Hello blog lovers.
The Old Boy fancied taking the "cats" out for a little walkies this evening. "The cats" by the way are his pet name for his puma running shoes. He was saying things like, "I don't know how I will get on, what with my legs, back, bruises etc" but I know, from listening to all sorts of people that I have asked along to run with me, I was going to totally ignore any thing he says about only going for a short plod along.
We drove our car to the car park and put on our hats and headlamps, took note of the time and set off. He set off exactly how I thought he would do, not so much as cats on his feet, he was more like a greyhound out of the trap. It takes me about a mile to get warmed up, and I had to tell the OB to slow down a tad. He was breathing really well, and looking good too. Even though it's been a good few months since his last run I think the cycling g has really helped him to stay fit. Y
This route that we are taking has two possible ways to go, now considering he hasn't been running for a while I thought he would take the shorter, possibly more muddier route (but no huge hill to run up) to go but, no, he said "Go straight up" it will be muddy the other way" I was half expecting it really, I did ask him how he was feeling and if he can manage it. Of course he could! What a daft question hat was.
Anyway, a short run told in a short blog, mainly because I am writing this again on my iPhone! , it was a great run through the woods, although I did twist my ankle slightly, but as I am not able to go running tomorrow with my club, due to, would you believe, a risk assessment workshop, (so glad I had a headlamp, but did forget to bring a phone tut tut) I was pleased to be out running today.
A great 46-47 min run today, it was about 3.5 miles in total.
I am loving running. I can say that with almost true conviction. After all, if I didn't love it, then I wouldn't still be writing this blog, right? So dive in, enjoy the ramblings of my open diary.
Monday, 27 February 2012
Sunday, 26 February 2012
What a busy day!
Hello blog lovers.
Grandson, church, shopping, chopping veg, running, showering, cooking, eating and a couple of beers. All before 9 o'clock this evening. But when I went to plug in my garmin my computer started hassling me about not having enough virtual memory! What is that all about. And then it was going slow, I can can only imagine what the girls thought of me (and my slow jogging) today as we all ran together!
But this is a running blog so I shall continue. Nagging sister and Hitchy were running with me today and they both arrived before I had even got changed into my skins! Duly ready we went outside to catch the satellites on my Garmin and set off. We were running a route that Hitchy had ran before and she said it was about 10k which is the distance at the moment for our LSR's.
Off we went, and so far it's the same route that I took last Monday. But today, at the end of the long road we turned left to go up the A21. Now I cycle up here, I am getting better, but I have yet to run it. Coming down the other way from Knockholt is good! This should be an experience for me.
"we're going to go through the posh houses" says Hitchy "they are lovely houses, I just love these houses" I think we all do! If I owned a house like that the. I would be really fit, what with the personal chef, cleaner and trainer I would have! But before we get there we have the long up hill slog! When we got as far as Maccie D's a young girl sort of tagged along with us, I thought she was a friends of NS's daughter, but she was a total random! And she was chatting away and jogging for a hundred yards or so before her friends called her on her mobile. "I shall be back in a minute, it's ok" she said. And then she left us! When I found out that NS didn't know her I was very surprised.
Soon the lovely houses came up. I was so pleased to have something nice to look at, NS and Hitchys backsides were getting boring. Mind you I. Think I prefer that than the smiley faces when they turned around to encourage me on! How can they be smiling! This is a tough bit or road! How dare they smile while all I can manage is a grimace. NS even has full makeup on, and Hitchy put a bit on a bit of lippy!
The houses through here are lovely, and it did help to take my mind off the running, well I till we came to some particularly lovely houses, and then I slowed down to admire the architecture of said lovely houses. Well that was my excuse anyway.
Enough drooling over the houses as we exit the posh road, not before I threw another paddy about the two little girls running faster than me, and so I didn't want to run! We popped out onto Crofton road. Not far now, I thought to my self, and then Iooked up at the road as it climbing up. I am sure this is a more hillier route than my six miler! Prettier yes, and even skirting on the edge of the woods!
Just a mile to go now, and I was very fired, I can feel the legs being slowly filled with lead, as we head for the path that takes is near to home. If I push myself I can get a better time, if I push myself, I need to push myself. I tried very hard, even the girls thought I put on a bit of a sprint it it was way too early. And all I said is "blimey, you're right behind me still" as the girls close in on me, still smiling as apposed to me grimacing!
