Hello bloggers.
Monday was the last time I ran, but this cold is just getting on top of me. I did manage a very short bike ride on Thursday and I felt ok, and even did a coupl of extra miles that I wasn't intending to do, but today, I was hoping for a lie in, and just get up and feel totally refreshed, cold ont he way out and recovery defininitely on the way. But does that happen, oh no!
I woke this morning with a fuzzy head, and a raging thirst at 6 this morning, that could have been due the the salt and pepper ribs I had last night for my dinner! But the cold virus is still well and truly taking over my body, Head aches, coughing and apparantly I kept the Old Boy awak last night due to me coughing, so we were both quite tired!
The weather wasn't brilliant today, the predicted rain was here, (makes a change for the forcast to be right) so a bike ride was out of the question. I could have managed 15 or twenty miles of gentle bike riding today, but its just no fun in the rain. So we had plan 'B'. Shopping, tidy the garden and housework. Him on garden duties me on housework. but after we did the shopping we came back and vegged!
Not good, but the curry this evening was promised! But when the OB said "If I don't do something then I won't feel hungry enough to go for a curry" Shock, horror and total outrage was buidling up inside. I had been waiting all day for a tasty curry, Ok so he took me out for breakfast before we went shopping. but food makes me happy when I am feeling down, and right now I am really wallowing in my self pity of feeling ill!
So I had to Run For My Supper! Its a lovely resataurant that we go to, and RogBum, if you ever in the neighbour hood then I would recommend this place for a very tasty curry! you will understand why I dragged my self off my sick bed, to do the recommened doctors advice of 'Starve a fever, feed a cold' scenario and got into my running gear.
So enough of the huge, huge excuse/reason for such a slow short run today, but I am just letting you all know, and me of course when I look back at this, of why at this time in my running and cycling ......caree/training/lifechange or whatever it is I am doing I ran such a very short slow run!
Going up the first hill from 'Dog Poo' ally my legs had already decided to give up, but I pushed as far as I could do, with the .....ok slight, pain, building up from these underworked legs of mine. I really wanted to do the even shorter route, and I was only about 2 mins into our run.
Let me tell you, the whole run this evening was of me complaining, stopping, spluttering, spitting (I know, its discusting) and then running again, just so that I can get a lovely curry later on! Pathetic!? No! It just showed me that actually, even when I feel like....shit..... and I will use that word.....I can do it!!
So geeky stats, make of it what you will. But I think I did pretty well! Considering!
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