Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Club Runs - It's Great To BE Back!

LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Hello blog lovers

Well, now I am now I am completely healed!  Group 0 and group 1 today!  And I feel good!

Group 0

There was only on other member of group 0 today, Auriol, and 1 on 1 session!  Was she looking forward to it, I think so.  I don't think I have taken her for a 1-1 session!  I do like to encourage people to push them selves just a tad, one reason is because it makes me push myself harder.  Well if I am asking them to do it then I must do it myself!  So today we were going to stay on the pavements as it has been a bit wet today, (plus what I have planned it is easier on the pavements)  Auriol want to stay out of the woods today.  

So what I had planned was sprints between lampposts!  Interval running as it is lovingly known.  For the first mile though it was a gently jog up Hazlemere, Great Thrift and Woodside until we got to the Memorial Hall.  A quick stretch out and then just a jog over the bridge to Petts Wood high street.  That's where the fun began.  From there it was a jog to one lamppost then sprint to the next, slow it down to the next one, bring up the pace and then sprint!  Auriol was all for it.  And she did really well, all the way through the high street and the Tudor way, although we jogged on the skinnier pavement under the bridge. 

With just about a quarter of a mile to the rec we stopped the intervals and just jogged at her own pace all the way back!  It was a brilliant session, I do believe we shall have another graduate to group 1 very soon.

Geeky stats.

Group 1

SingstarJo was our leader today, and she has her 'Non Flat' Flat route in mind today.  I was looking forward to it.  Although I pushed myself along with Auriol with the sprint running, I was still feeling fairly good, although I did say that I could always cut the run short by going through the short cuts if I find it too difficult! Although that is negative thinking, so I will try not to think about that.

I was going be sweeper, a the back, I think I do my best running from the back anyway (a great new excuse for my book of excuses) It's less pressure and if I really, really wanted to I could walk a bit.  But today, as I pushed Auriol and told myself that, as the sweeper I will only walk if the person directly in front of me walks, after all it's not very good for the sweeper to pass by group members.

JJ and Janet were also at the back with me, just like old times, and also Tendo was one of the back runners.  JJ and Janet have been running brilliantly over the past years and group 1 is now one of the best social runs going.  They tend to push themselves at park run, but group 1 members, well we do love to chat.  We virtually chatted all the way round todays run!  I was loving it.  

When we arrived at the green in front of the catholic church, I was really tempted to take the short cut back to the rec.  And that is after crossing the bridge, then just carry on straight down Petts Wood road and then turning left into Crossways.  The rest of the group would take the left turn to go up and down the undulations before turning right into Crossways.

Well, I said I was tempted but I thought, ''Stuff it" (or words to that effect) "I am going to go the longer way" And so I carried on with the rest of group 1, running on Woodside for the third time this evening!

A fabulous run though, and I can really feel in my legs that I have done some work today!  It was just so what I needed! Perfectly paced, perfect company as always and just perfect weather, to boot!

Geeky stats

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