Hello blog lovers.
Well that was an interesting Thursday core session! I was leading it! Technology is all well and good, just not in my hands and not while I am leading a session! On our warm up drills I accidentally deleted my planned session for today! Oh well I shall have to just wing it!
It was a fun session (I think!) we had punk bands and rock bands 'turn up' plus invisible relay team members! Let me explain.
All was going well until we all got to the rec only to find the footballers in our patch! In front of the pavilion! The cheek of it! So we did a quick lap of the whole rec and ended up at the top of the rec, under the tree, just so that we could have a bench for out stuff but, apparently, this is where the mozzies live. The obviously didn't want to go 'out for dinner' and munch on the footballers at the parvilion, no we were like a delivery for them, a take away food for them!
It's still was going to be a fun session. I was determined it will be. First of was our drills. Now this is
where I had my first thought of a band come into my head. It was a Punk band and it was Matt the Mat that made me think of! Never Mind the B*****x, Sex Pistols. I'm not saying that he looks anything like Sid Vicious, but all who was there know what I'm talking about! I checked my iPhone, my notes section, and saw that we start off nice and gently then pick it up a bit and then push it a tad more to get really nicely warmed up and ready for the first of our running sections. But, today being 'one of those days, on our second drill I accidentally deleted the whole of the notes for todays session!
So now I am just going to have to wing it! I can remember some of them, it may not be in the same order, but I am sure it will still work! And I can remember what we were going to do for the running sections, it was just the timings I couldn't remember! Still, no worries, I shall just have to keep a close eye on the time.
After the drills it was the first of the running sections. I chose pyramids, everyone knows pyramids and there is just the six of us it was easy to do. I split us all into two teams and explained the pyramids, because we did have one new comer to our Thursday sessions. The grass was a bit slippery but we all managed to stay upright. Six of us in two teams, my team I had Marmite David and Suzanne and in the other team was SingstartJo, Hilary and Matt the Mat, and we were putting the footballers to shame with our speedy runs to three different markers! Matt The Mat's mat, my drink and SingstarJo's drink.
Next it was the core work out. And Matt the Mat's mat was indeed very useful again, (we already used it as a marker in the pyramids) Work the arms, work the legs, work the arms and legs, work the stomach then work the back. All carefully planned! But of course, today being 'one of those days' the rain came down so hard earlier the ground was a tad wet and of course slipperyy, I might have to change some things.
So no notes, wet slippery ground, midges feasting off our lovely warm aerated blood in our bodies, I started the team on the core training section. 1 minute each of 5 disciplines, which did include laying on their backs doing stomach crunches! So I had to be a bit inventive, ok, so one of the others suggested doing two different disciplines at a time, two on the mat doing the crunches and the other three on the bench doing bicep dips! It worked well! But first was everybodys favourite, burpees. We could all share a piece of the mat too, as we only needed to put our hands down. The rest of the core exercises followed, probably not in the order that I had planned (and carefully thought out too!)
Next it was our second running section. I had planned relays. Now bare with me, read it all first, then will know that I did actually realise the mistake, but only after we started! You probably think I've lost it (probably not far off it it truth be knowwn) I split us all into to three teams of two! Left three at one end of the pitch and three of us walked up to the other side. As soon as we got to the other side then those left at the start will run up tag their team mate who will then run back to the beginning to tag! Now do you see the mistake! I didn't when I suggested three teams!
Of course there was no one to tag the other end! So I just called out to the others that as soon as they
saw their team mate stop at the other end then they were to start running! We were going to do this for 12 minutes! It was tough. After a couple of runs like that I decided that we would rearrange the dynamics of the teams and make two teams of three instead! This way we were getting a bit longer to rest before we had to start running again. And his is where the next member of a famous band appeared. SingstarJo had reminded my that I had put make up today (it's quite unusual that I have make up on during the day) but today I did, and the running of course made my face melt! My face was probably around my knees now, making me look like Eric Carr from Kiss!!
Still it was a great session, with just a gentle jog to warm down before some stretching out of our muscles!
Just one of those days!
It was a very enjoyable session and that relay made my evening!
ReplyDeleteGlad you enjoyed it David! It was an experience! :-)