It's Thursday, you gotta love Thursdays. Thursdays is all about stretching myself, just a little, just to get that nice achy feeling. I got that from the first session this morning!
Morning Session
After I took the young girl to school, I came back and got ready to go for a run with my running buddies who will be at the rec. DiscoRich was there with his group, he had about 11 to run with I had four lovely ladies. I could tell that DiscoRich was heading through the woods because he had his week old trail shoes on, which were already getting that nice 'woody/muddy' sheen on them! But I decided that we are going to stick to the paths. It had been raining last and I just thought the woods were going to be very sticky. I need to do some running, some good running, some long stretches of running!
So my route this morning took us through 3 parks! That's right, we did the 3 Park Run! The thing is though, I have made some mud monsters out of my Thursday group runners, at least 2 or three of them, but I was hoping that they will still enjoy this route.
I was feeling a bit tired before I even got to the rec, but usually, when I get going I start to feel more awake. Running along to Little Thrift and then turning down there to go along the path and up the stairs. The first of our parks is just on the other side, Jubilee park. I can't wait for it all to be warm and sunny, to be able to take group 1 through the woods and parks is going to be brill.
Jubilee Park done, all over and done with in a flash, we came out on to Blackbrook Lane. We had a little walking break earlier and then we set off towards Southborough lane. We ran all the way down to the Harvester. It's a long old road that one, and usually either I or one of the others have stopped and taken a walking break but not this time! We just kept on going. I think that is the first time we have done that for blimmin ages!
The next park is my local park, just the top end of it. Trish and Tracey hadn't been here before, and they like it! I like going to places I haven't been before, there are not 'markers', no psychological walking points to distract you. But Trish and Tracey like it because it's a great place to bring their dogs!
We ran along Lovelace Avenue to another park. Theres an entrance to it on Oxhawth, and the girls have ran along passing it on numerous occasions but they have never gone in there! Another new place! I can't remember who I have had with me when I have done the three park run before then!
That is only a very short trip through the park, then it was up the rest of Southborough, over the bride and then we popped back into the rec via Towncourt lane! Janet was in the zone as she ran all the way to the pavilion "It's all down hill this way" she said! Silly to walk on the down hills right!
Geeky stats.
Evening Session
Track calls me! I missed it last week, after my surprise plans were cancelled I kind of got lazitus and settled in front of the t.v. watching MIB2 or was it 3. So this week, when I saw that some one on our FB Page asked "Who's going to track today" I immediately replied "Me!" Now it was there in the open, for all to see I just had to make sure that I made it"
It's cold out there, the Old Boy had mentioned that it was a bit chilly! I thought about my weight, how the needle is teasing me at that 12 stone, sometimes it was bang smack in the middle, and other times it was two marks past the number 2! I gathered my things and went out of the door.
There were quite a few runners there today, and the session was for the speeders to do four lots of 3 laps of the track with 90 seconds rest between, and for the people who do park run 28 minutes or slower will do five lots of 2 laps of the track, with 90 seconds rest. Hmmmm, I will try my hardest to do at least for reps!
The track looked busy today, with the real sprinters using whole of the long straight to practise and train on. They really run so fast. I admire how fast they can sprint! We started of at the back corner, away from where we usually start. Now this is definitely going to affect my Psyche! "Thats good, it's all ok" I was saying to myself. "Now there is no mental markers to slow you down or make you go faster" I said to myself. The fact that I was to be running around and around an oval shape didn't come into it. The first corner I come to this time is usually the third corner, it's usually when I've almost completed one lap, or one round of of the session! Like I said above, it's good to do things differently!
Again, as I was plodding out my two lap rounds, and the rest of the runners were doing their 3 lap rounds each they passed me and gave me such encouragement, "Keep going, your doing well, great running Donna, looking good"! I try to do the same to them as they pass me by, I just hoped they heard my whispers through my breathing!
Come down the straight where the sprinters are training is such an eye opener. Tim, who is in a faster group passed by me running pretty fast, then two sprinters took off from behind me, swooshed by and then swooshed by Time before he had to the end of the straight! They are fast! A couple of times the sprinters had passed me by when I was running along the straight, once with a runner running on the grass on my left! Being buzzed by speeding runners! It's awesome!
It' was a tough session, which is good, it needs to be, I am not racing against anyone, I am not running along with anyone or leading a group, It's just me trying to fitter, faster (?) and lighter! A brilliant session I had managed to do 4 of my 5 rounds of running, I expected as much. All the others had finished the session completing all of their 4 rounds of 3 laps. We had our warm down stretches, with the glute stretches causing a bit of a titter as me and Mathews trying to hold help each other stand straight, a mention of 'Laurel and Hardy' was made as we tried to do the quad stretch. It was a bit amusing!
Geeky stats
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