Hello blog lovers.
I helped out the beginners group again today, and there were lots more today that last week! Three PWR helpers today, Peter, SingstarJo and me to help PhysioMike shape up the the would be marathon runners! Well, you never know! There could be plenty of marathon runners in among this group, after all, I was a total novice, never ran before, and I ran the VLM........Ok, I am sure I will stop bragging about it soon!
Today the group was walking for 2 mins and then running for 6 mins! It seems a big step up from last week. I guess they were all waiting for the 5 min running! But they all did it, kept up their own pace as to where they felt comfortable. With the warm ups and the stretching exercises, which by the way, PhysioMike has on our backs on the grass! A great session though, watching as all the beginners start to push themselves even harder, and succeeding at it as well.
After that it was the club run of course. Illustrious Leader is leading the way again today, and me and another young lady took sweeper roles. SingstarJo took some wise advice and decided to rest her back and go home after the beginners session. Sometimes we do need to be told not to run but to rest up, even though we think we can do it. Just like my first run after the marathon (Groan....not the marathon story again!) I was planning on doing the 3 mile loop, but just getting to the end of Faringdon had me changing me mind! We may feel like we can and think we can after injury long distance running, but it is also very wise to sit down, chillax heal and rest up.
Our route was going through the Jubilee park, covering some of the Pettswood Runners 10k route, This includes Goss hill! When I.L. was speaking of the route today, she looked directly at me and said "This is the Old Girls favourite hill" It seemed that only I.L. and I knew the 'in joke' there.
When we got to that hill I said to some of the back runners "just get up there at your own pace, no need to race it" I think most of the group started off really well, with only a very few walking some of the way, including me! Well, you all know how much I love hills! It felt great to get to the top, even though I walk most of it!
The next part is of course all down hill, and we were going down Botoney bay. The last time we did this way, in the opposite direction, it was still a tad wet underfoot. But this time it was just fine. No sticky puddles at all. But we didn't go through the last bit of the woods, no, we were going up and over the remaining two bridges to get to the place where we first went off road, Little Thrift.
From here I.L. took the sweeper role and then said to the group "Run as fast as you want or as slow as you want, just don't change the route, bake to the rec" she continued "The first one back starts the stretches!" So I decided to run this bit at tad faster. Sweating like I just walked through Niagara Falls, I started down the hill. The weather by the way was very very warm, no wind about at all it seemed. If it wasn't for a couple of the other ladies saying they felt it was quite warm today, I could have put it down to the start of those hot flushes I have heard about! I think I underestimated just how far the rec is from Little Thrift, and so flagged a bit before getting to the end!
But still, it felt good to have a quick blast. As soon as I got to Crossways I took off. The short run down to the gate, keeping the pace going. Under the sign, stop the clock......and breathe!
A great run today, it always is going through the woods! Can't wait till next week, more of the woods to get through, hopefully!
Geeky stats.
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