Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Freezing Club Run!

Hello blog lovers!

My goodness it was freezing too!  That title up there is the truth!  In fact it was -0.5 degrees!  So beyond freezing.  But look at me, Still out here!  Being a leader really does help!  I love it!  It gives me purpose to get out there on evenings like these because you know there are going to be other runners who are hard core too!

I knew the girls, J.J. and Janet were going to be there, but wasn't sure how many we were going to be in group 1.  It's quite surprising to see how many PWR's come out on nights like this!  It's just amazing, just like our Train run on Sunday, I think there were about 60 of us that set off from Petts Wood and Orpington Stations to have a social run! At least this evening it isn't raining!  It's cold, but no rain!

After each of the leaders gave out the details of their route we all went to our posts to have a head count. In my group there were 14 of us!  And a big welcome back to Steve too!  There were a couple of Kellys, Michael and Carole, Hannah, Christine, Tracy and  some others whose names have run straight out of my head!  But we are all eager to get going!

Tracy has been ill for a few weeks, this blimmin lurgy thing which has been doing the rounds, so I decided that the best route would be the easier Crescent Drive route, which unfortunately goes quite near her house!  I shall have to keep a firm eye on her when we pass that particular bit on our route!  But before that we had the little incline to do first.  Kingsway, it's only a short little bit, but thankfully at the beginning of our run.  As it was so cold this evening, I was going to keep the group moving along all the time.  So more walking sections for catch ups, with maybe even walking back towards the sweepers.  What I didn't want was for people to be standing still!  It's far to cold for that.  Shorter walking sections, but more of them I think is the way to go!  With a couple of fast sections thrown in for the speedsters!

What can I say?  It went like clockwork!  It really was a very enjoyable run, everyone was chatting, running and we were all still together!  My system worked!  People were not standing around getting cold, and if I did see them then I got them to move, either walk around or walk to the sweepers!  Nobody was suffering from the cold by cooling down through inactivity that's for sure!

But it was cold! Oh my goodness was it cold!  I had forgotten my hat too!  I had washed it and it was still in the washing machine, it really was minging!  I am not very organised!  Organisation is not my strong point, I am not sure what is really!  I had my cycling jacket on and long sleeved top and long run pants, plus gloves and my buff!  I was extremely pleased with everything I had on!  I don't think I could add anymore layers if I tried! Unless you have other ideas!

It took me quite a while to get warmed up, I think by the time I got half way down Crescent Drive I was fairly warmed up!  At least my glasses started to steam up a bit then when we walked!  There was one thing though, it really was a good run!  If felt good, it sounded good and we did a perfect group 1 distance!  I really do think my running mojo is coming back strong!  I shall keep on nurturing it!

Here's the geeky stats for this evenings run.