Thursday, 16 May 2013

Cor!!!! Training!

Hello blog lovers.

Today is the first week for the PWR's core training sessions. I thought I would be a perfect candidate for this sort of training, as my core is somewhere under all the cuddly stuff, and is probably as weak as a fluffy cloud! 

DiscoRich is taking the first of these sessions, until the other two ladies take over next week. Apparently they are aerobics trainers and they bring sticks! Surely not!, the sticks that is, not that they are not aerobics trainers.  I know Emma D totally exhausted another PWR with a spin class!

I decided to ride my bike to the recreation ground. Doesn't that sound like a joyous place to be, a recreation ground, for the purpose of.....recreating. A tennis court, a bowls green, a cricket crease, and even a play park for the kids.  So why was I feeling like I was wandering into a lions den!

As I tethered my steed, ok, locked my bike up (on the new bike stands!) the rest of the group were just starting the first lap of the warm up jogs. After that it was drills. Drill Sgt DiscoRich put us through some bouncing on the spot, (hurty calfs), butt kicks, (hurty thighs) sideways stepping or some sort of cross over running (tripping up and doing damage, so I don't think I should attempt that, I did the sideways stepping thing) Can you tell I don't like things that push me too hard!  But that is why I am here, to be pushed and to push hard!

Then it was into some core stuff, planks and push ups and sit ups! 2 reps!   Now this particular activity had quite a few moans and groans going on, as Emma (not Emma D) noticed.  I can't remember the last time I tried a push up, either girly style or macho style.  The first one of my pushups had me groaning like anything, and I still couldn't lift my self of the floor!  The planks were interesting.  I have done some of these recently, when I managed to do a core workout using my abs app from my phone! I am sure I did pretty well on those!

After that it was the running part of todays training. 3x100 metres running fast! Yup thats right, running fast, me, in the middle of a training session, trying to run fast. The only time I run fast is when I can see the finishing line! We were allowed 10 sec stop at each 100 metres point before running again at 90% speed! "It's good fat burning stuff" said DiscoRich.  Well I certainly have a couple of pounds of that to burn off, could probably even heat the hot water for a week if I could gather the fat in vats!

Now all of this was done before some paarluufs. For those who don't know what that is, it's actually relay running! We managed to have two and a two thirds of a team! So the two thirds team kind of tagged on to the fastest team. I was in Illustrious leaders team with Emma. Emma is a pretty fast runner! I think we needed another group 1 member to be on our team! We continued with those for about 12 minutes, about twice around the green I think, or was it thrice! Who's counting, eh, when you're having such fun.

It all went really quickly. I couldn't believe that we had done all of that in about an hour!  Maybe I really did have fun! So, here's to next time, with the two lovely ladies that will put us all through our paces again.

I took my Garmin with me, the bit that I should have put on, (but neglected) was my Heart Rate Monitor! Next week, I am sure I will remember.

Geeky stats.

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