Thursday, 28 November 2013

Call Of Nature!

Hello blog lovers.

Thursdays run just had to be through the woods! Pounding pavements is ok, when it's particularly dark and there is only one head torch between us, but during the day it's such a shame to not go and run through His fantastic gardens, the woods!.......What?......The call of nature title?......Did you all think this was about .... well, well it's not.  It's just that nothing beats running through woods fields and meadows!  The calling of the woods, the trees and even the mud, is just so strong, it really is criminal not to get out there and run through it.  And that's coming from an old townie like me!  I never used to actually like it but now, I just can't get enough!

There was only the three of us running in the 'Elites' group, and I had forgotten my Garmin, but sometimes (as Mr. S. says sometimes) it's good to just run.  I know the route is about 3 and half to 4 miles, but there is no idea how long we will take to complete it, and there is no idea of pace either.  Free running at its best!

My route was to go through 'Dog Poo Ally' and then turn right to head for towards the road and then turning left just before we get to the road.  Then its running along parallel to the road but still in all the green stuff!  I am determined to try and stick to the route that I did a good few weeks ago when I went on a path finding run but for the last couple of times we have run this way I managed 'popped' out of the woods way to early and we have had to run along the road with the traffic fumes contaminating our air! And guess what?! I still popped out to early! But I feel I am getting ever closer to the right path! Who knows I may actually get it right next time.

But then Illustrious Leader told me about a path that keeps going along to where I want to be and there is no crossing over the busy road.  I think I shall have to try and investigate this and see where about it is.  The path that we did take was still a good path, nice and wide, not too sticky with mud and at least it was going in the right direction!

After we crossed the road we had to run along with the traffic until we could go into the woods on the right for a short while.  We ran past the place where I was hoping to come out its almost opposite the way into the woods on where I wanted us to run.  I think this is Scadbury Park, but I was never good at geography (or orienteering come to that!) and could be completely wrong.  But it's still a nice place to run. 

We were soon heading towards our neck of the woods, pun well  and truly intended, Hawkwood and Pettswood.  We crossed back over the road and down towards Botany Bay, but then did a left turn to run past the back of the school fields and down towards the little pond.  It was a little bit sticky here just in front of the board walk, but we all managed to get past it without falling.

I took them back on to the bridle path as this is wider, which means I.L. and PinkladyJo can zoom up in front of me! I had a feeling I would be the slowest going up here.  Then its a left turn down past the fields, just to keep it interesting.  Whenever I go down this path, with it's slight direction changes it always feels as if I have taken a wrong turn (again) but we are always on the right track!  Just the last stretch of muddy paths to go and our run for today is over!

I think next time I forget my Garmin I shall take my phone with me and capture some pictures of us.  I really enjoyed this run, this free from techno run, free from pavements (well almost), run.  And we beat DiscoRich and his group back too, (not that we were racing them) mind you, they had done 5 and half miles!

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