It's a new year, the 1st day of 2019! Is Mojo just around the corner? Is it hiding beneath the pile of food, beer and sweets. Is it evading capture by determination, spirit, and perseverance! Not this time! I will do it! I will capture Mojo and hang on to it! I like being fit, I like being a few pounds lighter and a size or two smaller! I like being in control! I am in control of what happens to me! It's is my decision to be lazy or to just get on and do it! No one else! Of course I have a great team with me to encourage me on my journey back to fitdom, but I have to chose to listen to them! Determination, get a bad ass attitude, take no prisoners and lets get this shit off the hips and stick some muscle back on!
Fecking ell, I wish it was as easy to do it as to write it! It all sounds good putting it down, but today, for the first time in a while, I felt the stirrings of true belief that I can do it! I was out with NaggyNeighbour again this morning, we decided not to NYD parkrun but to do our own thing again! Our own thing just so happened to be running around Normans Park again, but with no pressure, just us doing our thing. We left around 11;30, so I had plenty of time for a lay in, especially after the previous nights celebrations, I had all my gizmos, my mojo hunting equipment with me.....or so I thought! And we drove to the park.
It was while we we walking to where we start our running start point that I realised that I had forgotten my Garmin which I had put on charge! Tut, oh well, I do have this new app now, connected to my earphones! I was wandering if it will show a map as well, but I shall see that at the end of my run. I had decided not to do another VO2 test but to go straight into an activity, just to see how it all works out. It's great having new gadgets! I pushed the start button on my app, got my Spotify going, Bat out of Hell was playing giving me much needed Mojo finding energy, and I just ran. Naggy started to pull away from me more or less as soon as we started. I think she is on a mission. I also had a sneaky suspicion that she was going to lap me! I must stay ahead of her at all times!
My ear phones started to talk to me straight away, telling me at first my speed was going to maintain my fitness level, which is totally not what I want! Then it said I would be getting fitter at a gently pace all the way through and up to my pace is going to get me fitter real quick and I should think about a rest after this! Well, it said something else rather than real quick but you get the picture!
There were quite a few people out and about in the park, I guess it being a bank holiday, and probably the last days holiday for most people, they all decided to go out with the family, kids on the new scooters, bikes, electric cars! There was going to be a lot of dodging to do. My earphones had finished talking to me after it said that I was fitness level 5, which I am guessing is pretty good, and so I tried to maintain my pace, enjoy my music and have some fun. Maintaining pace was going to be difficult, I almost felt like I was running nude without my Garmin to look at and to tell me how my pace was. I was just going to have to rely on my new gadget to help me maintain my pace. I hoped it would speak to me again.
The long straight done, the top of the park done and I was heading back on the second long straight. Naggy was nowhere to be seen, she is so going to overtake me today! It was just down here that my earphones spoke to me again, it had told me I had run for .85 miles, it was the 10 minutes reminder, and then loads of other stats came along with it too, heart rate, cadence, calories, time, pace, mph! I tell you, it calculated the lot! I just kind of smiled, I must have looked like a blimmin grinning Cheshire cat! But soon the pounding of my feet crept back into my thoughts, I was running here! And I better keep it up! Just a little further on my earphones said it all again as I reached the 1 mile marker! Then I had remembered I had the settings to do exactly that!
So the first lap done and I was feeling pretty good, I am sure I have done a bit more walking that I did yesterday though, but still, I am out here and I am doing it! Which at the moment is all I need to do! No racing, not thinking about anybody else, just out there for me! But it was good to know that Naggy was out there....somewhere.....with me too!
I was really enjoying my music, it was from Bat out of Hell the musical, me and my middle Daughter went to see it a few weeks back. Fantastic show! The second lap went by ok, and I really had to call on my wrist thingy that SnapperHannah had bought for me, 'Pain is temporary'! I looked at that a couple of times as I ran on the third lap! Temporary, that's all it is, once I had done this lap it was all done till next time! I tried to push out a little harder, not quite sure if I had done, I miss my Garmin, so I just ran along with the beat of the music trying very hard not to actually dance along with the music. I may have failed a little bit on that point! Still, runners, we are a crazy bunch of people anyways!
I got to the top of the park and I tried to see if I could see Naggy but I couldn't see her! Maybe she is going to come the other way to me after all! I started running down for the last time on the second long straight and was stopped in my tracks by this gorgeous, adorable, so cute puppy dog! I think he was a boxer, his feet just didn't fit him at all, but he had this cute look on his face! Well I just had to stop. I knew that any moment my earphones will be nagging me with the geeky stats, I think that I have sussed it that it takes the stats right at that precises moment, whether you are running or walking! So it's best to be running your fastest if you want to put a smile on your face!
Back to the running, and I looked ahead of me to see if I could see Naggy, I would have seen her by now if she was coming back in the opposite direction which could only mean one thing! She would be coming up behind me! Now I have a race on! Do I just let it happen, just let her reach me and then try and keep up with her while she nags me as well as the earphones, or, do I just go all hell for leather and try my darnedest to stay in front! Well, this is a new year, with a new bad ass attitude, so I just went for it!
I was about three quarters of the way down the long straight I felt sure she was going to catch me up but she still wasn't near me. I got to the bottom and chanced a quick look behind me and I still couldn't see her, or maybe I just couldn't focus too well! Only a very short way to go now, around the wooded area and then too the little gate where we started! I pushed out a bit harder, I so wanted to stop, I am not sure if I did or not but I pushed out again right to the gate where we started from! I stopped my app thingy and turned around to see if Naggy was behind me! Nope! Hmm, blimey, she wasn't in front of me! Which means she must be behind the woody bit! I started to walk a bit and then turned around and walked back. I thought I would wait for her, then changed my mind again and walked back the other way to bring my heart rate down slowly. Just then Naggy caught up with me! Looking blimmin warm! "I tried to catch you" she confessed! I knew it! I was right to push out!
So first run of the year, done! My VO2 thingy now says average! Woo hoo! I must be because I haven't smoked in a few days and I have done three runs on the trot now! Now that really put a big smile on my face! Feck it! I am coming back, Mojo you better get out here quick, cos I am gonna kick ass!
Here's my geeky stats from my new app thing :-)
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