Hello blog lovers.
I really thought today was going to be a rest day. I think Old Couch Potato Head is making her unwanted presence known! What with the cold that has kept me from running, and feeling bloated, weak and unmotivated, its definitely been 'her' few weeks to show her face!
The Old Boy decided to extend our usual run to try and get the stamina and endurance back on track.....for the both of us! "We are going to do a figure of 8" he says to me. "Only going to add another mile to our usual route, but it will include running up Goss hill!" "Yeah, bring it on" I said or did I think that, and actually say out loud something different!
I know I have to get my endurance back up to speed, and I do use that word very loosely people! So in a weird, masochistic way I was looking forward to it.
We started off running in the opposite direction to the usual clockwise direction, and I was doing pretty well, or so I thought. The OB has mentioned that he hasn't seen me run for a full mile yet, which quite frankly is a load of 'Dogs Undercarriage!' because.......well just because, and he knows it, he is using this as another tactic. But of course going in this direction and up hill straight away on cold legs, (excuse no. 201) I know I stopped before the first mile. But can't be sure, because when I looked at my watch I had forgotten to start the blooming thing!!
So from this point, just before we got to 'Dog Poo Ally' is when the Garmin stats show, (approx .80 miles into run so far) I was still coughing and spluttering, and doing my best to 'prove the existence of ectoplasm' but I some how think it's doing me good!
Up the hill, along the top and then down again, through the woods towards the railway. We will be running along the path that we had just ran up! that's cool, we still have light, the woods are just great to run in.
We ran past the railway bridge and towards Botony bay, but turn off just at the river to follow it along to the dread Goss Hill. By now I was a tad tired, but I really wanted to try and get up Goss Hill in at least 2 sections! But I was just to bloomin lazy as usual and full of my excuses, even though the OB had ran on up ahead of me. He has his motivation back again!
There is the other two hills that I can try and run up all the way, I call them 'The Small one and the Big one' The small one came and went, and I wasn't even thinking about it, because I was thinking about the 'Big one' So to help me get up this hill I decided to tell myself it's the 'Small one!' It didn't work! I didn't manage to run up the whole thing!
But from the top and as we head down towards 'Dog Poo Ally' again, it was non stop running from me! I was quite impressed with myself, even going along, for the third time this evening, the path along the railway lines, I was thinking "Good going Old Girl" But that's when I got complacent and I stopped running!
Oh Well, Couch Potato head will be pleased! Over the the three bridges, and through the woods to the car.!
Lovely run. And ready for my dinner, which was a lovely curry at a lovely restaurant, even though we waited an age for our first course to arrive!
Geeky stats.