Hello blog readers
The school holidays have been kind to a couple of the PWR Beginners, as I can be there for them to take them through their paces. I don't have any kids to look after so I can meet them in Norman Park. It was just as well that Tracy reminded me, I was in total holiday mode and didn't really think about running, so it's thanks to Tracy! The sun was out and there was no rain, so perfect for running.
We were just going to be doing the 4/2 session, with maybe a little interval running on each round, but the girls 'weren't' feeling it, it was just going to be the straight forward 4/2 rounds. That's ok, next time. Next time I will help them to 'feel it', to feel the need to push that little bit harder, but not too hard that it becomes a chore. But getting that feeling at the end of the each session of total satisfaction that 'Yes, I done it' is where we all need to be.
We started off after just a short brisk walk to our starting line, which is the gate by the long straight, (which for those who have never done Summer time Normans Park Run, it will be apparent why it's called that) and I started my Garmin. But I don't think Tanya quite trusts me with the whole timing thing, (I should really try and stop the auto-pause when I do the beginners and Wednesdays!) as she started her timer too!
As always the first two rounds of running are pretty good, it's when we get tired that it starts to hurt. Does it get any easier? Well the answer is no, you always feel like you can't do the next run, but, and this is the thing that keeps you going, you just can keep going! You find the extra bit of energy to keep the pace going, to go further, to run longer, still waiting for that moment when you 'get in the zone!' I think I have got to that place on a number of occasions. A time where you feel you can just keep on running and running. You don't even realise it until you look at your surrounds and realise how far you have run. Then you come out of the zone! At least I did. But those occasions I was training for the marathon. Not that you have to train for a marathon to be able to get that feeling. I think you just need to not think about the running, not think about how hard it feels. But to just enjoy being able to do it! I am waffling now. But I really feel inspired when I watch others strive to achieve their own personal running goals, and so lucky to witness it, twice a years with the beginners groups!
The last four minute round of running I asked if they wanted to do the interval running, but I am guessing with the simultaneous 'No!' from the both of them I guess that wouldn't be happening. So I was pleased I just pushed and pulled them both just a little bit extra during the running sections today. Yes it hurts (a nice hurt), yes, they want to stop and scream at me to tell shut up, in the nicest way of course, but at the end of each Wednesday Session we are all pretty pleased with what we did! Now that is what it's all about! Something you can't buy in the shops, or find in a bar of chocolate! .......chocolate......no, definitely not in chocolate!
Geeky stats
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