If only we could capture those delicate lacy garments of the trees and drape them on our own clothes.  So pretty!

Oh, see, there I go again, getting all Mills and Boon!  I must try and find out the history of this place, just to see if my fantasy dreams match up to what really is the truth about this lovely building.  I managed to track down a picture of it, it is now flats, of course it's flats!  It's an huge building, I don't suppose one family could occupy such a huge place!  I think maybe the Walsingham family must have owned it before, they were a very important family, dating back to the 16th century!

After admiring this place for a couple of minutes we continued our walk up the road to the end.  We then crossed over the road.  The light was fading but we decided that we could probably get through just this just before it was too dark!  We finished off the last bit of Chislehurst road on the pavement, before walking down Birchwood.

I didn't want it to end, it was great being with my mates again, next time, well next time I hope I am running, in group 1 of course.  I have to work up to group 3 again! (I know I have only done group 3 once, but I did get there!)

Geeky stats.

Thursday, 2 May 2019

Paddock Wood Half Marathon 2019

Hello all!

It's now.......goodness knows how many hours/days/weeks since the start of the half!  I am not aching any more, (surprise, surprise).  But the sense of achievement is still here,  especially now when I feel a slight pain in my  ankle after a fall, bringing back the memories of the pains I felt on that day, the twinges that was in my knees and my back!  Yup, I finished it, and I am proud! Still!

So where do I start!  At the beginning would be the best place, but where I should be starting is telling you  all about that training I did, the hours and miles of pavement pounding, the runs with Normans Angels, Naggy and SnappyH. With the solo running listening to music, knocking out another 10 miler!  That is where I should start......but I can't!  I was woefully under trained again!  Yes, I did track sessions with PhysioMikeTheMod and Jane, but not enough, yes I went out running with Naggy, but not enough and yes there were some great sessions at Norman Park with the Angels, but not enough! So, just like last year really!  But unlike last year I am a year older possibly a little heavier, hmm, maybe slightly unfitter too! What a crazy lady I am!

Naggy drove me and SnappyH to Paddock Wood, we needed to be there early because Naggy had to meet some people for a photo opportunity or something, we also met up with loads of our PWR's too, I think there were nearly 80 of us running that day.  We walked on pass Keith, the man with the p.a.! He's there every year, a great guy, he offered his help with his p.a. system to an event we organised for a local hero of ours, here in Petts Wood, James 'Running Man' Gilson.  It's been five years since he passed away!  Time just seems to fly by!  Mind you I called out to Keith and say "Alright Robert" which is Keith's middle name!  "Alright Moosh" he called back at me! That's my nickname by the way! It was way to early for me!

So there we were, queueing for the loos as usual, putting on race chips, club tee shirts, handing in our bags to the baggage drop and then......first picture of us!

See how happy we all looked, I think Naggy looked totally relaxed, although she has had her nemesis this time round,. Hannah was about to be experience her first half, so she was rather excited and probably and, no doubt, a whole host of other emotions, as for me I was just praying that I would get in with 3 hours!  The weather was just perfect for running, probably the spectators would have said otherwise!  It was a bit overcast and it was misty as we were driving there, it should keep us all cool for the run.

One last loo stop and then we joined in with the masses, well just over 2,000 people, but still a pretty big turn out!
This is us, waiting!
 We started to move forward, slowly at first, just walking, then running as all those 'bleep, bleep, bleep' got louder as we neared the timing mats, as each runner started their timer chip when they ran over the mats. At first, me, Naggy, SnappyH and Paula all started together, but with each of us running at different speeds we soon started to part our ways running along the first road.  By the time we got to the first turn SnappyH was just a bit in front, Paula was somewhere in among a throng of runners a little further a head and Naggy was just a blur in the distance.  Now it was just up to me to get this done.  I already had some sort of plan, well apart from 'I will finish, no matter what!' plan. But the first bit was that I was not going to stop at every marker board, I will not be taking a selfie at each mile, I shall take a selfie after every parkrun distance, until I get to mile 9, and then it's all non stop from there.  It was a plan, and without the lack of a full half marathon training plan in my legs then it will just have to do.  I thought that each parkrun is something that is totally doable.  This year I have done at least two 6 milers, I finished them, I didn't hurt too much, so I assumed that just doing that all over again with an extra mile should be ok!

That 'hill' soon loomed in front of me.  It's the only nasty hill on the course, well, what I call nasty is what faster runners call a pimple! There were a couple of minor nasties to face as well, but that first one was always a shock to the system, especially when you have listened to everyone saying 'what a flat route that Paddock Half is!'.  Yes I know I have done it several times before, but my mind plays tricks on me and I believe my mind when it says, "Yes, of course it's flat, it's as flat as a pancake"  I very easily forgot that first hill, it felt like I was trying to run up the side of Ben Nevis!

