Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Club Run - A Break In The Weather

Hello Bloggees.

Can you believe its been a whole week since I last put on my running shoes!? I am slacking! But at least I am not completely lazy and and vegging out, the bike does get an airing during the week.

But today, I really struggled..........to get the motivation to go out! It was cold, and dark, and wet and windy! I really didn't have anything to get me out of my chair. I even put a pathetic appeal out the club's FaceBook page! But, then, the Old Boy had said he was going to go out on his bike, he called me a wimp for even thinking of not going out! That was it! I decided I will go, after all, what will happen if I get wet!! Melt!

I got all my gear on, the Old boy still laying on the sofa. I expect he will go when he is ready. I got to the club early, so I sat in my nice warm car, and I could feel that old couch potato wanting to keep me in the nice warm car. But I had come this far. The rain had stopped sometime ago, and even the wind seems to have gone, so there was no excuses left, well apart from the cold and the dark!

There were quite a few people who have turned up. And even the newbies were all keen and ready to run. After the announcements we all found our group leaders and headed off. Our route was a figure of eight style, which took us pass the road where we meet up, not just once but twice. And the second time we actually run past the rec, past where I park my car! Yet we still had another mile to run!

I was quite impressed with myself, for the first big loop I ran non stop up at the front of the pack, and even was in the lead 'role' for a short period! Our illustrious leader even said "If you get too far ahead, Old Girl, we are going to have a stop up near the memorial hall" I knew that I wouldn't be the first to get there, but now there was this thought in my head! Could I actually get there first> I was looking up towards the hill that we had to climb, and I started to think "Well go for it Old girl, see if you can get their first" I tried, but the hill just got to me, and I slowed down.

But I was still quite proud of myself for keep up. I wasn't the last one any more, thanks to the newbies, who will soon be overtake me anyway! But getting this far non stop running, was pretty good going for me,

Now came the time where we had to head down the road where we all met up in the rec. It was pretty tough going to pass it on by. Mentally it was quite a struggle, and mentally, knowing where we are heading was pretty tough going too. I know the hill that we are going to run up, one because I just know this road, and two, (if I didn't' know it,) we had ran down it earlier!

going back up the road that we had run down I really did try to keep going, but I took a couple of walking stops, and was encouraged by the other guys to keep going, nearly there.

Going down the hill again felt fan - blooming - tastic! I love running down hill, knowing that the energy levels were dropping now. And it gives me such a much needed boost as well.

The last road up to the club, the road that I take to get to the club, the road that we have already ran up this evening, felt terrific! I was looking forward to getting home. I still had a little extra for a sprint finish. I love that sprint finish. I felt great running today! Yes that's right, I felt great while running today!

I am glad I went out today, I am glad that I found that tiny bit of motivation to get on out....The Old Boy didn't go out! He wasn't feeling to well!

Here is the geeky stats

Club Run by moosh001 at Garmin Connect - Details

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