Monday, 14 October 2013

Just Do It!

Hello blog lovers.

I know, I borrowed the slogan (again, I'm sure I've used it before!) from a well known sports outlet! But that is how I felt this morning when I was getting ready to go out for my jog.  After yesterdays very wet, very muddy but totally successful Pettswood Runners 10k, I was really wanting to get out for a jog.  After seeing well over 600 very wet muddy people cross the finishing line, I was feeling a tad 'Jel!  So I decided that while the little fella was at nursery school then I would just pound out a couple of miles, but probably leave the woods to recover from hundreds and hundreds of trainer clad feet that had 'whisked' up the ground. 

But before write about my blog, let me just tell you just a small part of yesterdays event.

I woke up to torrential rain! Totally grey, and it looked as if it was there to stay!  I arrived at Rec at 8:00 in the morning.  I was going to ride my bike but I knew that I would want to get home and dry as soon as everything had been done after the event.

After briefing from my team leader, it was straight to my first post.  Meet and greet at Towncourt entrance.  I was there until 10 am, then on to my next duties.  I popped into the pavilion to fin my team leader chatting away to our special guest who will be starting the race, non other than Running Man, Pettswood very own local legend!  I was introduced to him and then I stayed with him while the Team leader carried on with the things that needed doing.

I was standing with Running Man on the plinth, holding the umbrella over him while he gave his speech, his family looking up at him, very proudly, and once that was done, the race began.  Running man watched everyone start, and then went inside to stay a little be drier.  He wanted to be there to see the first of the runners come back before he took his leave!  It was brilliant that he turned up, and he received a brilliant cheer from the waiting runners! He and his family left after a while, with another cheer from the waiting crowds.

I did a little bit more for the games maker role and was a sweeper (nothing new there then I hear you say) in one of the children's races.  I was thinking this should be a doddle! They are small, and the ground is very sticky! Never under estimate small people and the lure of a chocolate medal! They were off like wippets! I was really trying to keep up with them.  And this is after standing around in the rain, for at least 2 hours, so I was a bit cold (note that I am chucking these excuses in the mighty moosh book of excuses, under a new chapter of Kids races!) the ground was very, very churned over, and I kept my very wet coat on!  But it was still good fun, at least I didn't fall over!

I must say, the whole event was just brilliant, I love being part of it, all our marshals are just so enthusiastic, right up to the finish, and the clearing up, Sian kept the bacon butties going, until the took the marque down around her! Just brilliant! PWR's are simply the best!

I was a bit over indulgent and asked his daughter to take this picture of us in the pavilion! Start struck or what! Well, he is our own local celebrity!

So my run today,  it was only a short one, 3 miles or so, on one of my usual routes, Turpington lane and then back.  I really wanted to try and keep on running for the whole way, that was my goal today, just to see if I can discipline myself to keep going! I failed! But then I started to think. It's not about failure, or coming last! It's not even about winning, (although it would be nice on the odd occasion!) It's about the fact that I love running!  All the while my feet moving in a jogging motion then I am running! NUFF SAID!

After that I started to just enjoy my run again.  I need to do a few more runs like that, and I may, just may leave my Garmin behind, but I do love geeky stats.  But as Mr. S. said to me, via coach Maisy, on one of me blogs,  "The race does not always go to the swift, but to the ones who keep running."  So I just carried on running. If I wanted to take a short walk I did.  Mind you, I still told my self off! I know what I'm like, I would take advantage and the just probably lay down and have a nap before I ran the rest of the way home!

So geeky stats for you.

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