Hello blog lovers.
I woke up feeling ok, ready to help the beginners through 4 minutes of running and 2 minutes of walking. I arrived around 8;50 ish and put the cones out, just the ones in the middle of the green, and then I waited for everyone else. They soon started to come. There were some that couldn't make it, either work or family commitments.
By 09:00 there were over 30 beginners ready to do the next session. That is not bad for nearly half way through the course! That's pretty darn good! And when asked the question "Who did their homework during the week?" Nearly everyone had their hand up!
ZippySherry was taking the lead today, and she got them all under way with the warm up two laps walking briskly around the park. This is a good time for everyone to chat to each other, ask how their training and homework is going, sorting out if they can meet up and do the homework together during the week. It's also a good time for all us PWR helpers who are there to answer any queries that the beginners may have, before the running starts!
The two laps done and then it's on for the running session. 4 minutes of running and 2 minutes of walking. It seems a long way from the 1 minute running just a few short weeks ago, and I know there were quite a few of the runners saying back then "Wow I didn't think I carry on till the end of the minute" But now, one then two then three minutes pass before they are even thinking "When is the end of the 4 mins"
We do that for 4 more times, and the responses from all the runners I talk to is just so uplifting. They are feeling proud of them selves, they are feeling proud of each other, their families are looking forward to hearing from them so they can be proud of what they have achieved! As one of the PWR said earlier, "I love it when the final whistles blows and they are all congratulating each other on what they've achieved"
We have this week to practise this session, and then next week....its a holiday week. But I know some of the runners will be at the rec to repeat this session, getting ready for the following week, week 5!
It really is a rewarding thing to be able to do, just watch people striving to achieve goals! Brilliant
Geeky stats for this week.
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