I was at the back of the masses, I mean really right at the very back, with just a couple of other people behind me, beside me and just a couple of feet in front of me.  "This is the party at the back!" said the ones behind me!  I already started to feel a bit down with myself and decided that I needed to get up that hill and look like a PWR runner!  I remember it was blimmin tough!  I was literally blowing out all over the place, but I kept a professional compose!  At least I didn't have to talk to anyone!  Knowing I had done that first nasty hill I began to relax a bit.  I thought "Let's just get this first parkrun distance done.  Once that first one is out of the way, then I am sure I will relax a bit"  It's daft, but I still do think I will relax.  Thirteen miles, trying to run, is not a blimmin relaxing thing to do!  Relaxing is sitting on your recliner, watching your fav movie, with a cuppa in one hand and a shortbread in the other.  Relaxing is sitting by a pool, sun blazing down, a cool pool just feet away and a nice chap to bring you beer.  Relaxing is not running 13 miles! But anyway, that is exactly what I was thinking!

I got to the three miles, bang on time......well, my time, knowing I still had 10 miles and a bit to go.
Ok so far!
I wasn't going to try and beat my pb, to be honest, I couldn't remember what it was!  I didn't want to check it, I didn't want that in my mind putting me under pressure!  Well, this is me, I took it at 10:11 am, brilliant modern technology isn't it, time stamping everything.  About 30 minutes after that picture was taken I thought I just had to get this next photo.  He was my 'guardian angel' he was in fact every ones guardian angel.  He zipped about on his motorbike, making sure that everyone was ok.  Each time we met I gave him the 'thumbs up' and he started to do the same to me!
His name is....Brian!  Brian the motorbike paramedic. 
On the back of his bike it said 'Blood'  I decided not to ask about this, but just be thankful that he was there!

Mile 6 came up soon after making contact with Brian, that was the distance that I had done on my training runs, after that it will be the longest run of the year!  New territory.  I tried not to think about that, instead I thought about the fact I had done one 6 miler and now I was about to do another 6 miler.  After all, I have done at least two already on my training runs!  You can see how my mind was working!  Great training right!  Oh I just hoped that the track sessions was enough to get me through!
I even managed a smile

There were plenty of cheers along the way and the marshals were just amazing.  Knowing I was one of the back packers they were still totally on form.  I remember last year there were a few more kids around, with the sticky boxes of sticky jelly babies.  I would have eaten a few of those if they were around, I wouldn't even have minded if their hands had been in there!  But I think I must have been a bit slower than the other years, not kids around and not a squidgy jelly baby to be had!  I will just have to make sure that the curry I had the night before would still be doing it's magic!

A picture pains a thousand
Mile 9!  What can I say when I saw this particular marker!  I had a few choice words that wouldn't raise an eyebrow in a pub full or geezers on a stag do! But I had made it.  I wasn't looking to pretty, I wasn't feeling to pretty.....the scenery was stunning!  So I concentrated on that!  Just looking around, smelling the fresh air.  The roads were mostly car free, apart from dear Brian going up and down checking on all us at the back.  I knew they wouldn't be keeping the roads open for to much longer, I just had to keep plodding on.

With just another parkrun to do.....and an extra mile, I was looking forward to finishing it.  I was really beginning to hurt a bit now and then mile 10 came!  Oh my goodness.  This is where it started to go down hill........and no, that is not a great thing to be doing while running, because it's not the 'down hill' that I mean!  I got this awful pain in my knee!  Just landing on it from running was not good!  From that point I just walked with a little jog in between!  It was tough.  But the marshals kept their cheers going, even the public that saw me gave me cheers, telling me it wasn't far to go!

I was so pleased to get that last parkrun done and dusted, I know it wasn't very pretty, going though the housing was a good feeling, knowing that just through it is the high street, the end is just at the other end!  I was on the pavement by then, the lorry was collecting all the traffic cones.  But I felt ok, it was my own fault, should have done the training!

So there I was, virtually crawling along the high street when the other knee decided to give me gip!  Only this time my knee hurt even when I walked on it!  What the heck was going on in my body!  I am not that old yet, am I?  All of a sudden as I ran passed the pub on my left the most almighty roar came, "Come on Donna, Donna, Go on!"  I think the whole of the PWR competitors and their entourage was outside the pub!  Oh my goodness, did I need to hear that just then!  With my spirits well and truly given a kick up the arse I plodded along with my head held high, well, just a little bit more off my chest!

Just at the corner, where we had to turn to run to the finish line Naggy saw me!  She looked quite concerned!  Feck me, I must have been in a worse state than I thought I was.  "Come on babe," she said to me as she ran up to me, "Just a little bit further, you got this"  My goodness, deffo look worse that I thought I was, Naggy had never called me babe before!

Anyway, I got it, I finished it, I got my medal! Here, this is it,
Fecking Proud or what!
And I am still fecking proud!  Anyone who does any sort of running after 10 miles gets my total respect, in fact anyone that runs for 5 miles gets my respect.  Actually, anyone that gets off their arse and runs gets my respect.  Our sport is not the easiest of things to's the cheapest.....unless you get shoe envy, Garmin envy, tech top envy and enter every blimmin race you can, but it is the most satisfying, relaxing, therapeutic, social, me time that you can do and keep fit at the same time!

Of course afterwards we needed to refuel, so the nearest pub and burger was called for!  Here's a few more photos!

This worm calculated my speed and
decided he could cross the road without
getting squished!
The field!

Starters for lunch!

The got back way before me!