Hello Bloggers.
Well its two weeks since our last long run, and me and Nagging Sister is back at Knockholt Train Station, again, abandoned!
I can't remember what the weather was blooming chilly! I'm sure it was colder than the last time we were here, it is certainly a lot more interesting, with all the ice and snow on the ground. But I have not been as active as two weeks ago, due to all the ice and snow! So maybe that should help, or maybe not!
Me and Nagging sister set our devices to record our progress on the run and went for it. I wasn't thinking about breaking records, but I really would like to get a PB at least from this route. The chill reaches right into my lungs with every inward breath. It's going to be a hard slog today.
At the bottom of the first road we turn left to run along the A21, this is where the most of the snow is. It's quite compacted and very slippery! We negotiated our way safely through that. "I wish I had gone to the loo" I said to NS. Maybe it's just the weather that's making me want the loo, maybe it's because I am old now, or.... as I suspect, it's probably that cup of tea I had about half hour before we left home! I should have know better.
The loo situation was playing on my mind a bit, and I did my best to ignore it. Until we came to a sign showing the services, 'Costa, petrol and WC' "I really think I should have go to the loo" I said to NS, "I am going to have to stop at the service station up ahead" I explained to her.
Of course, when you're in a car, the service signs to the actual services don't seem that far, but when you're running, Oh my goodness!! I tried not to dwell on it, and soon enough I spied the services, on the other side of the road.
After a quick P..it stop we carried on our run. No photo opportunity's today, just running. Already I was knacked! I was wondering why on earth any body would want to run in the freezing cold, well ok, it's not below freezing, I think the gauge on the car read about 3.5 degrees, but it is still blooming cold. I must say though, the council have done wonders with the paths along the A21, they are well gritted, except for that bit I told you about, so there is hardly any snow on our run. But I do wish the horse riders would clear up after their horse, because me and NS are volting and hurdling, and tippy toeing our way through the sh........ manure! I'm sure the horses could walk on the grassy verges rather than the actual path!
Any way, not a lot to say on this long laborious road, we weren't 'tooted' at all, the Old Boy wasn't partaking of a pint at the pub to be able to greet us, and no mate on his bike to shout out encouragement! It did seem a long run today.
After reaching the bus garage I was really flagging. NS had done her best to keep me going, (you all realise that I did have walking stops of course) but I had had more walking stops than I did last time! "Come on Old Girl, if we push it from here we can beat our time" I really didn't feel as if I had it in me, I told her to go for it, "Go beat your PB" I shouted out to her, and with that she was away!
I whinged and whined all the way down the ally, I nagged and moaned, and scolded myself all the way home. I was just so disappointed with my time. A whole minute slower!! What the......!!!
But NS (who by they way took 2 minutes off her time) and the Old Boy, said well done! "At least you're out there doing it!" and "Well, you have been over doing the eating drinking and non exercise thing" Hmmm!! I am still disappointed with my time!
Geeky stats for you!
Sometimes Donna it is not about the time, it is the fact you did it. Well done for completing it, grumbling or no grumbling.