Hello blog Lovers.
After yesterdays hard slog through the woods (no snickering back there please, Mr. S) a one hill tarmacked route through the quite streets of Pettswood is just what I needed.
Nagging Sister called me earlier and asked if I was ready to move up to group 2. I, of course, said "No, not yet, I'm still recovering from my spills in the woods" And it's true! When I fall over my body goes into "Oh no, brace your self, silly Old Girl has only fallen over" and then my body twists and tenses in places it has ever done before! But it seemed that NS was pleased about that (not about the fall) but the fact that I am staying in group 1. She has done some sort of muscle pulling damage to her groin area. Probably pushing her self hard last week, running 9 min miles indeed!!
It was a cold night, but not as cold as some of the days that we have been out running. I had left my gloves behind, and my woolly hat and just put on a cap instead, to keep the sweat out of my eyes. Yes, I was planning on working hard, I always do! Even I as write that my body went into spasms, thinking of hard work! That whole 'almost couch potato' week just gone is fighting to stay for another week.
When we got there Nagging Sister starting talking to another girl that started group 2 last week and she was tempted to go back. Well that's good. My job has been done. I tell people of the 'joys' of running (I know, don't read yesterdays blog!) I encourage them on some running around with me on local routes and then I 'strike' and have them running in the club, fully bitten by the running club. Ok, so a couple have got away, but the bug has been unleashed in them, and it will grow!
Off we went, up the only one hill in the today's run. This hill holds no fear over me anymore, well not from the start anyway. Maybe if it was at the end of a jog, that might be a different matter! I kept up with the main group, it's m usual start. I was feeling very tired today though. Up at A & E this morning at 2 o'clock till half past 3, with my very warm little grandson. He is fine, a viral thing, but it's still a worry for his mum and indeed me! My legs were complaining as well, my slightly twisted ankle that I did yesterday, my slightly aching back, and arms from falling over! You know usual things for a 'night blinded, clumsy, wanna do a half Marathon, Old Girl' like me.
I was dragging behind the main group a little, but not in last position. Our illustrious leader was waiting for us at the corner of the road that we will be turning down. She told us the route, and then she said "If the group is spread out a bit, then when you get to the end of this road double back and let everyone else catch up, that way you are not stopping and chilling down" I thought that I would be the one they would all be waiting for. But This evening I wasn't. In fact I even turned around and started to do the 'double back' but they were not that far behind me!
After getting going again I was getting tired and by this time though I was beginning to flag a bit. I was at the back of the pack, but when we got back to the bridge our illustrious leader said "for those that want a long route, turn left, then the first road right and right again, and it will take you to the round about at the top here" She pointed straight up in front of us. "And for those who want to do a little less stay with me and we will meet you at the round about" Sighs of relief from some of the ladies, or was that all just from me! She designated a Second leader to take the long route and then we all carried on running until the split.
Now let me tell you! I went with the second leader! Yup that's right. Me, Old Girl, She who always take the easy options, runs at a snails pace, etc etc, went on the longer route!! I really had to keep pace with everyone as even this new splinter group started to spread out! I knew the way, but I wanted to keep up and not make them all wait for me. It was a little bit of pressure on me. Something I need, but I know I will be last.
I saw them take the turning right and I saw the new second leader waiting for me, making sure that everyone was accounted for. I ran to catch up. He ran with me as we watch the group leaders up ahead. "I so wanted to stay with the group today" I told him. But best laid plans and all that! I will keep pushing myself though.
I got a bit confused at the roundabout though. And I couldn't make out which way we were to go, best keep following the group though. And I ran along behind, feeling all the while like we were heading in the wrong direction!
But at some point we met up with the rest of the group! Our illustrious leader was there with some of the other runners who took the shorter route. So we must have been running in the right direction! She sent the second leader on to stretch his legs, and she took up the sweeper position! "You can do you sprint thing, then" she says to me. But I didn't thing I would be able to pull that out today.
We were not that far now. And I was running at the back but gaining on some of the other runners of group 1. And then I was passing them by, and just staying a head of them. We were on the last bit of road now and I crossed over, and I was set to do my sprint down this last bit. And there I was, flying off, sprinting!!! Where does it come from I just don't know. I head our leader tell the other ladies that this is what I do!! I am sure now that its all psychological with me. The OB is right, Naggy Neighbour is right, even Nagging sister is right. I can do it, I just have to put it in my head and keep it there!
Next time maybe. Lets see how I do next time.
Geeky stats.
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