Thursday, 24 October 2013

Pavement Pounding!

Hello blog lovers.

My Thursday group was a bit small this morning, having suggested to Tracy that she rest up and make sure her knee gets better and stops hurting.  There are some runners who would just run through pain, 'Just ignore it and it will go!' Well, I am sure I have said this before, but there is the good pain and the bad pain.  The good pain is one where your muscles are crying out to stop flexing and squishing, exactly what happens when you run.  That is good pain, it means that you are working your muscles, getting them stronger. But then there is the pain that is sharp, and hurts even when you are not doing anything.  A pain that makes you cry out suddenly and stop what you are doing. Pain that doesn't feel like muscles complaining.  That is not good pain, that is something that you shouldn't be running through!

Mind you, I stop running at both types of pain! But then I am a whimp!

The weather has been awful of late, there was more rain in the past couple of days, so I decided todays run (as promised on a FaceBook post) would be the one that we did on Tuesday.  The non-flat flat route that SingstarJo took us on.  There were only three of us today, Illustrious Leader, PinkLadyJo and myself.  We all run about the same pace, so I am going to have to be a good leader and keep the pace going! 

Maybe the hills will be a good thing after all, to keep us all a tad slower!  As I mentioned earlier, we have had a fair share of rain this past fortnight, but today the sun was at its best, showing up the glorious colour of the sky, the browns and reds of the fallen leaves, and the grass looked beautiful, lush, the rain has done its job. I said "I love being outside running, so much better than being indoors watching dismal daytime t.v." I just love being outside enjoying His creation. 

I kept the same patten as SingStarJo, and that was to have our first stop at the off license. We didn't stop long, and crossed over the road to continue to the next incline.  All three of us seemed to be doing well, still all running at the same pace as each other.  It was a good run, and up to the triangle at Southborough Lane we all had ran non stop, well, apart from the off license that is.  It wasn't any particular speedy session, even though secretly I was thinking it might quicker that some of the Thursdays we have been on,  as we didn't have muddy puddles to deal with.

So you can image my surprise when I compared some of our Thursday runs to todays and found out that this was the fastest paced run of them all.  And.....we ran this route faster than we did it on Tuesday! So yes, I think I am pretty pleased with that! Not that I was actually planning on going any faster than usual!

Here is geeky stats from todays run

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