Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Coffee and Walnuts!

Hello blog lovers.

Who ever put those two things together was just genius!  It's like, Pie 'n' mash, cheese and onion rhubarb and custard! But todays odd title refers to my cake baking efforts for my running buddies.  Today is my birthday, and for after our club runs then I was dishing out the cakes I made earlier in the day.  (It's a test really to see if they will be good enough for next years cake bake for our 10k)

Anyway, running before cakes!  Nagging sister and her attachments were not here today, it was just Ade and Tracy and Lorraine!  But todays session was going to be some hill reps!  I mentioned it to the girls last week, but neglected to tell Ade, just in case he found 'a must go to meeting' appointment some where. 

To start with we just jogged around block, nice and easy, just to get us warmed up.  The last couple of metres or so we did some side striding, some butt kicks and some knee highs.  I want them to have very warmed up legs, because we are going to go straight into the hill reps.  Ade and Lorraine were no.1 me and Tracy were no.2.  No.1 runs, quite fast, as far as the silver taxi that is about half way up the hill in Woodrise. Then they come back and No. 2 does the same.  Then No.1 runs to the top of the hill, where another car is conveniently parked, and then jog back to let their partner do it. That is one rep.  I want them to do at least 5 of those! Not a lot to ask of them, is it? 

They all did really well indeed.  It's good to have some hill training, (it's been drummed into me!) so if I know that then I have to impart that on to these guys!  It needs to be done.  I have also said to them that they should come along and try a run with Group 1.  If they know what it's like, how far we run as a group and the speed then they will either keep up or go back to training in order to reach that speed.  I know they can do it.  The distance will be a little longer, but the hill training that we have done, and the not stop two milers will hopefully sustain them through.  After all in group 1 we do have a couple of regrouping stops.

No geeky stats for group 1 today, as it was just running up and down the hill. And I did less than Ade, I did the same as the other ladies, just 4 reps, after all I am running again after.

Group 1

There was no Illustrious Leader today, SingstarJo was leading, and after todays hill reps, I quickly put my hand up to volunteer as sweeper today.  I knew I would be at the back today. Even though I welched out on the last rep!  Well, I had to watch and see that all the others were having a good time!

After all the group leaders said where they were going, we all started off. SingstarJo tried very tactfully not to mention 'Cardiac Hill' she kind of glossed over that bit, especially as we had a number of newbies join us today.  Best not frighten them with things like 'hills' and 'Cardiacs' we do want them to come back after all!

We were running down Tudor Way, and turning left towards Crofton.  I started to get cramp in my toe, again! I think its the cold weather! I am deffo not a cold weather person, my body doesn't like cold weather and my pshche doesn't like cold weather! Spring and Autumn are just perfect times for running, not too hot, not to cold, with maybe just a smidge of rain!

The main body of group 1 stayed together pretty well, with just one lady struggling just a tad.  I was quite happy to stay back and keep her motivated.  She is one of DiscoRich's graduates and completed her first 5k last week! 

Going up Lynwood I told her to visualise the hills as upside down hills/bumps! These ones are quite little ones anyway, and they are short, all over and done with before you realise it.  The lampposts came into play again.  Good old lamppost, they never fail. Standing there just waiting for you to 'use' them to help you on your way to fitness greatness! As well as to light our way as well!

We turned right heading along Mayfield and towards that Hill.  Me and Julia were a bit behind the others now, but I knew where they were heading! And so did Julia!  But there is quite a few people that have struggles with this hill, so I told her to take her time and just go at her own pace. I won't be leaving her to find her own way back!  'We never leave an in the field' or even a runner on route!

We got to the top of Cardiac hill and regrouped with all the others.  Here Julia (I do hope that I have remembered her name right!) had a decision to make.  There is three ways to go, the short way, the slightly shorter way, or keep with the main group!  She was feeling quite tired so opted for the short way. I was holding on to my.....top half when I go there!  I have decided that the sports bra I am wearing will be known as Brylcream.......  Put it this way, my 'ShockAbsorber' sports bra does exactly what it says! It really does keep ...ahem...everything under control, but my Brylcream bra....well I'm guessing you older readers can image why I've called it this!.....blimey sore or what!

But as always, I do like a bit of a challenge, I try to impart the love of challenges on to others, so I suggested to her that as we were running up Crossways then we use the lampposts to do a bit of interval running!  A bit of speed running and then slower jogging, all the way to the rec.  But as we went the shorter way, they we will go right to the end and see if we can beat the others to the end of the road or even back to the rec again!

She agreed and we both had a good time.  At least I hope she did, she did say that she will be back next week!

So geeky stats for you.


  1. That's excellent - very similar route (and the definitely the same hill) as I took the beginners for their last run before their first 5k.

    1. That hill is deffo cardio working kind of hill :-)
