Thursday, 30 May 2013

Planking and Burpees!

Hello blog lovers!

It's Thursday so therefore it is training time! Core training, and faster running! I know, it don't seem possible to be seeing that in my blogs, does it, faster running!  But that is what Thursdays training is all about. 

Jenny and our Illustrious leader were taking lead today, and what fun we had.  First off was, as always, a warm up lap.  It was a rather bleak looking grey evening, a bit  chilly and damp.  We definitely needed to warm up first.  Then it was straight into our drills .Jenny was leading the first half of todays session. Skipping, knees up high, and the crossing over leg thing which I managed to do without getting tangled up in my legs.

Then we had a relay race! Two lots of six cones stretched out in front of two teams.  It was a race, a very friendly race, was the first order of the day.  First team member runs to the first cone and comes back and tags second team, who then runs to first cone and back. We do that until all five members of the teams have done all six, and then have to start working back.!  Great fun.  And the teams were very evenly paced with each other.  It was a virtual dead heat when it was all done!

After that it was the core training. Sit ups, press ups, planks, V sit ups and star jumps (or burpees, which ever you felt moved to do)  I did my usual two sit ups in the allocated 30 seconds! I looked like a tortoise trying to right its self! I really did!  I am seriously doubting if there are any muscles left in my abdomen! Or if there really have all been eaten up by the spare tyre monster that is now hanging off my ribs (and chest, arms, thighs, calfs, and I am sure even my toes!)  Maybe I will be able to train the fat to think it's now muscle!

When all that was done it was down to I.L. to do her bit.  We were put into three sets of teams, and we had our Fartlec running.  I do like this sort of running. You run at 90% of what you normally do, till you get to you no.2 team member and then rest, until team member no.3 tags you to go to the beginning again.  It's a great way of running as fast as you can.  Just thinking of that little rest at the end of the fist leg is enough to get you running fast.

All in all a very good session.  Oh I must say this, one of the ladies bought her son along and their dog, (who had tons of fun by the way) and the little lad joined in with all the activities! He was even on the first relay team! And managed to keep pace with his counterpart in the team I was in!  How cool was that!

Anyway, I remembered to take my Garmin and heart rate monitor


  1. Haa haa, I can't believe you Garmin'd your route....round and round and round and round :-)

    You can keep that exercise stuff, it looks too painful ;-)

  2. The Garmin was for the heart rate moniter :-) but.....maybe I can do the thing where it says indoors instead!..... didn't think of that actually...until now..... old age is gruel!!
