Hello blog readers.
Today I feel the dreaded lurgy started to creep through my body. The 'Kids Germs' I have probably got from all those loving hugs, albeit snot covered, sneezy hugs I received from the children, reminding me of an episode of 'The Simpsons' where the children had to defeat the adults by hugging them and thus spreading their germs! So do I run, or do I sit and let the dreaded lurgy get a hold of me! Of course, as you are reading this, you already know the answer to that!
It was either a long bike ride or or short jog. I decided on the short jog, I wasn't sure whether my lungs would stay inside my body for a long ride, and besides, if I go for a run then at least my lungs wouldn't be in danger of getting run over!
The Old Boy was very, very kind to me. "We will go at you're pace tonight" he says. I was quite pleased with that. And he kept to his word. He only really nagged me getting up Goss hill. The evening was really quite pleasant, not cold at all, although I was feeling a little chilled, which is why I was wrapped up like an onion. Kids germs! Maybe I will end up tying my fleece around my waist, but at the beginning of this run I was quite pleased I had it on.
Through the park I just took it gently, letting my lungs evict all the 'kids germs'. I was feeling not too bad at this pace. No pressure, no one that I feel I have to keep up with, well the Old Boy occasionally said "Just pick it up a little bit" he said very gently, almost apologetically. So after this bit, he decided to do the run in front then spin around run to me and run with me until he got a bit in front again. As well as 'Serpentining' along the road that, the Old Boy seemed happy doing that. Until we got to the single track running. He did nag me then, but we was going up Goss Hill by then. Boy do I still not like hills.
I tried to keep a steady pace going, and I think I did quite well. Not particularly fast, but consistent. Along the top of the woods now, Again a single track and the OB is behind me, just a little utterance about picking up the pace a tad more. Maybe the 'kids germs' have got to him as well, and is secretly enjoying going at my pace! I do enjoy those little down hill sections, but I enjoy them even more in the day time! I know I could go a little faster when I can see a bit more of the paths! I know mud packs are supposed to be good for you, and I am sure they don't get the mud here, in Petts Wood, so I don't want to be rolling around in it.
I have kept a steady pace going, all the way down now heading for Pettswood. Just a couple of walking stops, before hand, but now I am almost in the 'zone' I knew I wasn't quite there because my chest was feeling very tight and that didn't help to keep my mind on my running and breathing.
All in all though I thing this evenings run was good! Even the Old Boy said I was keeping a steady pace, that was until he saw the time! Oh well, you can't expect miracles every day, cant you!
Geek stats.
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