Monday, 30 January 2017

SMS - Short Monday Slog!

Hello blog lovers.

You know those mornings when the alarm wakes you up but you feel like your head has only just hit the pillow? Well, that's how  felt this morning.  The feeling of tiredness just didn't leave me for the whole day.  I ambled through the day, doing housework, a bit of shopping and laundry.  The pooch was looking at me too, I was going to take him for a little run around the park, but then he just sate on my lap and snuggled down.  I knew how he felt.  I just wanted to snuggle down too.  Anyway, by the time I did all of my chores I didn't have enough time anyway.  So a snuggle for the last 15 minutes before the school runs begin was nice.

It doesn't mean that I didn't do anything, as you know, if there is a blog there has been exercise,  with just one or two exceptions, like when I've been volunteering!  I finished work early this evening, 6 o'clock. or just after, and from that moment I started to think about running.  I really, really wasn't feeling it.  I decided that I would watch my usual soap and then go after that!  The Old Boy has started back to his cycling, so I just have to go out, keep up my regime of getting back to fitness going.  But I really, really wasn't feeling it! My programme finished and I got slowly up from my seat, all I kept saying to myself was "That's it, keep moving, get changed and then get out!"  My legs felt like led going up the stairs, the tiredness was still with me, I could quite easily just sit back and have a snooze instead!  Or even a full on sleep!  I really, wasn't feeling it!

I mentioned to PhysioMikeTheMod that he probably needs a crow bar to get himself out of his house on freezing Thursday evenings, to go and STAND on the freezing cold track watching us running around him!  Well, I really needed a crow bar to get out of my house today, but there I was, outside, ready!  I started running along, all I could think about was going back.  I decided to just enjoy the tunes in my ears, see if that can take me away from my tiredness.

I really tried to get to the mile before I even thought about taking a walk, but I didn't even get to about half mile!  I tell you what, those rest days are really so necessary!  I know I have missed a couple of days in this month, I am beginning to be glad of that too!  I guess if I had been used to running longer distances then it would be different, I am going to have to try and keep up a 7 mile once a week at least after the Paddock Wood HM!

 I knew from that first walking stop that my planned 3 miles was not going to happen. I am going to struggle to even cover a mile!  I had planned to just to a complete out and back for 1.5 miles.  Stay on the main road and my road.  There has been a nutter wanting to take things from people in the area, although I think they have caught him, it's still best to stick to the bus routes until we know for certain.  I still did an out and back, but I made sure I got to a mile before I turned around and came back.  Two miles is worth going out for a slow run.  I really wasn't feeling.  It was tough.  But it's the last day of January tomorrow, so at least I won't have to try and run every single day.  Although, I have to run tomorrow, it's the last day. And then Wednesday, with Tracy, and of course I will have to do Thursdays double, because that's what I do! But Friday, Friday will be a rest day!

Geeky stats.

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