Just the last bit of road work now, with still just a little bill to negotiate and the. It's down hill all the way. The other two hot to my door before me and I sprinted, sort of, to them. Now time for smiles as we walk around the green to walk off those 6.26 miles! That's right exactly the same distance of my solo LSR last week!
Geeky stats to be added later
Grandson, church, shopping, chopping veg, running, showering, cooking, eating and a couple of beers. All before 9 o'clock this evening. But when I went to plug in my garmin my computer started hassling me about not having enough virtual memory! What is that all about. And then it was going slow, I can can only imagine what the girls thought of me (and my slow jogging) today as we all ran together!
But this is a running blog so I shall continue. Nagging sister and Hitchy were running with me today and they both arrived before I had even got changed into my skins! Duly ready we went outside to catch the satellites on my Garmin and set off. We were running a route that Hitchy had ran before and she said it was about 10k which is the distance at the moment for our LSR's.
Off we went, and so far it's the same route that I took last Monday. But today, at the end of the long road we turned left to go up the A21. Now I cycle up here, I am getting better, but I have yet to run it. Coming down the other way from Knockholt is good! This should be an experience for me.
"we're going to go through the posh houses" says Hitchy "they are lovely houses, I just love these houses" I think we all do! If I owned a house like that the. I would be really fit, what with the personal chef, cleaner and trainer I would have! But before we get there we have the long up hill slog! When we got as far as Maccie D's a young girl sort of tagged along with us, I thought she was a friends of NS's daughter, but she was a total random! And she was chatting away and jogging for a hundred yards or so before her friends called her on her mobile. "I shall be back in a minute, it's ok" she said. And then she left us! When I found out that NS didn't know her I was very surprised.
Soon the lovely houses came up. I was so pleased to have something nice to look at, NS and Hitchys backsides were getting boring. Mind you I. Think I prefer that than the smiley faces when they turned around to encourage me on! How can they be smiling! This is a tough bit or road! How dare they smile while all I can manage is a grimace. NS even has full makeup on, and Hitchy put a bit on a bit of lippy!
The houses through here are lovely, and it did help to take my mind off the running, well I till we came to some particularly lovely houses, and then I slowed down to admire the architecture of said lovely houses. Well that was my excuse anyway.
Enough drooling over the houses as we exit the posh road, not before I threw another paddy about the two little girls running faster than me, and so I didn't want to run! We popped out onto Crofton road. Not far now, I thought to my self, and then Iooked up at the road as it climbing up. I am sure this is a more hillier route than my six miler! Prettier yes, and even skirting on the edge of the woods!
Just a mile to go now, and I was very fired, I can feel the legs being slowly filled with lead, as we head for the path that takes is near to home. If I push myself I can get a better time, if I push myself, I need to push myself. I tried very hard, even the girls thought I put on a bit of a sprint it it was way too early. And all I said is "blimey, you're right behind me still" as the girls close in on me, still smiling as apposed to me grimacing!
Just the last bit of road work now, with still just a little bill to negotiate and the. It's down hill all the way. The other two hot to my door before me and I sprinted, sort of, to them. Now time for smiles as we walk around the green to walk off those 6.26 miles! That's right exactly the same distance of my solo LSR last week!
Geeky stats to be added later
Tuesday, 21 February 2012
Thrills or Hills!

Hello Bloggers.
Club run today and it seems as as if our illustrious leader is 'putting the squeeze' on us. "We're doing hills today, to encourage you to join some of the events that are happening in March" she says. Now, I'm sure she meant that in the most best possible way, but to me, a hillphobic, and proud of it, it almost sound like a, well I shall let you make your minds up.
But listening to all the other group leaders and they were all doing hills. Its like some secret conspiracy they all have to encourage us all to join in these events.
Off we went, the first hill was more or less right on top of us. Of course that came and went without even noticing. Well, we were all still chatting, and we all had fresh legs. I tried to ignore the fact that it was a hill, and act like all the other runners, just jogging along, chatting, looking at the houses etc. But my body knew it was a hill, and it started to remind me of yesterdays run. "Yeah and?" I said quietly to myself, well, in my head really, after all, these guys are my running buddies, I don't want to be kicked out of my club do I?
