Hello blog lovers.
Love my club running. There was no group 0 tonight, people are away or they have moved up to group 1. So I was going to try my hardest to keep up with the main group, not drag to far behind, even though I volunteered for sweeper there were the other two ladies that make fine sweepers too!
Our Illustrious leader has returned from her travels from the land of the rising sun, and she was taking the lead today. She has chosen one of the nicest routes, all though it does have cardiac hill to negotiate. For the first part of our run I was running along with I.L. and with Jo.R as well. Jo.R usually runs along in group 2 or 3, but this is her last run with PWR as she moves to Norfolk! It was just great having her along in group 1 where her love or running began!
I seemed to have kept up with her too, at least until half way along St. Johns Road, (just where the hill is!) and then I started to fall to the back! Illustrious Leader hasn't let her fitness disappear, although she said that she did park run, her first run in about 3 weeks, just to make sure that she can still run 3 miles! Well, she was running bang on pace for group 1!
I remained at the back for most of the time after that. Catching up a half minute later at the catchup points. It was soon time to get up Cardiac hill. I was feeling ok about it, not dreading it as I usually do. But that could be because I haven't done group 0 today. But I was determined to at least try as much as I can of this hill! Get up there, running, with very little walking, if any! That was what I planned anyway. I did walk on the hill but I also ran on it, more than I have done before!
I think I may have to incorporate that particular hill into my own solo runs, and work real hard to get up it without stopping. I know when I am solo running I talk to myself, shout at myself, and the occasional cuss escapes, but I am learning to be more disciplined about working harder on my own. It's funny, we were talking about that very thing on one of our catchup stops, about how people are when they run solo. And it seems that we are all the same, we just don't push ourselves along, unlike being in a group, no one wants to let anyone down, or slow the pace down. But I am sure if we can push ourselves just as hard on our own solo runs then our club runs together will be so tight that our stops will almost not be needed!
Once at the top of the hill it was virtually flat route! And even better, just after that was the down hill all the way to Crossways! I was feeling pretty good, although still at the back of the pack, which has now at least 30 - 40 seconds in front of us again, I felt that there was still that sprint left inside for Crossways. As soon as we got there, I stepped up on gas pedal! I started putting distance to our lovely sweeper Janet, and caught up with JJ and Denise! Then I started closing down the rest of group 1. I really didn't think I would catch up to them let alone actually overtaking them, but I did! I pushed out just that little bit more and got to the sign post before group 1! I was pleased with, and I walked through the gate and up to the pavilion to do our cool down stretches!
A great run today! Here is my geeky stats
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