Thursday, 28 August 2014

Thursday Ladies Night!

Hello blog lovers.

Love these Thursday sessions, but the nights are drawing in pretty darn fast!  Our time in the park will be sorely missed!  But not just yet.  Next week we will be meeting at 7:00 pm, so hopefully get a couple of extra weeks before it is too dark!

Today it I thought it was only going to me, but then I saw Illustrious Leader coming through the gate.  Well that's two of us.  We can always just go for a jog together if that's the case.  And Just as I was looking at I.L. coming up to the bench Wendy appeared beside me.  So that made three of us.  I am sure we can do a session with just the three of us, or there is still the option of going for a run!  But we decided to carry on and do what we came here to do, and that's our core training. As we started our warm up lap Jo appeared and started her warm up lap to try and catch up to us.

After just one lap of the rec we went straight into our drills.  We all took the lead,  each choosing a particular drill to do, and get our muscles warmed up!  I think the John Cleese Ministry of Silly Walks is a particularly interesting one!  And I tried not to think about the over all picture of 4 ladies walking like this up to cricket crease.

Ten drills done it was then straight into our first running session. I took the initiative here and suggested a couple of laps where we run along in a line and then the last person has to run forward to be in the front, and then once there to call out "Next" ..... after getting our breath back of course!  Just as we were on our second lap of this Ka turned up, husband of Wendy.  So not totally ladies night!  He started off getting himself warmed up with a couple of laps of the green.

Us ladies had completed the first running section and just waited for a couple of minutes until Ka had completed his second lap and then we went straight into our core strenghtening.  Again, like the drills, as there were now five of us, we each chose a discipline that we will do for 1 minute each. And we shall do two sets.  We had, burpees, planks, knee highs, bicycling and others!  We worked well and we all worked hard.

I just love it when we all groan about each discipline we do, but it is a great groan.  We know we are doing good to our bodies!  A drink after our core strenghtening and then into our second running set which was going to be pyramid running, and with just the one team of 5 we all ran at warp speed to 4 markers, without any competition!  And no Jo, were were not supposed to be just ambling along!

And then with fuzzy memories both Jo and I tried to remember the 'Sun Salutations' that SingstarJo did with us last week.  I think we managed to do some of the moves, whether we done all of them and in the right order is something we had no idea about!  And as for the stretches! Well, maybe we have invented something completely different!  Still great fun though.  Next week it will be half an hour earlier! And I shall try and pay more attention if we do yoga moves again!

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