Sunday, 26 February 2012

What a busy day!

Hello blog lovers.

Grandson, church, shopping, chopping veg, running, showering, cooking, eating and a couple of beers. All before 9 o'clock this evening. But when I went to plug in my garmin my computer started hassling me about not having enough virtual memory! What is that all about. And then it was going slow, I can can only imagine what the girls thought of me (and my slow jogging) today as we all ran together!

But this is a running blog so I shall continue. Nagging sister and Hitchy were running with me today and they both arrived before I had even got changed into my skins! Duly ready we went outside to catch the satellites on my Garmin and set off. We were running a route that Hitchy had ran before and she said it was about 10k which is the distance at the moment for our LSR's.

Off we went, and so far it's the same route that I took last Monday. But today, at the end of the long road we turned left to go up the A21. Now I cycle up here, I am getting better, but I have yet to run it. Coming down the other way from Knockholt is good! This should be an experience for me.

"we're going to go through the posh houses" says Hitchy "they are lovely houses, I just love these houses" I think we all do! If I owned a house like that the. I would be really fit, what with the personal chef, cleaner and trainer I would have! But before we get there we have the long up hill slog! When we got as far as Maccie D's a young girl sort of tagged along with us, I thought she was a friends of NS's daughter, but she was a total random! And she was chatting away and jogging for a hundred yards or so before her friends called her on her mobile. "I shall be back in a minute, it's ok" she said. And then she left us! When I found out that NS didn't know her I was very surprised.

Soon the lovely houses came up. I was so pleased to have something nice to look at, NS and Hitchys backsides were getting boring. Mind you I. Think I prefer that than the smiley faces when they turned around to encourage me on! How can they be smiling! This is a tough bit or road! How dare they smile while all I can manage is a grimace. NS even has full makeup on, and Hitchy put a bit on a bit of lippy!

The houses through here are lovely, and it did help to take my mind off the running, well I till we came to some particularly lovely houses, and then I slowed down to admire the architecture of said lovely houses. Well that was my excuse anyway.

Enough drooling over the houses as we exit the posh road, not before I threw another paddy about the two little girls running faster than me, and so I didn't want to run! We popped out onto Crofton road. Not far now, I thought to my self, and then Iooked up at the road as it climbing up. I am sure this is a more hillier route than my six miler! Prettier yes, and even skirting on the edge of the woods!

Just a mile to go now, and I was very fired, I can feel the legs being slowly filled with lead, as we head for the path that takes is near to home. If I push myself I can get a better time, if I push myself, I need to push myself. I tried very hard, even the girls thought I put on a bit of a sprint it it was way too early. And all I said is "blimey, you're right behind me still" as the girls close in on me, still smiling as apposed to me grimacing!

Just the last bit of road work now, with still just a little bill to negotiate and the. It's down hill all the way. The other two hot to my door before me and I sprinted, sort of, to them. Now time for smiles as we walk around the green to walk off those 6.26 miles! That's right exactly the same distance of my solo LSR last week!

Geeky stats to be added later

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