Hello Bloggers.
Club run today and it seems as as if our illustrious leader is 'putting the squeeze' on us. "We're doing hills today, to encourage you to join some of the events that are happening in March" she says. Now, I'm sure she meant that in the most best possible way, but to me, a hillphobic, and proud of it, it almost sound like a, well I shall let you make your minds up.
But listening to all the other group leaders and they were all doing hills. Its like some secret conspiracy they all have to encourage us all to join in these events.
Off we went, the first hill was more or less right on top of us. Of course that came and went without even noticing. Well, we were all still chatting, and we all had fresh legs. I tried to ignore the fact that it was a hill, and act like all the other runners, just jogging along, chatting, looking at the houses etc. But my body knew it was a hill, and it started to remind me of yesterdays run. "Yeah and?" I said quietly to myself, well, in my head really, after all, these guys are my running buddies, I don't want to be kicked out of my club do I?
First hill done. Now I remember our illustrious leader talking about Poverest road. I have a hard time cycling this road and now I am going to be running it, or at least some part of it. I was glad it was dark actually, because then I cant really see the roads rising up before me. I can just feel them! Now the other two hills, well they kind of blurred into one, because by now I was really feeling those 6 miles.
The second hill I was behind the main group, as per usual. There is no way I am ready for group 2 yet! But I'm sure if I keep on doing those 6 milers then I will be getting stronger and faster. They are definitely out of my comfort zone! But each time I do it I am so pleased with myself, with maybe just some disappointment over times. but I decided from all the encouragement that I have got, that I am not going to worry about that. the only time I need to be worried about times is when I'm in a race!
The third hill, and I must be very fair to our illustrious leader, they were all fairly short hills, either that or I really am getting better at this running malarkey! Unlike 'The Husband' last week, with that long steep hill!
I was way at the back by now, and our illustrious Leader was in the sweeper position as we ran along the last two roads. The rest of the group was quite spread out, and, as it turned out with Nagging Sisters endy thing, I was about 2 mins behind them.
I was wondering if I had anything left for the last bit for my usual sprint! I did most of it, but flagged at the last 50 or so feet from the entrance to the park! But there comes that feel good feeling. Another run done. and I am feeling good. Ready for my dinner now.
Mind you, I think our illustrious leaders plan has worked a bit, because me and NS are thinking of at least two of the events that are happening in March! One is definitely off, as its NS birthday before and our lovely auntie is taking us out! Its a an awful job, but it needs to be done! (And I have to wear my new shoes again!)
Geeky stats
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