First hill done. Now I remember our illustrious leader talking about Poverest road. I have a hard time cycling this road and now I am going to be running it, or at least some part of it. I was glad it was dark actually, because then I cant really see the roads rising up before me. I can just feel them! Now the other two hills, well they kind of blurred into one, because by now I was really feeling those 6 miles.
The second hill I was behind the main group, as per usual. There is no way I am ready for group 2 yet! But I'm sure if I keep on doing those 6 milers then I will be getting stronger and faster. They are definitely out of my comfort zone! But each time I do it I am so pleased with myself, with maybe just some disappointment over times. but I decided from all the encouragement that I have got, that I am not going to worry about that. the only time I need to be worried about times is when I'm in a race!
The third hill, and I must be very fair to our illustrious leader, they were all fairly short hills, either that or I really am getting better at this running malarkey! Unlike 'The Husband' last week, with that long steep hill!
I was way at the back by now, and our illustrious Leader was in the sweeper position as we ran along the last two roads. The rest of the group was quite spread out, and, as it turned out with Nagging Sisters endy thing, I was about 2 mins behind them.
I was wondering if I had anything left for the last bit for my usual sprint! I did most of it, but flagged at the last 50 or so feet from the entrance to the park! But there comes that feel good feeling. Another run done. and I am feeling good. Ready for my dinner now.
Mind you, I think our illustrious leaders plan has worked a bit, because me and NS are thinking of at least two of the events that are happening in March! One is definitely off, as its NS birthday before and our lovely auntie is taking us out! Its a an awful job, but it needs to be done! (And I have to wear my new shoes again!)
Geeky stats
Monday, 20 February 2012
My Long Solo Jog!

Hello bloggers,
It's exactly what it says on the tin! I went for my very first long (well for me it is) solo jog today. I Had no kids, I needed a long stretch of the legs. But whether I could go for a long run today or not, I wasn't sure.
I normally talk myself into just running one of the usual old routes, and try and beat a pb. That is how I used to justify doing a short run. "Old Old Girl, you must be getting fitter, lets see if you can beat your BP on this route" All these thoughts were going through my mind as I was heading up the road today. Only this time I ran straight on! Pased where I used to turn to do a 3.5 miler. Straight on to the top and turned right!
Even then I was tempted to turn left, but I had a route in mind, sort of, and that is what I was going to do! Head towards Bromley then turn left at the Dripping Tap. I remember Naggy Neighbour taking me this way, and I complained like heck, thankfully most of it was in my head as I was having trouble talking and jogging!
Tescos came and went, the little hill came and up I ran. Even then I didn't turn right to take the short route home. Oh no! I was heading up the way that me an Nagging Sister went a few weeks ago! I wonder if I shall see her running along! On and On, the walking was getting more as little pains and niggles started, the ache in my back and neck, stresses over the last 24 hours refusing to give up on me. But I battle on through, "Just run Old girl, half way round now,......unless you wimp out!" I was determined not to wimp out!
On Blackbrrok lane now, heading towards Bickly Manor! "No wimping out, turn left Old Girl, go through the park, might as well, you're out now" It's surprising how talking to ones self comes back so quickly and easily. And I accept it as the norm as well. But must try to remember not to speak out to loudly!
There, I've committed myself now, I turned left into the park! Plenty of people about, walking dogs or just walking. Park keepers burning stuff on my right, birds tweeting, and the sun is shining. Couldn't ask for better running conditions. But of course I still complained.....to myself.....out loud! "S**t Old Girl, what were you thinking!! You're a bloody nan for goodness sake, go take cod liver oils like all good nannies should"
I got through the park, I'm sure people didn't notice or hear me talking, they may have noticed my breathing though "shee shee ha ha" as I try to get control of my breathing. two steps exhale, two steps inhale. I knew those ante natal classes would come to fruition one day! (sure as hell didn't help when I needed them!)
Even now I could cut my jog short and turn right, but no, I chose to go on. On wards and upwards, through to Pettswood. Now I can start heading home. Only one more mile to go, a nice cuppa, relax, do the washing, sweeping, fill the dishwasher, pick 'Mr. Potato Head' up from the three rooms he seems to have occupied, put clean washing away, prepare dinner. And who knows, I may even go out for a cycling ride later!!
Geeky Stats
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
Happy Valentines Day!

Hello Blog readers.
It's a club run today, and yes, its Valentines Day! Where else would a keep fit family be on a Tuesday night. I am running with my club and The Old boy is out cycling! We shall meet over our dinner, chicken nandos and salad! How much more romance do we need.
