Hello blog lovers.
I'm back to running! And it felt great to be back at it! The OB felt better as well, a much needed run today, and now that the clocks have jumped forward its a lot lighter and so back to running through the woods without the cumbersome head lamps and darkness to slow us, (meaning me) down.
I really didn't think I would do brilliantly today, all I just wanted to do was get back out and start my running again. The cycling is great, love it, and I'm looking forward to plenty more days and weekends out on my bike, but my running is the first thing that I started to get myself fit, and kept up! Firstly by myself then with all the lovely friends and family that have joined me. And it always seems that I choose people who are younger and fitter than me to join in. Anyway, that's by the by.
I set my Garmin, took a lung full of the fresh air and off we went. I could tell that I am still fighting the virus, especially after this morning, it was like something out of GHOST BUSTERS ectoplasm, all over the place, is all I can describe it as! I will say no more about that, it wasn't pleasant! Straight away my breathing was 'off' and I was struggling to control my it. But I tried.
I took it easy, I wasn't going to push my self, considering I haven't jogged since 17th! Needless to say, I wasn't going to be too easy on myself either, but I wasn't going to tell the OB that!
The first mile came and went, and then it was time for Goss Hill. I ran straight through the gate, with every intention of just running up the hill! No stopping! I got to the bottom of it and stopped, 'Gasped' and just looked up! A quick nag from the Old Boy and I was off again. I slowed my pace down, I took smaller steps, I used my arms and I looked up. Is there anything else that I needed to do that I didn't do. I tried not to think about the hill, but I felt like I was running on the spot! It was taking so long to get to the top.
It was then that the little joke the OB said to me about my running came into my mind. "You are not actually moving Old Girl, you are just bouncing up and down while the Earth slowly moves underneath you!" Going up this hill tonight it really felt like that! The OB carried on running up while I took a short 'breather' walk and then I carried on running. I ran to the top! So Goss hill, now is only a part section!
The rest of the run was really quite pleasant, and I kept up fairly ok ish. There was a group of ladies running up towards Coopers, where we had just run from, and the OB said "Look good Old Girl, look good!" as we ran passed them I tried not to do my usual grimacing face.
At the bottom as it was still fairly light we decided to carry on through the woods and going over the three bridges. It adds a little extra on to the usual run, but we were both feeling ok so why not.
The first set of steps I couldn't run up, but the next two sets I did manage to kind of run up, so I was pleased with that.
I had my usual sprint as well, we used the top path to get back to the car, so a nice bit of tarmac to run along, and the OB told me to push it, and go for, give it a little bit more, and a bit more. And I just took off, I'm not sure how fast I ran, but I'm sure the Old boy said something about Linford Christie!
Geeky stats for you
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