Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Time To Leave Grasshoppers!

Hello blog lovers.

Beginners Group Run

Legend tells of great runners whose running skills were stuff of legends. Their identities hidden under the robes of running athletes. At the given hour each week the running warriors begin their ritual, until that time when the need to encounter the mere mortals is upon them. To face up to the challenges that is beyond the gates of the safe ground. That time is now!

Grasshoppers, when you can walk for 2 minutes and jog for 8 minutes it is time to encounter the pavements!

Ok, so we are not shaolin running monks! But it really did feel quite special to be able to lead the beginners out of the recreation ground and do their first 'proper' run around the streets of Pettswood, next week, weather permitting, then we can lead them through the woods!  I am sure we will inspire all who run through there to just want to run and run forever!

What made it even more special, for me, is that PhysioMike asked if I would be able to lead out a group.  PhysioMike was going to lead the faster ones, Peter the slightly slower ones, me the next slower ones and then Anne taking the slower group.  As it turned out, as PhysioMike was putting all the beginners with their respective leaders, I had the second fastest group! How did that happen?!

I just hoped that I wouldn't be too slow for them, as usually I am at the back of the beginners encouraging them all from there.  The route was just a tad over 2 miles, with just one section of off road, and that was up the path from Little Thrift. 

I think I did ok with the group that was allocated to me, there was only one young lady that I lost to the next group down, but she was suffering with her calf's.  Peter actually said to me "Goodness Old Girl, I have never seen you run so fast"  Well, it is very unusual for me to wear out anyone who is running along with me!

But it really was fantastic to be be able to lead them all out and back again.  I think the ladies were definitely ready to get out on the streets, after all, there is only so much laps you can do!

Group 1 Run

Illustrious leader was leading the run today. It was to be on the streets! When will our summer continue for than a few days at a time!  I won't go into a sulk about the weather! I actually wore my wet weather coat, because it looked quite dark outside when I left, I just thought it was about to tip it down.  But as it happened the rain stayed away and the humidity was just awful! 

Our route was towards Crofton, around the twiddly bits of Palace estates.  I do believe I.L. volunteered me to do the extra fast bit, around the green, while she took the ones that didn't want to do that bit down the straight.  As it happened the other young lady that was sweeping today, Emma, decided that she would do that bit.  Yes! I carried on with J.J. and Janet up the straight.

We got to Crofton road and I was.....glowing......tons of glowing!  "Why do you run in a hat" says Janet, "It must be quite hot" "It is but it helps to me see where I am going! It stops the sweat... er....glow... from going in my eyes"  Mind you, if I slowed down or we stopped for a regroup I had difficulty seeing anyway as my glasses steamed up!

From Crofton we headed back to the rec.  The best bit, the down hill bit! We all stayed together as group until we got to the railway bridge and Beaumont road.  The I.L. said that we can go as fast as we want (or slow) as long as we don't change the route, and to get back to the rec.  With that the front runners of the group took off, as well as Emma as I.L. will be taking over sweeping role now.  I kept to the same pace, waiting for Crossways to do my bit of sprint work. I still blame Nagging Sister for that! It was her 'training' that made me sprint the last bits of any run! 

It wasn't until I became a PWR that I was told that the last bits of runs should be just  nice gentle run out! The complete opposite of what I have been doing!  Never one for doing things easy!  Starting running at the age I did proves that!  Never having run before in anything, even managing to dodge running at school!, to now being a marathoner (Oh yes, she gets it in one more/last time[?]) is a miracle for me!

Anyway, geeky stats for you.


  1. I think it is fantastic to see somebody such as yourself post to the extent you have as I feel it will inspire many individuals who take part in any sporting event (regardless of who they are and what ability they are at) to achieve to their full potential and indeed any goals they may have whether that is to achieve a Marathon (in running or anything else).

    As a runner myself, it has inspired me to focus on achieving longer distances at a pace I can cope with.

    Coming back to your running for today Donna, I think it is brilliant what you have achieved today especially after leading in the beginner's group - I would have difficulty doing that myself, but to lead a group alone I think is great.

    Also, as for your group run and running in general today; it clearly shows you are a person with determination and with that positive 'can-do' attitude, especially if you are one who likes a bit of a challenge as you indicated clearly there!

    Overall, I would like to say well done - and keep up the great work as I look forward to seeing more posts from you in the future :)