Our illustrious leader was absent today, she was having a break somewhere in Europe, so her husband took over her role today (See how romantic all us runners are) But I must say, there were only a few runners from each group today, in fact, some of the groups had to merge with each other as some of the run leaders were away.
But our leader had a route in mind. We set off, there were only about 5 or 6 of us, and of course in the beginning I was at the front. I don't know why, but I was feeling it today, just struggling a little more today. Even staying in the front chatting to the leader was a bit of a struggle today. But I didn't quit.
Our leader, must be missing his missus though, and took it out on us!! His route today was taking us pass the railway station, which means that we have to head on up up up the road to get back home! He did warn us, and then he said to me, "There is a bit of a hill to go up, but just see how far you get before yo have to walk" Now he told me this as we were on a bit of a flat route! And then I saw the hill. Of course what I call a hill, and the hill that our leader was talking about are two completely different animals!
A gently slope, a pimple, an incline! But today it felt like the hill that, our leader told us about a little earlier. I tried to get to the top of this little hill, but I didn't make it to the top. Of course I was thinking that was it. It wasn't until we went past the station, and turned right that I saw the hill that our leader spoke off. By this time I was at the back, and Nagging Sister was behind with me keeping me company, even though I said to her the "Go on, save your self, don't worry about me" Well, ok, the save yourself is a bit dramatic, but you know me, love a good story! but she stuck with me Nagging all the way to the end.
The last bit is my sprint bit. I really didn't feel as if I had it in me today. It was probably all those biscuits I made earlier, little heart shaped shortbread, oh my goodness, they were yummy.....mmmmmm, drool, slurp..... Oh I'm sorry, a Homer moment, its been a while since I had one of those! so those biscuits were threaten to come up on the last bit, I really did feel quite nauseous as I focused on the sign to the rec ground. There were quite a few runners back from the group 2 and 3 merger, and there was no way I was going to chuck up in front of them so I slowed down and composed myself.
I am disappointed in my run today. Beating myself up again! That is until one of the other group 1 runners said, "Sometimes its hard, and sometimes times you can breeze it" I wasn't feeling it then, not until a still quite voice said exactly them same in my head. Yes, Old Girl, sometimes its going to be hard and sometimes you will wonder what the fuss is all about!!
Oh and Mr. S, what number excuse have I got up to, but eating home made biscuits can be added to it as well now.
Geeky stats
Sunday, 12 February 2012
Oh Dear, What Can The Matter Be, 1 Old Girl, Well, she needs the Lavatory!

Hello Bloggers.
Well its two weeks since our last long run, and me and Nagging Sister is back at Knockholt Train Station, again, abandoned!
I can't remember what the weather was blooming chilly! I'm sure it was colder than the last time we were here, it is certainly a lot more interesting, with all the ice and snow on the ground. But I have not been as active as two weeks ago, due to all the ice and snow! So maybe that should help, or maybe not!
Me and Nagging sister set our devices to record our progress on the run and went for it. I wasn't thinking about breaking records, but I really would like to get a PB at least from this route. The chill reaches right into my lungs with every inward breath. It's going to be a hard slog today.
At the bottom of the first road we turn left to run along the A21, this is where the most of the snow is. It's quite compacted and very slippery! We negotiated our way safely through that. "I wish I had gone to the loo" I said to NS. Maybe it's just the weather that's making me want the loo, maybe it's because I am old now, or.... as I suspect, it's probably that cup of tea I had about half hour before we left home! I should have know better.
The loo situation was playing on my mind a bit, and I did my best to ignore it. Until we came to a sign showing the services, 'Costa, petrol and WC' "I really think I should have go to the loo" I said to NS, "I am going to have to stop at the service station up ahead" I explained to her.
Of course, when you're in a car, the service signs to the actual services don't seem that far, but when you're running, Oh my goodness!! I tried not to dwell on it, and soon enough I spied the services, on the other side of the road.
After a quick P..it stop we carried on our run. No photo opportunity's today, just running. Already I was knacked! I was wondering why on earth any body would want to run in the freezing cold, well ok, it's not below freezing, I think the gauge on the car read about 3.5 degrees, but it is still blooming cold. I must say though, the council have done wonders with the paths along the A21, they are well gritted, except for that bit I told you about, so there is hardly any snow on our run. But I do wish the horse riders would clear up after their horse, because me and NS are volting and hurdling, and tippy toeing our way through the sh........ manure! I'm sure the horses could walk on the grassy verges rather than the actual path!
