Hello blog lovers.
This is going to have to be two blogs in one, so I will try keep it as short as possible, (mainly cos this Old Girl is getting forgetful these days!)
On Tues it was PWR day. I went out with the graduates, encouraging them to push a little themselves just a little harder. Not too much though, as Tracy is doing the PWR's 10k this Sunday. It's just a little taster of what is required from her, when she decides that she can enter the group 1 of PWR. She just need to pick up her pace a bit more, and then she'll be there. And going by her performance as she was running towards Tudor Way, she will get there soon! Lorraine is working on her speed too. To help with the motivation, we took it in turns to choose the length of faster running. I chose the first bit and second bit. The first faster running was a tad longer than the usual lamppost to lamppost, and also the second was just a tad longer that as well. But after that the two ladies chose from one lamppost to the next.
That got us to Pettswod road. After that it was just a gentle jog down to Crossways and then back to the rec. We got there earlier than we usually do, and had a 20 minutes wait until club run!
So here is geeky stats for that run.
After that it was club runs. SingstarJo was leading it. With Illustrious Leader being the sweeper! SingstarJo planned on an almost 4 miler! Now, I'm no whimp, but just lately, my body is refusing to play ball with me! When I want energy and strength and stamina from my body all it says is "You gotta be shitting me" and I just feel like slowing things down! So the idea of 4 more miles, I could feel my body going into "Oh yeah!" mode again. But I chose to ignore it, and deliberately kept my hand down for volunteering for sweeper duties. "Keep up the front" was suggested by SingstarJo. But I will do my best!
Cardiac hill was mentioned in the group briefings, but it was running down it! So for that I was quite pleased with! The pace was perfectly executed, and I kept up well with the front runners. The weather wasn't too bad, it was quite warm for October but I made sure that I wasn't overly dressed, short sleeved top on but long pants, and I was very comfortable.
There were a couple of hills on this route, well if you go down one then there is always the up at the other end! S.J. did mention a little extra bit before we got back to the rec, but I knew even then I would probably do the shorter route (defeatist attitude, some might say).
We got to Tudor way, and S.J. did the extra bit, through the Highstreet, past the Daylight Inn, but I ran straight up, along with I.L. and another young lady, who has had about 7 or 8 weeks off from running! So she was feeling a bit tired.
A good run, and a good route, (even though S.J. had a slight deviation to her original route, at least I'm not the only one that does that).
Geeky stats.
And last but not least, was todays little jog through the woods. Tracy and Ade was with us, along with the Pink Lady, who I now know as Jo! There are quite a lot of Jo's in our running group, I am just glad I have nick names for them all.
Our route was going to the same as last week, I want to show Ade and Tracy what they will be running through, but of course we are not doing the whole of the 10k! And just as SingstarJo got slightly muddled with her route, I too was slightly muddled. After running all the way by the railway lines and turning left to run parallel with the road, I took slightly wrong path with made us pop out of the woods a little early than I anticipated.
This resulted in us running along on the path by the road missing all the lovely woods. But we were soon back on track and heading in the direction of Botoney Bay Lane. We took the left hand path, and used the footpath instead of the bridle path and just as well, as there were about 3 horses galloping along there!
We past the pond and headed up towards the path that will take us down to the railway lines. This week Pink Lady Jo kept her footing! No spills today, no muddy knees! Just shows you its good to get to know where you are running!
We got back to the rec and both Ade and Tracy were feeling a bit down after this run! I think its a bit of pre-run nerves! DiscoRich gave Tracy some sound advice, build in walk times to her run. Plan to have them, don't try and run till you cant run no more, after all running is fun! We want her to arrive at the finish line with a smile on her face. I think Ade will do fine. Having two weeks away from running, you mojo seems to think it can hide away from you, but on the day, which is on Sunday, I am sure they both going to be wearing their medals with pride!
Geeky stats.
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