Hello bloggers,
It's exactly what it says on the tin! I went for my very first long (well for me it is) solo jog today. I Had no kids, I needed a long stretch of the legs. But whether I could go for a long run today or not, I wasn't sure.
I normally talk myself into just running one of the usual old routes, and try and beat a pb. That is how I used to justify doing a short run. "Old Old Girl, you must be getting fitter, lets see if you can beat your BP on this route" All these thoughts were going through my mind as I was heading up the road today. Only this time I ran straight on! Pased where I used to turn to do a 3.5 miler. Straight on to the top and turned right!
Even then I was tempted to turn left, but I had a route in mind, sort of, and that is what I was going to do! Head towards Bromley then turn left at the Dripping Tap. I remember Naggy Neighbour taking me this way, and I complained like heck, thankfully most of it was in my head as I was having trouble talking and jogging!
Tescos came and went, the little hill came and up I ran. Even then I didn't turn right to take the short route home. Oh no! I was heading up the way that me an Nagging Sister went a few weeks ago! I wonder if I shall see her running along! On and On, the walking was getting more as little pains and niggles started, the ache in my back and neck, stresses over the last 24 hours refusing to give up on me. But I battle on through, "Just run Old girl, half way round now,......unless you wimp out!" I was determined not to wimp out!
On Blackbrrok lane now, heading towards Bickly Manor! "No wimping out, turn left Old Girl, go through the park, might as well, you're out now" It's surprising how talking to ones self comes back so quickly and easily. And I accept it as the norm as well. But must try to remember not to speak out to loudly!
There, I've committed myself now, I turned left into the park! Plenty of people about, walking dogs or just walking. Park keepers burning stuff on my right, birds tweeting, and the sun is shining. Couldn't ask for better running conditions. But of course I still complained.....to myself.....out loud! "S**t Old Girl, what were you thinking!! You're a bloody nan for goodness sake, go take cod liver oils like all good nannies should"
I got through the park, I'm sure people didn't notice or hear me talking, they may have noticed my breathing though "shee shee ha ha" as I try to get control of my breathing. two steps exhale, two steps inhale. I knew those ante natal classes would come to fruition one day! (sure as hell didn't help when I needed them!)
Even now I could cut my jog short and turn right, but no, I chose to go on. On wards and upwards, through to Pettswood. Now I can start heading home. Only one more mile to go, a nice cuppa, relax, do the washing, sweeping, fill the dishwasher, pick 'Mr. Potato Head' up from the three rooms he seems to have occupied, put clean washing away, prepare dinner. And who knows, I may even go out for a cycling ride later!!
Geeky Stats
Brilliant Donna, brilliant; stop putting yourself down you are doing fantastically well. You have put yourself out if your comfort zone and for a while it will feel as though you have started running again but that will go very quickly. Just keep doing more of the same.....
ReplyDeleteThanks Jermenry, and you're right! It does feel as if I have only just started running!! lol