Any way, not a lot to say on this long laborious road, we weren't 'tooted' at all, the Old Boy wasn't partaking of a pint at the pub to be able to greet us, and no mate on his bike to shout out encouragement! It did seem a long run today.
After reaching the bus garage I was really flagging. NS had done her best to keep me going, (you all realise that I did have walking stops of course) but I had had more walking stops than I did last time! "Come on Old Girl, if we push it from here we can beat our time" I really didn't feel as if I had it in me, I told her to go for it, "Go beat your PB" I shouted out to her, and with that she was away!
I whinged and whined all the way down the ally, I nagged and moaned, and scolded myself all the way home. I was just so disappointed with my time. A whole minute slower!! What the......!!!
But NS (who by they way took 2 minutes off her time) and the Old Boy, said well done! "At least you're out there doing it!" and "Well, you have been over doing the eating drinking and non exercise thing" Hmmm!! I am still disappointed with my time!
Geeky stats for you!
Tuesday, 7 February 2012
Its A Bugs Life!

Hello Blog lovers.
I shall explain the sub title a little later, but it did make me chuckle, the reason for it! Yes, I went running this evening, and so did Nagging Sister and so did Hitchy, do you all remember her, she was the one that joined me when I ran passed her road, like a hitchhiker! She had the evening off work and fancied a run, in the freezing cold! But then, the jogging bug, once its there, its there.
It was a bit touch and go whether we were going to be out running today, due to the snow we had at the weekend, and now there is the danger of all that ice about, but luckily it was fairly clear! Health and Safety met, and we were ready!
It was a straight forward, virtually, out and back today. The pavements were clear of snow, and the top end was even salted and gritted! We set off, I had volunteered to be sweeper today, its a quite a small group today, so I felt I could offer my services as sweeper, and besides, what a great excuse for being at the back, eh, eh, clever Old Girl. Our illustrious leader did say she will swap round half way through, and I just thought then that she would be sweeping the sweeper!
So the route today, straight down the road and straight back up again. The Chequers pub was mentioned, and I was quite annoyed that Hitchy had gone with group two, as she has a twenty in her back pocket! Not that we would have stopped anyway, (darn it) but its just a nice thought!
Anyway, here's the bit that made me think of today's sub title, on the way back we crossed over Blackbrook lane, with me still in sweeper position, and we were all quite close together still, after a quick stop by the pub......no, we didn't go in, we are still on the run...... but our illustrious leader did this double back and ran around the little planted green while the rest of the group stood virtually motionless, not knowing which way to go, a bit like the scene from 'A Bugs Life', when a twig falls across the path of the ants as they are collecting food! If you not seen it, then have a look, its bound to be on the Internet somewhere. Anyway, our Illustrious Leader just told us to "Go on, go on" and that she was taking over as sweeper.
Everyone knew where there were going, it would be very difficult to get lost, so the group just 'elongated' from here, me being at the pack of the main pack. But just a little further up this bit of road I saw the Old Boy, just finishing his 17 miles on his bike, he gave me a wave, nonchalantly from his bike.
Now those that know this bit of road, know that it is slightly up hill route. I had my usual run in mind as I was running up here. Normally from about the Billet until Oxhawth I normally have stopped at least twice, but this evening I didn't! I don't know if its because I am with a group, although by now the pack had pulled away from me some more, and the back markers were some way behind me as well, but I kept on running, running and running. At least until the hill (or pimple as the Old Boy would call it) kicked in, and then I had a quick walking session and then back to running.
I am so going to have to do my old route again, just to see how far I get before I even think about walking again, although now days I am needing to extend my distances, so the old routes will have extra roads attached to them, and this route would have Petts wood attached to it.
A very good run this evening, chilly, definitely, but still feeling good about being out. I am loving my running, I am loving the whole running club! And I am loving the fact that Nagging Sister is becoming a member and Hitchy! Although Hitchy will have to do some of the weekend activities, stupid work keeps her away from us on Tuesdays normally!
So, geeky stats for you, and these are from Nagging Sisters endo-scopic thingy, or what ever it is on on Iphone! (I had forgotten to charge my Garmin!)
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