Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Club Run - Back With A Bang!

Hello blog lovers

Well it seems that germs and achy backs, legs and heads have kept all the graduates at home this evening as all of them couldn't make a run this evening. This left me longing for a run even more.  I hadn't been running since last Tuesday, as I had twinged my back. I did try and just ignore it, but when I did I could feel the twinge again, so that's when I decided that I was actually going to take time off from running, having had the same sort of thing two weeks before I did the marathon in April, I have learnt my lesson.

So, although I love helping with the new improver's group, going straight to group 1 this evening was a very welcome change.  SingstarJo was leading our group today, and Illustrious Leader was sweeping. I was going to try and stay somewhere in the middle, but you know me, I was chatting and ended up at the back anyway!

We were going on S.J. (non flat) flat route, heading down Cardiac hill.  The whole group kept together really well, leaving just enough space between the runner in front so that they could see the smaller hazards that will be on route, the raised tarmac from the tree routes, pot holes and sticky up pavement slaps, the stuff you see during the daylight hours but is difficult to see at night.

Since I started running I have noticed that the roads are well lit, obviously drivers need to see the roads and the kerbs, but pedestrians need to see the pavements especially when there are trees that are lifting and contorting the pavements.  I have often stumbled over these, and that is just while walking during the day!  I always try to remember a light for these winter nights now.

We were on cardiac hill, and where I thought we were going to run down we didn't, instead we carried on down the whole of Cardiac Hill.  We are still heading down which of course I love doing! But this just makes the up hill more!  But as I am on fresh legs....fresh rested for days and days legs, this should be no problem for me. The whole group was still keeping together really well. Then the little undulations began! The gap between us few plodders and the faster runners began to grow, but not by much.

We regrouped again at the off license where we discovered that SingstarJo and mixed up two routes, so from here we are going to run straight down to Tudor way and then back to the rec.  There were a couple of sighs of relief from the runners!

I.L.'s nieces friend was with the group today a young lady, and she was at the back with me. I was chatting along with her and helping her to keep on going.  No need to speed up if you are going to burn yourself out before you finish! Keep your breath under control, slow the pace down just a tad and you will be surprised how much you can cover.

Also last week I.L. suggested to her that they sprinted to one lamppost then walk the next. So that's what we all did this week.  Even Jan and J.J. joined in this bit for the last push down Tudor way and Crossways.  Of course I just love the sprinting section of my runs.  As it was turning out, the last lamppost would have been one that we had to walk to so I encouraged the young lady to carry on running to the next one and then just to the sign post that points to the rec.  She did it! We all did it.  Sometimes it's good to have an interval running thrown in to your usual runs!

A great run today, and a great route! The non '(non flat) flat route! With added bang and sparkle from the Bonfire night celebrational fireworks!

Geeky stats....

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