Hello blog lovers!
Happy New Year to you all! I hope you had a great time, nice and relaxing family time, or time with your mates! At Club run today, its the first Tuesday of the month, which means it's Move Up Week! It means that all those that want to try for the next group up can do so and not feel as though they will hold anyone up, because the leaders will be going at the slower end of their advertised running pace!
Well for us in group 1 and being the post 'feasting to excess' run of the year, our move up is from the couch to group 1! Well it is for me anyway. I haven't ran since the Tuesday before Christmas! The WooWoo run! And I really have over indulged in everything! Including ciggies!! But that is all now behind me. I have my right frame of mind, goals set, and I feel totally focused! I am also planning getting extra help with my training and fitness levels, but more about that in the next week or so!
So today. Ready, dressed (in my new running leggings, which by the way are just a tad to small, but I am going to sort that!) and really looking forward to going. I drove on over to J.J.'s house and met up with her and LittleJ. We had a chat before we all went over to the rec. It was pretty cold out, I made sure I was well wrapped up, even putting on my winter cycling jacket! It helps to keep the wind out! With my buff and gloves I felt ready.
I was a bit apprehensive about this evenings run, I really had over indulged in everything, my middle was feeling rather pudgy. But I did weigh myself this morning and the scales showed that not as much damage had been done as I expected! Now lets see if my breathing would be off!
I gave my little route speech and then when all the other leaders had said theirs we were ready to go! I had the usual count up, there were 9 of us in group 1 this evening, all very pleased and looking forward to the nice slower, easier route that I had planned! The only real incline was Kingsway. We al ran up there and then when I stopped and turned around to see if I needed to slow the pace down a tad I saw that we were all together! No one was behind or struggling! That's brilliant!
We had a little walk just to get control of our breathing after the undulation and then continued to run on through Petts Wood and over the walking 'Troll' bridge. Lets see if we can keep it nice and quite over the bridge after stuffing our selves with Turkey, pigs in blankets and profiteroles! I for one was finding it difficult to run lightly that's for sure! But it was still fairly quiet over the bridge, so not too bad. We continued running all the way around Crestview before having a next walking section.
We were all still together, I was beginning to get warmer as well, though my gloves still on, I had a feeling they will be off soon! Carole and Michael we up the front with me, J.J. and LittleJ were sweeping but we were all in a nice compact group. We crossed over the road and ran down Crescent Drive, with just a very short walking section before we got to Shepperton Road. We ran all the way up to the top of road, I decided that we were going to turn left and run under the bridge on Tudor way.
When we get to the memorial hall again I shall see how far we had done and the time we had run it. Then it would be a decision whether to go the short way or the longer way! Guess which one we went for! Yup, the long way! Well, why not, we still had plenty of time and we had only covered 2.2 miles so we could easily fit in that last mile we need to make it a perfect group 1 distance! And it seemed that everyone was well happy to go along with it, even getting a "Yay" from Kelly!
Michael and Carole were totally on form this evening and they pushed on a head so I sent them to do the little loop of Little Thrift and then by the time they got back we would all be together again. With the last push to the rec some of us had that little sprint to the gate!
It was a perfect start to the New Year, although some of my group 1 were all ready on their 2nd or 3rd run of the year! But now, from this point I am going to keep on running. Get more healthy, get fitter, this is the year! My new running pants and going to pull on easier and easier as the weeks and months go by!
Geeky stats
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