Hello blog lovers.
I do love the daytime running, it's always good to run through the woods, no matter what time of the year it is. Ok so if it has been a particularly rainy month, it could get a bit sticky! But still, its all good fun.
The route we went for was the one that I ran on Monday, with maybe just a couple of minor differences, (for one, I didn't actually go and look at the Willet Way memorial), which of course made us run on the path that I should have done in the first place. I did get a bit confused, but I knew that as long as the road is still on the right then we will pop out where I did on Monday.
There was only 3 of us running through the woods today, David, our race director, and another young lady, (whose name has escaped me at the moment, it must be my age!) headed off up the path towards the road. How comes this always seems so more pleasant than going up the road? So far so good. even I couldn't get confused about which way to go on this bit.
As soon as we got to the path near the road we turned left, running along a part of the woods that next week, well over 700 hundred people will be running along! It's part of our 10k route. This route will also take in another path as well, only we will be running down it, and the participants of the 10k will be running up it!
We got to the road and crossed over to run on the path on the other side, and then we were going to cross back over and run down towards the Tigers head "It's not open this time of day" says David to me, I looked at the time we had been running for, and had to agree, Oh well, we will just have to carry on running then! Of course we would dream of going to a pub when we are running, no, never, well, except on a mid summers day Tuesday run, and then we wouldn't go to a pub, we have the 'beer' stops on route!
Anyway, I digress! David and The Pink lady (I still can't recall her name, but she was wearing pink) followed me down towards Botony Bay Lane. I would say that normally people would head on straight down there, towards the railway lines and I think David thought that too, but I told him that we were turning left and running along beside the bridle path. I thought it would make a nice change to actually see the pond that we run pass quite regularly.
Then it was on to another part of the 10k route. A path that, for us, leads down towards the railway, but for the 10k'ers' they will have to run up it. I like running along this path, and definitely prefer it to running up towards Botony Bay Lane, but we always fly on pass it. I have made plans to run this path, from the bottom up, but I always miss it! But coming from the other way it's easier to find, and its running down hill as well!
Pink Lady had a bit of a fall as we were running down here though, she fell on our last Thursday run as well! But she is made of good PWR stuff and just dusted herself down and carried on! 'Dog Poo Ally' soon came into view and our run was over. I love running through the woods, and I would run through them everyday if I could. I know Pink Lady and David enjoyed our gentle plod through the woods.
Geeky stats. You will notice that I actually started the Garmin as we were running on the first path! I had forgotten to push the button! But it really is only a few yards that is missing.
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