Thursday, 3 January 2019

Day 3 - It's a Track Sort of Day!

Hello blog readers.

Who'd have thought that just walking around a park 3 times could make your muscles hurt! But hurt they do!  I am pretty sore in places which I don't get sore running!  My shins, for a start and my fat hippy bits!  What is that all about! Across my shoulders are aching, don't let anyone tell you that speed walking does nothing for you!  I walked fast and I earned these aches and pains, they just blimmin better start paying off!  Get rid of the fat that I have been busy making!

It wasn't a total struggle to get out this evening.  I had said in my Whatsapp friends group chat that I was going, just to see if anyone else wanted to come along.  Naggy was already going to be coming, but SnapperHannah said that she might come along.  I the end though she decided to rest up her Achilles, it's a bit sore.

Naggy was ready to go by 7 pm!  She said that if she hadn't changed into her running gear then a blanket would have been wrapped around her instead!  I was ready by about 7:40 pm.  We got into Naggy's car and drove towards Norman Park.....again.....well ....sort of, we went to the track so it was the other end of the park!  There were so many cars in the car park, I couldn't believe that they were all there just for our PhysionMikeTheMod's session!  Of course there is the usual group there, a famous group of runners there, well, Olympian runner Dina Asher Smith and her club was there.  Norman Park is her training ground!  When I looked up towards where we all meet up with PMtM and CoachJane there were crowds of people!  The spring marathons and what not are all coming up!  As for me....I just want to get fit again.  I think I heard PMtM say that he had over 50 runners, us lot in CJ's group numbered about 15!  All of us with our own agendas!

As Naggy pointed out it was blimmin cold, 5 degrees cold!  It said so on her car clock!  Still, we will warm up, we were looking forward to it?!  Brrr. Our warm up was doing drills with Jayne, we were running around the little warm up square thingy and then continued with the some drills.  I still didn't feel quite warmed up but I would certainly warm up when we start the session.  The session, by the way, for us, was  3 laps, with 200 meter walk, then 2 laps, then 3 laps!  I think!  Anyway I was just going to do what I could in the time that everyone else does the session.  Let's see how much I can do compared to them.  Of course the faster ones, the runners with PMtM, will be running more laps!

We started the session I fumbled about with my earphones and app, I wouldn't normally take my earphones to track sessions, but I am still practising with them, and having fun with them, but I was going to leave one ear free, so I can hear my running buddies and the coaches!  Everyone seemed to have just stormed off while I was fumbling around and I tried to play catch up!  I wish I hadn't, I really struggled! I know I should just start out at my own pace and adjust the warmer I get, I know that! 

I did stop running on the first 3 lap section, I told myself off of course and got back to the running.  I was feeling pretty annoyed at myself, but then I thought about the past few days, I've done exercises,  running and walking, and that walking has worked a different group of muscles!  So I won't be hard on myself, not this month anyway, yes, I bet you've guessed now, I am attempting RED January! Only my January will include any exercises, whether its speed walking or a workout to music, courtesy of my new earphones!

So I just did as much running as I could.  I think I missed out about 200 meters of running. I did all the other bits though!  It was good being back at track, a tad cold, and I know that it's only going to get colder, I just have to keep up my enthusiasm.  My geeky stats on my new app thing is suggesting that my fitness level is on the up!  I am so pleased with that!

I had my Garmin with me too, I just forgot to turn it off at the end of my running!  It's a good job I have two apps working now!

Garmin geeky stats

And this is my geeky stats from Jabra!  Look at that fitness level  gone up by 16 percent.  It's still pretty low but its deffo going the right way!

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