Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Club Run! - Just A Little Undulation!

Hello blog lovers.

You gotta love club run, you just never know what you are going to be doing until you get there.....well I did, because I was leading, but still, I may have had to change the route depending on who shows up.  And talking about who shows up, my mate Gary was there for the first time!  I didn't even notice him at first as I was looking out for Ali! How I missed him though I don't know, he is quite a tall chap!  It was good to see him, and it's good that he is out here getting fit!

It's just so easy to sit back and not bother about getting fit, staying fit or whatever.  Especially in the cold weather (although this evening it is rather mild out!)  And cold symptoms as well, that's enough to keep you sat wrapped in a blanket watching crap t.v. too!  But no, we were all out there, 12 of us in bright colours and flashing gizmo's......well, not Gary, the man in black, when it's your first time out with PWR you just don't know!

So my route this evening was Tillingbourne Green!  It's a hill, I mean and undulation.  And of course there is the undulation that we have to do first to get there!  I thought when I looked at all 12 of us that this was definitely a doable route for everyone!  Last week we had the easier route, to just blow away the cobwebs from the Christmas and New Year, so today, I thought I would chuck in one of our challenging routes!  Just to let us know that we can still do this!

The first undulation, Birchwood Road was good, we all stayed together, and I still managed to keep the lead position!  I had a feeling that Tillingbourne would be a different story though!  I was coughing a bit going up the undulation!  But I have a plan!  It didn't take long before we got to the Green and then my plan came into play!  "Ok you can all go at your own pace around the green, meet right here where we started from" was my instruction to them.  The little up hill first,  then longer down hill bit, which is nice of course, and then the longer up hill back to the start.  Everyone runs at their own pace where a hill is concerned.  Some like to just attack it, pelt up there as fast as they can 'Get it over and done with' type of thing, others just like to keep a steady plod till they get to the top, and still there is the 'I'll just get to that car before I take a walk' ......which at the moment is where I am!  At the back too.....just so that I can make sure everyone made it to the top of course.

We had a little breather, and then I chuck in just a little surprise, the last little hill where we normally do our hill training, well we are still going to do our hill training!  But we are only going to do it the once, at about 70% extra of what we have been doing!  I know, I can be mean sometimes!  But it is good practise!  It all does us good, just puts a little be extra into our running!  Helps us to get faster and stronger!

From there we ran all the way down Petts Wood Road and up to the memorial hall!  With a stop at Crossways to catch breath before we ran up to the top!  We only had another half mile to do so we ran down Towncourt Crescent to the end and then turned right and then right again!  Our run was nearly over with just a sprint finish for those that wanted to all the way into the rec!  A good run this evening, everyone was feeding back good vibes so I think they had a good run too!

Geeky stats for you all

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