Tuesday, 8 January 2019

Club Run - And So Begins Another Year

Hello blog readers.

It was the first club run of the year, although there have been a few club events happening this week.  But, this is the first club run, Tuesday night, plus it was a move-up week too!  So all the troops were chatting on the facebook about who was going, who couldn't go and plans were made to meet up.

I arrived at the rec and met up all with all my buddies, GetYourLegsUpTracy, Ade, RefMichael, SnapperHannah, LouLou, Paula, Ruth.  Plus maybe 150 others!  There were so many of us there!  Its good to be back to club runs, I know its only bee a couple of weeks since the last one, but this time, this year, I am going to be trying my hardest to get as fit as I can!

So it was group 2 for me this evening.  I am not leading so no need for me to hang on to my comfort blanket group 1 is there!  I didn't know who was leading group 2, as I arrived just after the leaders started giving out their routes.  I was at the back and being as I am short I couldn't see over the heads of everyone, did I tell you there was also well over 150 runners there?

When the crowds started to move to where their leaders were going to be I saw that group 2 leader was Hannah!  I don't think I have been out with Hannah before, it's going to be fun!  I opted to be sweeper too, well, at least I could have a sneaky extra walk if things get tough!   Hannahs route was a slight variation on one of my routes that I do with group 1.  She has added an extra loop in to make it a nice distance for group 2.  Well, I am needing to up my miles and pace, getting fit is not going to happen without me putting in the effort!  She took us up Kingsway, the one and only hill, well apart from the slight incline that is in Shepperton.  But Kingsway is more or less straight out of the rec, run a few feet then turn right into the hill!

I know when I am leading group 1 up this hill, I am in front and I run all the way, I feel as if I should show by example, on the odd occasion that I haven't been able to manage it, I kind of just step into the road and look back to see how the back runners are doing!  Sneaky eh? But this time of course, I am already at the back and watching everyone run at quite a speed up the hill!  Thankfully Hannah had a break at the top of here before we continued on our way!

We ran to the walking bridge and then over there.  We were going to do the extra loop, they bit that my group 1 don't do.  So we still ran down Crest View and then ran down Southborough lane to Oxhawth Crescent (West arm) and ran all the way around to Oxhawth Crescent (East arm).  I took a quick peak at my Garmin, it does this real time pacing, it showed me running at 11.35 m/mi trying to catch up to everyone!  We were going pretty fast!  I was enjoying it though!  It made me work just that bit harder on a club run!  Just what I need!

I used my new gadget too, just the ear plugs, no music, I just want to know how Jabra works out with a club run, and what better way to test it than being sweeper for group 2!  She did her thing, Jabra Lady, kept me up dated with my pace, heart rate, my TE (Training Effort) and all the other geeky stats I have asked for in the app!  I didn't put the music on, I didn't want to miss out on too much banter with my running buddies.  Mind you I still only had one ear, there was a lot of "Say that again".    But after the run, the best bit of having the app going.....she said that this was a top workout!  Praise indeed.  Also looking at my VO2 indicator, it's going up!  It is now on 29!  My fitness level not is 'Good'

I'm pleased with that, and I am pleased with all my gadgets!  I had a brilliant run with some brilliant people!  Loving my club!  Mojo! You are nearly caught!

Geeky stats from Garmin and Jabra!

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