Hello bloggers!
My weigh on Wednesday was......well it was a weight! I wasn't very pleased with it! Too many excuses here to to list, but one of them is...I've eaten too much! But still, it's not going to ruin the year, or the month even, I shall just keep an eye on the ball from tomorrow, or even from this moment on! Just because the numbers are not pleasing it doesn't mean that I should just pig out for the rest of the day! (for a start I don't really have any goody stuff in the house anyway!)
So today, it's running with the girls day, the ones that have been doing the beginners course. Running together is great motivation, and keeps your mojo up and running! Today we did last Saturdays session. Equal amount of running to walking, 3 minutes each. But just to give a little extra challenge, just because I know these girls can do it (they have done it before) the last round of running is going to be a mixture of fast and slower running!
Little Max was running along with us too, (he is Tanya's little pooch) and he seems to have 'adopted' my legs to run along beside each Wednesday! Tracy was here with us too, so it was us three girls and Max! Of course Max likes to show off how fast he can run when he sees another canine friend to go and say hi to!
Both Tanya and Tracy ran well for the first couple of rounds of running, but then the fatigue sets in as they strive to keep up the pace, running without stopping until the Garmin bleeps! Let me tell you, they kept a close eye on my Garmin, and I made sure I showed them what it says as well.......they so accuse me of making them run for more than the allocated time! Ok, so on the last one, and just because we still have a least a quarter of the park to run along, occasionally I forget to let them know that it's time to walk, but it's not as if we can stop anyway, as we have to get to the car park!
It was a good session today, I really enjoyed it, although all I could think about was food! I had forgotten to grab some brekki this morning and lunch would be when I got back from the run! So geeky stats for the girls today.
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