Thursday, 21 November 2013

Who's Crazy? - Not Us!

Hello blog lovers.

What a glorious day it was today - NOT. As I was walking the kids to school, in the rain, and the wind and the chill of the morning, I was wondering if any of the Thursday groups would turn up today! I was a bit optimistic when I got myself ready for todays run, I deliberately didn't put on a waterproof, hoping instead that it would stop raining just as the kids go in, (as is usual.) But the rain came down even harder! So I decided to drive home and get my waterproof coat at get to the rec, to see if there are any more crazy people who go running in this!

I parked up my car and walked into the rec to other person, hood up, looking towards the green.  A lone runner, shivering, she made a very lonely.........crazy sight indeed.  And I just added to the crazy sight! Were we the only two runners waiting in the greyness, in the rain and the wind, to go running!  But we didn't have to wait long as DiscoRich and Illustrious Leader turned up and then Tracy and Ade!  PWR's, we are made or stern stuff, or we are just a few trainers short of a team!

This was going to be the whole quota of runners today.  Now I know there would have been more, but for some reason, known only to those who thought of the idea in the first place, some of the teachers were having some sort of day off......I mean an 'InSet Day' something that never seemed to happen when I was at school, but of course that meant that some of the other ladies couldn't make it for the Thursday run.

As it was such a miserable day, the rain was coming down and it was blooming cold, I decided to stick to the roads and tarmac today.  Selfish reasons for me really for this decision (a 'perk of being a leader, I finding!), one was that my knee felt a little 'weird' this morning, like I had jarred it, and also with the rain coming down, its just a bit more difficult to concentrate on where your feet are landing, with the whole wiping of eyes, and steamy glasses as well.  So to the cinder is where we were heading for, in the rain! 

Sometimes though, I have had some good runs in the rain, but the rains have usually started after I have started running! I have never been one for walking out of my house in the rain and starting to run, not unless its been a club run or a race I have entered! Very occasionally that has happened. But running today, was feeling really good.  I warmed up pretty quickly, and so did Tracy, Ade and Illustrious Leader. 

The wind had bought down a few bigger twigs from the trees along the cinder path, but apart from that the run was event free! So we didn't have the sunshine, we were all still there running, ok so the woods would have been a really sticky soupy mess, but we hit the tarmac, and yes, we were soaked through, but we were all still smiling and enjoying the fact that we were out running. Well, Ade wasn't having his best run of all, but I am sure once he got home, he was thinking to himself  "Well look at me, out on a day like this just for fun, running"  Now that is something to smile about!

Geeky stats, and you will notice that as we came out of the cinder path there is a bit of a wait, as Tracy and me waited for Ade and I.L. to do the little loopy bit, (although Ade did come back a little quicker than expected!)

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